CLAS/HIST240: Ancient
Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois
Instructor: Thomas J. Sienkewicz (
"Africa in the Ancient World"
Spring Semester,
CLAS/HIST240 and
General Education / Africa in the Ancient World
(a brief description) / Required and Recommended Books
Instructor /
Class Format /
Goals and Requirements
Map List
/ Bibliography and
Reserve List /
Schedule of Events
/ Grading
Scale / Writing Guidelines for
Professor Sienkewicz' Classes / Guidelines
for Book Reviews and Reports /
Some Useful Links and Course
Documents / Sample
Report Topics /
Class Photo
A word on plagiarism: Plagiarism
is copying someone else's work without giving credit. Such copying--from a book, another
classmate's paper, or any other source--is dishonest. Any student submitting plagiarized
work will receive a failing grade for that assignment. If two papers with identical or
nearly-identical work are submitted by different students, both papers will receive a
failing grade.
Caveat: This
syllabus is subject to revision by the instructor, provided that written or verbal notice
is given in class.
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