Some Guidelines for Submitting Work
to Prof. Tom Sienkewicz

In addition to reading these guidelines, the following link to advice written by John Porter at the University of Saskatchewan is highly recommended:

Generally, written work for this course will be submitted electronically either by posting it as a webpage on a personal website or as an attachment to an e-mail message sent to As a rule, electronically typed work should NOT be typed on the e-mail message screen but should be prepared in a word processor or webpage designer. Authors are responsible for the appearance of their work as it is read by others. All electronically-submitted papers must include the following: 1.) a header containing the author's name in the upper left-hand corner of EVERY PAGE of the file; 2.) a title which identifies the assignment; 3.) the date submitted; 4.) electronic page numberings (suppressed on the first page); 5.) double-spacing; and 6.) book titles italicized rather than underlined.  When including notes, do NOT use the word processor's footnote or endnote commands. (These are extremely difficult to use and to read on the computer screen.) Rather type notes sequentially at the end of the body of the paper.

Work submitted as a webpage (in html format) does not have to be double-spaced. It will automatically have headers and page numbers. However, it is still necessary to put the author's name with a mailto: hyperlink so users can contact the author.. Such work should also have a title on the page and be appropriately named (use the right mouse button and select  "Page Properties"). 

Before submitting any written work, be sure to proofread. ALWAYS use spellcheck.  Also check for grammatical and punctuation errors. WordPerfect's Grammatik may help with this. Be especially careful about your use of the apostrophe (e.g., "its" versus "it's") and of homonyms like "their" and "there". Always avoid the use of  second-person pronouns and adjectives ("you," "your"). Do not use first-person pronouns and adjectives ("I". "we", "me", "us", "my", "our") unless you are specifically asked in the assignment to express your opinion. Also avoid slang expressions and contractions ("can't" instead of "cannot") in formal writing.

Students sometimes have the option of revising and resubmitting work after it has been graded the first time. In such cases, the original grades on the assignment will be replaced by the revised grade. Rarely will the revised grade be lower than the original grade. In revising work, students should not only address the instructor's specific comments, but reread their papers critically on their own and try to improve them. In the occasional case when work has been graded on paper rather than electronically, students MUST resubmit the original paper along with the revised work. Generally, students have TWO (2) weeks following the original return of assignments to submit revised work for consideration. The instructor reserves the option not to accept revised work submitted after that period of time.

When incorporating images into your coursework, it is very important that you provide descriptive and bibliographic information. Such information includes at least  short description of the object, its creator (if known), the date of its creation, its provenance, and your source for the image. This should be done for each image, not just as part of a general bibliography.

Citation Format:

An excellent on-line resource for creating proper citation format is If you use this cite, you cannot go wrong as long as you are consist; i.e, choose MLA, APA, or Chicago format and use that format consistently.

Do not number the entries in a bibliography.

List entries alphabetically by last name of author.

Use a standard format (samples below) to provide bibliographic information. Remember that consistency of format is very important.

When reviewing a single article, book or website all this information should appear at the top of the review.

For articles in journals--

Last Name of Author, First Name. "Title of Article." Journal or Book Title Italicized or Underlined Vol No. (Date of Publication), Pages. Number of illustrations.

Sienkewicz, Thomas J., Alice Mulberry, Patrice Reaves, Elizabeth Kann and Barbara Bell. "Lingua Latina Liberis: Four Models for Latin the Elementary School," with  Classical Journal 99 (2003/04) 301-312.

For books--

Last Name of Author, First Name. Book Title Italicized or Underlined. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date of Publication. Number of illustrations.

Sienkewicz, Thomas J. an d LeaAnn Osburn. Vergil: A LEGAMUS Transitional Reader. Wauconda, Ill.: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 2004.

For an article in a book--

Last Name of Author, First Name. "Title of Article" in Book Title Italicized or Underlined, edited by First Name, Last Name of editor. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date of Publication. Number of illustrations.

Sienkewicz, Thomas J."The Greeks Are Too Like the Others: The Sunjata epic of West Africa" in Myth and Polis, edited by John Wickersham and Dora Pozzi. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1991.

For websites--

Last Name of Author, First Name. "Title of Website." URL of website.

Sienkewicz, Thomas J. "The Department of Classics."

For images--

Temple of Apollo. In The Pictorial Library of Biblical Lands, produced by Todd Bolen.,-tb031606673-bibleplaces.jpg

Botticelli, Sandro. "Birth of Venus." 1482-1485. Uffizzi Gallery Museum, Florence, Italy.

For further information about citation, see the following websites:
MLA Style Electronic Formats by Dr. Mary Ellen Guffey, first published in Business Communication Quarterly, March 1997, pp. 59-76.
Columbia Online Style: MLA-Style Citations of Electronic Sources (Endorsed by the Alliance for Computers & Writing)
For information and guidelines about on-line plagiarism, see:
Preventing, Detecting and Tracking Online Plagiarism
Cut-and-Paste Plagiarism
Please note that this site, which has some useful information about plagiarism, is maintained by an organization which may be questionable in its practices. It is a good illustration of why every website you use should be evaluated critically and carefully.
Some useful websites for help with writing and grammar:
Purdue University On-Line Writing Lab
Big Dog's Grammar
Captial Community College's Guide to Grammar and Writing

This material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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