Classics/History 240G: Ancient Societies Goals and Requirements
Short Papers 15% Print Resource: Summary and Review 10% Electronic Resource: Summary and Review 10% Quizzes 35%
Approximately once a week each student will submit a statement on a class discussion, reading, film, convocation, or assigned reading. These statements, at least 600 words (two pages) in length are informal, short, non-research essays on discussion topics. They are not just summaries of activities. They should go beyond mere recording of events to include personal analysis and commentary. Emphasis will be on (1) integration of the student's own ideas and thoughts with the subject matter of the course and on (2) coherent and logical expression of these ideas. In these statements you will briefly summarize the main points, offer your own opinion and thoughts about the topics raised, and support your statement with specific data. These statements will be graded on a four-point scale. Submission of the work on time earns the student one point. Additional points will be earned for following content and stylistic requirements and for personal analysis and commentary. Point System for Statements 4.0 content, writing style and personal analysis all excellent 3.0 content, writing style and personal analysis, at least two adequate 2.0 C content, writing style and personal analysis, at least one adequate 1.0 D assignment submitted on time 0.0 M assignment not submitted on time II. Print Resource: Summary and Review Each student will prepare a review (1000 word minimum) on a print resource (book or journal article) dealing with some aspect of Africa in ancient Greece or Rome. The resource must come from the Hewes Library collection; i.e., no interlibrary loan material accepted. See especially the books on reserve for this course.Available journal resources include the American Journal of Archaeology, American Journal of Philology, Archaeology, Classical Journal, Classical Outlook, Classical Philology, Classical World, Helios, Phoenix, and Transactions of the American Philological Association. Papers available on JStore are permitted. Since individual articles cannot be reviewed by more than one student, you should confirm your choice with the instructor as soon as possible. Each review must include in its top matter standard bibliographic information (including Hewes Library call number, where appropriate). Below this bibliographic information summarize the source in two or three sentences. A photocopy of journal articles MUST also be submitted to the instructor along with the review. Within the body of the review the
following questions must be addressed: 1.) What are the main points of this resource? 2.) How does the
author illustrate these points? What ancient sources and evidence are used to illustrate
these points? 3.) How is the subject of this article related to the course topic (Africa
in the ancient world) and, specifically, to topics and evidence discussed in class? 4.)
What are the author's qualifications for dealing with this material? and 5.) What is your
own evaluation of the author's work? Both the instructor and one other student will write statements evaluating this review (which will be submitted only to the author of the review, not to the entire class). Authors are encouraged to use the reviews of other classmates as resources in revising their reviews for resubmission. Your evaluation of a student's work should address at least the following questions: 1.) Does this review follow the assignment guidelines? 2.) What are the best features of this review? 3.) How would you improve it? 4.) How would you use this review to improve your own review? Students are expected to read all of these reviews, which become part of the course material. Those who make significant reference to this material in other assignments, and especially on tests, will automatically receive higher grades. III. Electronic Resource: Summary and Review Each student will prepare a review (1000 word minimum) on webpage dealing with some aspect of Africa in ancient Greece or Rome. Since the same material cannot be reviewed by more than one student, you should confirm your choice with the instructor as soon as possible. Each review must include in its top matter standard bibliographic information (including web address and date accessed). A print copy of the first page (or table of contents) of this website also be submitted to the instructor along with the review. Within the body of the review you must address the following questions: 1.) What are the main features of this resource? 2.) What is the author(s)' point of view or main purpose? 3.) H ow does the author illustrate and develop this point of view or purpose? What ancient sources and evidence are used to illustrate these points? 4.) How is the material related to the course topic (Africa in the ancient world) and, specifically to topics and evidence discussed in class? 5.) What are the author's qualifications for dealing with this material? and 6.) What is your own evaluation of the author's work? All reports are to be submitted electronically to all members of the course via the college computer network. The grade for this project will be 10% of the final grade and will be based upon at least the following criteria: the quality (and length) of the material chosen; its appropriateness for the assignment; writing style; and completion of assignment instructions. All reports are to be posted electronically in the following public documents folder of Outlook: \Departments\Academic\Classics\CLAS/HIST240 Africa. The grade for this project will be 10% of the final grade and will be based upon at least the following criteria: the quality (and length) of the material chosen; its appropriateness for the assignment; writing style; and completion of assignment instructions. Both the instructor and one other student will write statements evaluating this review (which will be submitted only to the author of the review, not to the entire class). Authors are encouraged to use the reviews of other classmates as resources in revising their reviews for resubmission. Your evaluation of a student's work should address at least the following questions: 1.) Does this review follow the assignment guidelines? 2.) What are the best features of this review? 3.) How would you improve it? 4.) How would you use this review to improve your own review? Students are expected to read all of these reviews, which become part of the course material. Those who make significant reference to this material in other assignments, and especially on tests, will automatically receive higher grades. Ideally, this project will lead naturally from the print and electronic resources reviewed in II and III. Each student will pursue a semester-long project which focuses on some special aspect of African in the ancient world. The central product of this project can take the form of a research paper, creative writing, artwork, website or any other work which deals with material covered in course readings or discussions. Preparation for this project must include library research,
analysis of historical evidence, and original work. The project must
also demonstrate significant use of ancient primary sources as well
as secondary, scholarly material. A
for this project is due around mid-semester. See
Project Guidelines for additional suggestions about choosing
a topic and completing this assignment.
VI. Quizzes There will be one (1) map (geography) quiz and at least (2) unit quizzes. Both unit quizzes will consist of single essay questions which offer students an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of class lectures and text readings, to draw general conclusions about the material, to evaluate their own attitudes towards Africa in the ancient world. Click here to read these quiz questions. In answering this essay questions you should be prepared to make reference to a variety of material, including class lectures, slides, text readings and films. The map (geography) quiz must be passed in order to pass the course. Other quizzes, both announced and unannounced, may be given at the discretion of the instructor. No make-ups for quizzes (except for the map quiz) will be given.