Common Reflective Writing Assignment for INTG305

Three Elements of the Assignment

1.       Observation – After an introduction to ritual animal sacrifice in the ancient Greco-Roman world, you will attend a lecture on the practice on Monday, November 3, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. in Pattee Auditorium.  This lecture is the focus of your writing assignment. Be sure to take careful written notes at the lecture. You will hand in these notes to the instructor after you finish the writing assignment.

2.       Analysis – After attending the lecture you will explore the topic in writing in the context of the course.  They should break ideas down and put them back together.  They should begin making connections between ideas encountered in this lecture and topics discussed elsewhere in the course and in your own experience.  Be sure to consider what this reflection means to you intellectually, personally and socially.

3.       Deriving Implications or Meanings – In your written reflection on this topic you must offer conclusions about where this reflection has led you.  In other words, write about what your views on ritual animal sacrifice were before and how they have changed or perhaps become more solidified as a result of attending this lecture.

This written reflection must be at least 1000 words in length and no longer than 2000 words. (Use Word Count!) The paper must be handed to the instructor via email or on paper but it also must be submitted to via Remember: The notes you took at the lecture must also be handed in class to the instructor.

Here are instructions for submitting your paper via

Note: Be sure to print out the digital receipt you receive from when you submit your paper and hand it in to the instructor along with your paper.

This written reflection is due on Tuesday, Nov. 11th.