CLAS/HIST240 Ancient Societies:
Sport and Recreation

Department of Classics
Monmouth College

Class Format

The focus of this course is an examination ancient sport, its philosophy and its reality. Classes will concentrate on analyzing the ancient evidence regarding sport and recreation in the ancient world. Readings, class lectures and discussions are intended to complement each other. While we may not mention every reading in class, you will be expected to show your familiarity with this material on the unit quizzes, in class discussions and in other assignments. Interesting class discussions depend on faithful completion of these reading assignments by every student.

This is a writing intensive course. You will be handing in weekly reaction papers as well as an individualized project (due at the end of semester).

Classes will generally meet three days a week, MWF 1:00-1:50 P.M. While daily attendance is not recorded, class participation counts towards the grade and persistent absence from class will inevitably affect successful completion of course requirements. In exceptional cases, the instructor may place an individual student on "no-cut" status. There will be no make ups for missed exams (or quizzes) without a serious medical excuse.

Whenever possible, course handouts, including this syllabus, will be available in electronic form on the Monmouth College Classics Dept. webpage (http:\\\classics\courses\CLA240\sport).

Do not hesitate to ask questions in class. There is no such thing as a "stupid question". If you don't understand something, there are inevitably others in the class who do not understand either and you will do the entire class a favor by asking for explanations.

For instructions about submission of written work for this course, please consult Prof. Sienkewicz' Writing Guidelines.

You may be expected to attend Convocations, public lectures, and other college functions. Questions relating to these talks may appear on quizzes, tests, and assignments.

Although there is no final exam in this course, please note that class WILL MEET during the period scheduled for a final exam. This meeting will be used for various activities, including ORAL REPORTS, a course summary, and student evaluation. Attendance at this session is obligatory.

This material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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