CLAS224 Word Elements
Monmouth College
Monmouth, Illinois
Instructor: Thomas J. Sienkewicz (


A Sample Unit Exam is available here: Sample Latin Unit Exam.

This is the format for the exam:

Part I Linguistic Terms (15%)
For this section of the test you should know the terms in the following lists:
Important Terms in Lederer's Word Circus / Important Terms in Ayers / Latin Words in Ayers / Latin Phrases in Ayers  All four of these sheets will be included with the test. You will provide the correct answer from these sheets. Please remember that definitions are provided for most of these terms at the following pages:
Important Terms in Ayers with Definitions
Lederer's Word Circus with Definitions
Latin Loan Words in Ayers with Definitions
Latin Loan Phrases in Ayers with Definitions

For this section you should know all the elements in the Latin half of Ayers. There is a complete list of these Latin prefixes, bases and suffixes in Ayers, pp. 149-155. You will be asked to provide the meaning and an English derivative for 30 elements.

Part III Word Analysis (25%)
For this sections you should be able to analyze any of the italicized words in alls the Exercise III's  of the Latin half of Ayers. There is a complete list of these italicized words in Ayers, pp. 143-147. You will be asked to analyze TEN (10) out of FIFTEEN 15) of these words.