CLAS210 Ancient Literature:
Images of Masculinity
FALL, 2001

NOTE:  This schedule will remain "in progress" throughout the semester. It will be modified as needed. Students are advised to consult this schedule periodically for changes, modifications, and additions.
Additional study questions will be added later.

Aug. 28 Course Introductions
Discussion of Beauty and Meaning Rubric. See the Monmouth College Curriculum.
Question: What is a modern American image of masculinity?
Aug. 30 The Hollywood Image of Ancient Masculinity: "Gladiator". 
Gladiator Cast of Characters / Gladiator List of Scenes
Use these "Study Questions"  and Gladiator Study Questions on Images of Masculinity to write a statement on the image of masculinity portrayed in this film.
Sept. 4 The Biblical Image of Ancient Masculinity
Read the Gospel of Mark (Electronic Bible)
Question: What image of masculinity does Jesus portray in this Gospel? How does this image compare with the modern American image of masculinity, as especially portrayed in the film "Gladiator"? Study Questions / Masculine Christianity / "Gender Orphaned But Father Found" / Divine Masculinity and Femininity / The Irresolvable Tension / Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper /   Masculinity in Crisis / Reflections on Male Spirituality 
Assignment for Sept. 11th: Write a statement comparing the images of masculinity in the Gospel of Mark 
Sept. 6 Homer's Iliad 
An introduction to Homer's Iliad. See Homeric Epics
Read Garrison Keilor's "Six-Minute Iliad" 
Sept. 11 No class due to terrorist attacks on the U.S.
Sept. 13 Homer's Iliad
Questions: What  do you think of the behavior of Achilles and Agamemnon in the first book of the Iliad? How would Hollywood play the scene  between Hector and Andromache in Iliad 6? Find some examples of arete in the Iliad
Sept. 18 Homer's Iliad
Questions: Analyze Achilles' behavior after the death of Patroclus and up to the death of Hector. 
For Sept. 20th lecture, read the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 12-22
Sept. 20 Archaeology Lecture at NOON in Auditorium (ATTENDANCE REQUIRED)
"Issac and Iphigenia: Human Sacrifice in the Ancient Mediterranean" by Sarah P. Morris of UCLA (Click on title for description.)
Assignment: Reflect in  writing on the images of masculinity raised by this lecture. This statement is due on Sept. 25th.
Persona  Development Period

Class does not meet today. Use this time to finish developing your Homeric persona. These personae will be presented in class on Sept. 25th. A written statement based upon the persona is due on Oct. 2nd.
Sept. 25 Homer's Iliad
Homeric persona presented today. 
Sept. 27 Iliad and Persona Cont. 
UNIT QUIZ on "Gladiator", Gospel of Mark and Iliad 1-12
Oct. 2 The gods in the Iliad. See especially Hera's Seduction of Zeus in Iliad 14.
Greek Lyric Poetry: Archilochus
Persona paper due.
Oct. 4 Iliad Cont. Look especially at the description of Achilles' shield in Iliad 18 and the Ransom of Hector in Book 24. See Achilles in Vietnam.
Questions: Discuss Achilles' motivation to release Hector's body in Iliad 24.
Greek Lyric Poetry: Callinus, Semonides, Solon, Xenophanes, and Theognis
Lyric Poetry
  / Some Themes in Lyric Poetry
Oct. 9 Greek Lyric Poetry: Tyrtaeus, Mimnermus, Alcaeus, Anacreon, and Pindar
Lyric Persona Presentations
Oct. 11  Greek Art and Literature
UNIT QUIZ on Homer and Lyric Poetry 2nd Unit Quiz

Mid-Course Evaluation Due before you leave for fall break.
Oct. 16 No class
Fall Break
Oct. 17 Archaeology Lecture, Highlander Room 12:00 Noon has been cancelled. If you want extra credit, you can attend the evening archaeology lecture at Augustana College. Click here for more information.
Oct. 18 Introduction to Greek Tragedy
Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes See Analysis, Aeschylus' Chronology / Aeschylus' Biography
Written lyric persona presentations due.
Oct. 23 
Sophocles' Ajax Analysis of Sophocles' Ajax / Sophocles' Chronology / Sophocles' Biography / Sophocles the Man
Oct. 25 Sophocles' Ajax Cont.
Prospectus for Individualized Project Due. See also Individualized Project Guidelines
Oct. 29 Fox Classics Lecture, 7:30 P.M. in Highlander Room. Attendance Required.
Statement on lecture due on Nov. 1st.
Oct. 30 Euripides' Hippolytus Analysis of Euripides' Hippolytus / Summary of Hippolytus / Euripides' Chronology / The Euripides Homepage / Some Notes on Hippolytus / Aristotle on Oedipus  / On Aristotle and Hippolytus / Some Background to Hippolytus
Nov. 1 The Trial of  Hippolytus: Aprohodite and her prosecution team vs. Artemis and her defense team
Short paper on Fox Lecture Due
Nov. 6 Some Themes in Euripides' Hippolytus 
Unit Quiz on Greek Tragedy
Nov. 8 Plato's Symposium  Introductory Notes / Outline / Life of Plato / Study Questions / Symposium: IntroductionSymposium Background / Summary of the Speeches / Plato (Philia Project) / Socrates and Silenus
Nov. 9 Field trip to Field Museum in Chicago to see the Cleopatra Exhibit
Questions: What images of masculinity are portrayed in this exhibit? To what extent does the portrayal of Cleopatra incorporate these images?
Paper due on this field trip on Nov. 13th.
Nov. 13 Plato's Symposium  Cont.
Paper due on image of Cleopatra.
Nov. 15 Plato's Symposium  Cont.
Introduction to Roman Comedy.  Some Features of Roman Comedy
Optional viewing of Terence's Brothers video (on reserve in library)
Nov. 20 Terence's Brothers
Map and Geography Quizzes
List of Important Places / Sample Map/Geography Quiz  / Sample Map (needs Adobe Reader)
Nov. 22 THANKSGIVING break.
Nov. 27 Terence's Brothers Cont. Discussion Questions
Introduction to Cicero.
Nov. 29 Cicero. On Friendship Cicero Homepage / Cicero's "On Friendship" / Some Study Questions / Background / Summary
Introduction to Petronius.
Dec. 3 Individualized Project due at 3:30 P.M.
Dec. 4 Petronius. Satyricon. Focus on Trimalchio's Dinner Party. Petronius' Satyricon
Dec. 6 UNIT QUIZ on Plato, Terence, Cicero and Petronius
Evaluation of Individualized Projects due
Dec. 13 at 1 P.M.
Group Presentations, Course Evaluations, etc.

This material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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