Second Unit Quiz
CLAS210 Ancient Literature: Images of Masculinity
Iliad 13-24 and Greek Lyric Poetry
For THREE (3) of the excerpts from the Greek lyric poets provide the following information:
1.) the name of the poet;
2.) a summary of the excerpt in your own words;
3.) an explanation of three ways that this poem illustrates the themes of Greek lyric poetry;
4.) a discussion of the image of masculinity projected in this excerpt;
5.) a discussion of how this poet's image of masculinity compares to others discussed in the course.
Part II. Iliad 40%
For TWO (2) of the excerpts from the Iliad provide the following information:
1.) the speaker;
2.) the person(s) addressed;
3.) the context (i.e., where in the Iliad does this take place);
4.) a summary of the except in your own words;
5.) a discussion of the image of masculinity projected in this excerpt;
6.) a discussion of how this speaker's image of masculinity compares to others discussed in the course.
This material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at
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