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Nonni Casino's Roman Bread

Mild Fish Pickle
Watercress Salad
Carrots Sauteed in Pepper Wine Sauce
Plum Sauce for Roast Duck and Chicken
Stuffed Cornish Hens in Wine Gravy


Nonni Casino’s Roman Bread


Nonni was the chef for a former Ohio Governor and the owner and chef of a wonderful restaurant unfortunately no longer open.  The bread was loved by all.



4 large cloves garlic, finely chopped;

½ c (plus) extra virgin olive oil;

1 loaf Ital. bread, about 13 inches;

8 oz. gorgonzola or other blue cheese, crumbled;

1 med sweet red onion, halved lengthwise and cut into paper thin slices;

Coarsely gr pepper;

12 kalamata olives, pitted & halved;

¾ -1 t fresh rosemary, finely chopped

Or ¼-1/2 dried, crushed well



Combine garlic & oil.  Slice bread in half.  Take thin slice off rounded half so it’ll lie flat.  Place cut sides up on foil lined pan.  Brush with garlic oil.  Sprinkle with cheese, top with onions.  Season with pepper.  Arrange olive halves, sprinkle with rosemary   Cover with plastic wrap for up to 2hr.. Remove wrap and bake on center shelf at 400 until cheese melted – 8-10 min – rest for 2 min and cut into 1 ½ to 2 in slices.



Mild Fish-pickle


Delicious both as a seasoning, a relish, and used like a pate.



3 ounces, drained and washed, canned tuna or salmon, or unsalted sardines or unsalted anchovies

2 t. white wine

1T. vinegar

½ t. mustard seed

½ t. oregano

½ t. celery seed (or lovage)

1 T. olive oil

½ t. honey

Pinch of basil

¼ t. thyme

1 mint leaf, finely chopped



In a mixing bowl, thoroughly combine all ingredients.  This fish-pickle may be stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar for up to 2 weeks, and should then be replaced.


Watercress Salad




1T. fish-pickle (see previous recipe)

3 T. olive oil

1T. cider vinegar


¼ t. ground pepper

Pinch of cumin

2 T. pistachio nuts, chopped



Use fresh watercress and serve it as a salad in a dressing made by combining the fish-pickle, olive oil, and vinegar

Alternatively, put the watercress in a pan with a little water, season with pepper, cumin, and chopped pistachio nuts, and simmer gently for 2-3 minutes over low heat.


Carrots Sauteed in Pepper Wine Sauce



8 medium carrots

½ c. white wine

½ c. vegetable stock

2 t. olive oil

½ -1 t.  pepper



Thinly slice carrots lengthwise, and sauté them in a mixture of the wine, stock, olive oil, and pepper until done.

Serve carrots with the sauce.


Plum Sauce for Roast Duck and Chicken



½ t. ground pepper

2 t. chopped onion

1 T. lovage (or clery seed)

1 t. cumin

½ t. celery seed

½ c. damsons (or plums)

¼ c. mead or 1 T. honey

2 c. chicken stock

Dash of wine vinegar

½ c. boiled wine

1 T. olive oil or butter


 In a mortar, grind together pepper, onion, lovage (or celery seed), cumin, and celery seed.  Add chopped damsons.  Blend with mead or honey, stock, vinegar, boiled wine, and olive oil or butter.  Bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes over very low heat.  Serve with the roasted duck or chicken

This delectably pungent sauce is good with other meats as well.


Stuffed Cornish Hens in Wine Gravy



2 cornish hens or small roasting chicken


¼ t. ground pepper

½ t. ginger

3 cloves (or juniper berries)

½ t. cumin

1 T. fish-pickle (see previous recipe)

½ c. cooked chicken livers, chopped

¼ lb. ground pork

1 c. bread crumbs

1 raw egg


2 beads of leeks, finely chopped

1 t. celery seed (or lovage)

½ t. oregano

1 c. chicken stock

¼ c. white wine

2 T. finely chopped dates or dark rasins

2 T. olive oil or butter




In a mortar, grind together pepper, ginger, cloves (or juniper berries), and cumin.  Add to fish-pickle, chicken livers, and ground pork.  Bind with bread crumbs and well beaten egg.  Stuff the birds with this mixture, and roast in oven till done.


Make the gravy by combining leeks, celery seed (or lovage), oregano, stock, wine, and dates or raisins.  Add pan juices, bring to a boil, simmer slowly for 20 minutes, and thicken with flour.