Illinois Classical Conference


Respice. Circumspice. Prospice


ICC Mission Statement

The purpose for which the corporation is organized are 1) To stimulate interest and study in Latin and Ancient Greece at all levels and 2) to promote in every way the general welfare of education in the classics.


Monmouth College Monmouth, IL

October 18-20, 2002


Friday, October 18, 2002 / Saturday, October 19, 2002 / Sunday, October 20, 2002 / ICC Executive Board


Note: Continuing Professional Development Units (CPDU's) will be available at this conference.


Friday, October 18, 2002


5-7pm ICC Advisory Council Meeting

Casual Dinner provided by Monmouth

Tartan Room of Stockdale Center


7pm Friday Conference Registration


7:30-8:15 SESSION 1: AIA Lecture

Highlander Room


Guest Speaker: Victor M. Martinez, University of Illinois

“Terracotta Tiles from the Palatine East, Rome:

A Revival Style and its Political Ideology”


Saturday, October 19, 2002


All meetings unless otherwise indicated, will be held in the Highlander Room at the Stockdale Center of Monmouth College


8am-12noon Conference Registration

Full Breakfast provided by the hotel


8:30am-5 Books and Materials Exhibit


9-10:20am SESSION 2

Prof. Janice Siegel, Illinois State University

“Love Verses Lust in Ovid”



Prof. Bill Urban, Monmouth College

“Clean a Roman Coin and Reveal its Story: A Hands On Experience”


10:20-10:35 Break


10:40-11:55 SESSION 3


Joint High school and College Teachers’ PANEL DISCUSSION


“Sharing Concrete Examples of changing Emphases in Latin Teaching”


 Prof. Nancy Sultan, Illinois Wesleyan University

“Ancient Greek Language in the 21st Century C.E.”


Dawn McRoberts, Monmouth College

“The Importance of the Classics in Special Education: A Demonstration”


12:00-1:15 Luncheon/Business Meeting


1:30-3:00 pm SESSION 4


Lois Dion, Internet Course provider and retired teacher from Sandberg/Stagg High School “A Virtually New Latin Classroom: IVHS”


Joe O’Neill, University of Illinois at Chicago,

“The Light of the Gods: Epiphany in Ancient Mediterranean Religion”


Prof. Brian LaVelle and Jackie Long, Loyola University,

“’Quo Vadis, Discipule?’ ‘Bridging the Classics Gap’ Between High School and College


3:15-4:15 Committee Meetings

Illinois Junior Classical League                   Tartan Room

Others as directed 


4:30-5pm Shuttle to Toasting at Virginia Hellenga’s home


5:00-6:00 A New Tradition: “Let us Toast”

Brings a toast to the Colleague, a personal accomplishment,

a rise in enrollment, a new idea, a joy in any way.


6:15-6:45 Shuttle back to Monmouth College


6:45-7:45 65th ICC Banquet: Highlander Room

Come in your Toga and Stola



7:45-8:15 Keynote Speaker: Prof. Tom Sienkewicz

Monmouth College “Lingua Latina in A.D. MMII”


8:15-? New Tradition: Storytelling from ICC

Bring a favorite moment, a humorous memory, etc.

We’ll meet for drinks in the Hotel near the fireplace


Sunday, October 20. 2002


8am Full breakfast provided by the Hotel, Latin Mass


9:30-11:30 SESSION 5

Anna Dybis, Sandberg and Stagg High School

“Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titullandos”


Open Ideas Exchange: Bring 25 copies of your idea to share: pick up one of the 25 “ideas packets” brought to ICC from this summer’s National Junior Classical League Convention, or just sit and jot down creative ideas your colleagues have been working on to help you make your classes more effective. It is often that one new idea which makes a difference…


Prof. Virginia Hellenga, Monmouth College

“St. Augustine, St. Jerome, and E-Mail:

Challenge and Possibilities in Developing Human Understanding”


Laurie Jolicoeur, Lypns Township High School,

“Where do you want the Illinois Classical Conference to be in the next five years?” Visioning and Open Discussion.


11:45-1:30 Honors Brunch

Student Awards

Retirement Recognition

Luncheon Speaker: Prof. Tom Watkins. Western University, “Gods and Heroes in Asia Minor”


ICC Executive Board


President Jane Borelli


Vice-President Laurie Jolicoeur


Secretary Stephen Pilewski


Treasurer Ray Heisler


Advisory Council

President Emerita Francis Newman


Newsletter Editor Marilyn Brusherd


Illinois JCL North Virginia Anderson/Jennifer Draper


Illinois JCL South Mary Lee Muniz


Latin Tournament Frank Raispis


Teacher Exchange, Speakers Vicki Wine


Nominating Committee Thomas Sienkewicz


Auditing Committee Liz Skoryi


Registered Agent Lois Dion


Awards Committee Henrietta Davis/LeaAnn Osburn


Momorator Invocatorque Alice Mulberry


Resolutions Committee Janene Mattingly


2002 Conference Committee


Program Chair Laurie Jolicoeur


Local Hosts Tom Sienkewicz, Virginia Hellenga, Dawn McRoberts