Illinois Classical Conference October 9-11, 2009 Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Registration Form
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________ (Street)
______________________________________________________________ (City) (State) (Zip)
Telephone: (Home) ___________________________ (Work) __________________________
Email address _________________________________________________________________
Registration Fee: ($30.00 for ICC members; $15.00 for students and new members) $___________ Before September 20, 2009 deduct $5.00.
Friday evening reception (7:30 -9:30pm) at Prairie Moon Restaurant (back bar) 1502 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL cash bar – please indicate intention to attend check yes __________
Saturday ICC/CCC joint meeting and luncheon (12:00-2:00pm) in Norris Center cash bar, buffet of salad, pasta selections, dessert $17.00 $___________
Saturday ICC Banquet and Award Ceremony in Norris Center cash bar with light appetizers (6:00-7:00pm) dinner (7:00-9:30) Entrée choices: _____Chicken Florentine, starch, vegetable, dessert, coffee _____ Chef’s Choice vegetarian meal, dessert, coffee Both choices $31.00 $__________
Total enclosed $__________
Make check or money order payable to Illinois Classical Conference
Note: There is no Sunday brunch planned this year.
Please send your completed registration form to Dan Garrison Northwestern University Department of Classic 1800 Campus Drive Evanston, IL 60208 |