III” and the World of Urban
Abstract for the ICC, Fall 2003
at Urbana-Champaign
“Caesar III,” a city-building simulation from Sierra Games,
is more than just a fun diversion to pass the time, because the people
who designed it did a good deal of research in order to incorporate into
the mechanics of game-play a number of important insights about urban
planning, provincial administration, and daily life in Imperial Rome. In
this presentation I will describe various features of the game with a
view toward what our students might be able to learn from it, for I
believe that if used advisedly, i.e. with enough context wrapped around
it and ample guidance along the way, this could make an extremely useful
teaching-tool, especially at the secondary level.
Everything is built on a grid-system, favoring a systematic and
therefore typically Roman approach to road-networks and other aspects of
urban design. There is a firm distinction between ordinary workers (i.e.
the plebs
) and the upper classes.
Worker housing evolves through many stages as commodities and services
become available, including water, various types of food,
fire-suppression, religion, household items, medical facilities,
education, entertainment, and so on. Workers staff industries and public
services. You must balance the number of workers to the number of jobs,
avoiding either unemployment or worker shortages, and manage both wages
and taxes as well. Keep the people happy, or else crime will rise and in
extremis even riots break out. When all the desirable goods and
services are firmly in place, provide your houses with wine, preferably
from two different sources, and they will suddenly cater to the
non-working elite. As governor of a city, you must manage agriculture,
industry, and housing, and trade with other cities by sea and land,
importing whatever the local economy lacks and exporting products in
order to keep the city afloat financially. To defend against enemy
attacks you must build, train, and equip an army, and also keep Caesar
happy by fulfilling his periodic requests for resources and/or troops as
you yourself move up through the ranks of the imperial service. Each
scenario has a list of requirements which must be met before moving on
to the next assignment. The challenges increase in difficulty as the
game proceeds, making this an ideal way to think through what a governor
must have faced in the “real” Roman world.