Minutes of the First General Business Meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference held on Saturday, Oct. 10, 2009, in Room 1-375 of Kresge Hall at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.
Call to order: With a quorum present (11 required) President Emil Kramer called the meeting to order at 2:20pm and welcomed all present.
Secretary’s Report: Stephen Pilewski listed the minutes of previous meetings that were published both on the ICC website and in the Augur as follows: Date Meeting Issue Pages 10/10/08 Advisory Council January, 2009 7-10 10/11/08 First General Business January, 2009 10-12 10/12/08 Second General Business January, 2009 12 2/21/09 Advisory Council May, 2009 6-7 There being no corrections to the minutes from the membership, Erin Flynn moved, seconded by Laurie Jolicoeur, to approve the minutes of the 4 previous meetings as published. The motion passed by acclamation.
Treasurer’s Report: Reporting for Elizabeth Skoryi, President Kramer said that the Annual Treasurer’s Report, the 2009-2010 Budget, and the Membership Update with the Illinois Certamen League Report were presented at yesterday’s Advisory Council meeting. Members interested in these reports can contact Elizabeth for details.
Vice-Presidents’ Report: President Kramer summarized the details that were presented at yesterday’s Advisory Council meeting. In addition to Becki Wick and William Lowe, President Kramer thanked Local Committee co-chairs Daniel Garrison and Francesca Tataranni, who was later succeeded by Judith Hayes, and member Jeanne Revid for their tremendous work.
Auditing Committee: Anna Reiff reviewed the ICC’s accounts and found them to be in good standing. Anna questioned the omission of an ICC award of $100 to NCLG (National Committee for Latin and Greek) in the Annual Treasurer’s Report (green sheet), but she is waiting for responses on the green sheet. Anna will need to contact Elizabeth Skoryi for a clarification.
ICC Website: President Kramer reiterated what was discussed at yesterday’s Advisory Council meeting. James Chochola added that his ListServe has 84 members and that he could upload information from the Augur to ListServe if it is in Word or PDF format. James offered that ListServe could be the primary clearinghouse for information, including Certamen results, so that Thomas Sienkewicz’s ICC website would not be overburdened. Thomas pointed out that any information sent to him for the ICC website should be in a HTML file, otherwise posting to the website could be delayed. Addressing concerns of security, James said that he screens all applicants to ListServe and will not allow access to anyone whom he does not recognize as being a classicist. Thomas expressed hope that a younger person will take over as webmaster to enhance the ICC website. Brian Tibbets commented on the suggestion of going to a public website for mobility, citing the need for additional cost, including webpage design that could reach around $75. Erin Flynn said that she could possibly design a website in the future when she had more time available. After more discussion, Lois Dion moved, seconded by Laurie Jolicoeur, to form a committee to explore the ICC website going public and the requirements for website design. This committee will initially consist of Erin as chair, James, Jay Mulberry (if he agrees to help), and others as they agree to help. The motion passed. After some discussion that recognized that this ICC Website Committee would need some start-up funds, Brian Tibbets moved, seconded by Anna Reiff, to allocate $100 for this committee as part of the 2009-2010 Budget. The motion passed.
Pedagogy Workshop: President Kramer reported what transpired at yesterday’s Advisory Council meeting and said that the ICC will continue to consider supporting the Pedagogy Workshop. Elisa Denja then added additional information including a new format on Friday, Dec. 4, for Chicago Public Schools.
Host Institutions: President Kramer called attention to Alice Mulberry’s handout on the Responsibilities of Local Hosts, which was distributed at yesterday’s Advisory Council meeting. He encouraged study of this handout and to forward comments to Alice.
Outreach to New Members: Adding to comments James Chochola expressed at yesterday’s meeting, President Kramer asked that current members reach out to non-members and make them aware that the ICC exists and encourage them to join the ICC.
ACL: Christopher Condrad said that he did not attend the Annual Institute in June as a substitute for James Chochola. Thomas Sienkewicz stressed that President Kramer needs to send a note EVERY (emphasis added) May to the ACL Secretary that designates who will represent the ICC at the Annual Institute in June in order for that person to be seated on the ACL Council. This needs to be done EVERY May, even if the ICC’s representative to the ACL is the same person.
Awards Committee: Thomas Sienkewicz proposed establishing a subcommittee for allotting the Latin Teacher of the Year Award. Thomas suggested that younger people be involved, particularly the 2 previous Latin Teacher of the Year Award recipients to act as consultants to the Awards Committee. For example, this would be Chester Tylinski (2006) and Brian Tibbets (2008). (No award was given in 2007.) Discussion ensued on different ideas.
Adjournment: There being no further business, President Kramer called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Brian Tibbets so moved, seconded by Erin Flynn. The motion passed by acclamation and the meeting adjourned at 3:05pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephen Pilewski Secretary