Minutes of the First General Business Meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference held on Saturday, Oct. 11, 2008, in Old Main, Room 122 at Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill.
Call to order: With a quorum present (9 required) President Alice Mulberry called the meeting to order at 2:25pm and welcomed all present.
Secretary’s Report: Stephen Pilewski listed the minutes of previous meetings that were published both on the ICC website and in the Augur as follows: Date Meeting Issue Pages 10/05/07 Advisory Council January, 2008 8-11 10/06/07 First General Business January, 2008 11-13 10/07/07 Second General Business January, 2008 13 2/02/08 Advisory Council May, 2008 10-12 There being no corrections to the minutes from the membership, Brian Tibbets moved, seconded by Elisha Denja, to accept the minutes of the 4 previous meetings as published. The motion passed by acclamation. President Mulberry added that she received a thank you from the Classics Dept. of Loyola University for the $1,000 donation from last year’s conference profit. Also Sr. Mary Annette, formerly of Sacred Heart Academy and Marian Catholic H.S., contacted President Mulberry and said that she enjoyed reading the Augur.
Treasurer’s Report: Reporting for Elizabeth Skoryi, President Mulberry said the Annual Treasurer’s Report and 2008-2009 Budget were presented at yesterday’s Advisory Council meeting. Members interested in these reports should contact Elizabeth.
Local Committee: Vicki Wine reported that 50 registered for today’s lunch and for this evening’s banquet. 33 registered for tomorrow’s Sunday brunch. Emil Kramer then commended Vicki Wine and the Augustana students for their hard work toward making this conference a success.
Newsletter Editor’s Report: Marilyn Brusherd asked to keep the articles for the Augur coming as soon as they are available, and not to wait for her deadline reminders.
Registered Agent: Reporting for Lois Dion, President Mulberry said that the Annual Report that must be filed with the Illinois Secretary of State along with the required fee would be handled by the Secretary.
ICC Website: Reporting for Thomas Sienkewicz, President Mulberry said that Thomas will post information sent to him if it is in HTML format.
Illinois Latin Tournament: Reporting for Jennifer Draper, President Mulberry called attention to Jennifer’s detailed report in the Augur (May, 2008, pp.26-28). The Qualifying exams will take place Mar. 2-6, 2009 and the Finals on 4/25/09 at a location to be announced.
Auditing Committee: After conducting a review of ICC finances, Anna Reiff pronounced them to be in good order. She will publish her report in the next issue of the Augur.
Membership Committee: Reporting for Elizabeth Skoryi, Vicki Wine and President Mulberry recounted the statistics that were presented in yesterday’s meeting.
Awards Committee: Vicki Wine said that the Teacher of the Year and 3 Lifetime Achievement awards would be presented at this evening’s banquet.
Memorator Invocatorque: William Napiwocki reported on the passing of Mary Ellen Martin of Decatur, a former ICC secretary, on 9/28/08 at the age of 88. William also learned yesterday of the death of Sr. Irene Wlodarski, but he did not have any details. William then called for the membership to stand and honor these departed members with a moment of silence.
Teacher Idea Exchange: Anna Reiff solicited materials for inclusion on the ICC website and on ListServe. James Chochola said that anyone can upload files to ListServe.
Pedagogy Workshop: Reporting for Rickie Crown and Mary Ann Beatty, Elisa Denja summarized yesterday’s report. President Mulberry added that the Advisory Council will continue to support the Pedagogy Workshop.
Nominating Committee: Vicki Wine summarized yesterday’s discussion and presented the slate of officers for the 2008-2010 term: President: Emil Kramer Vice President: Becki Wick and Dr. William Lowe Secretary: Stephen Pilewski Treasurer: Elizabeth Skoryi. President Mulberry then called for nominations from the floor. When none was received, President Mulberry closed the floor to nominations and said that the election would be held tomorrow at the Second General Business Meeting.
IJCLN: Christopher Condrad repeated the details from yesterday’s meeting.
IJCLS: Marcene Farley announced that the next convention would be held at Collinsville H.S. on 11/22/08 with the theme “Ars longa, vita brevis.” She also called attention to Mary Lee Muniz’s report in the Augur (Jan., 2008, pp. 21-23). If any schools were interested in IJCLS, they should contact Marcene or Mary Lee.
Illinois Certamen League: Lanetta Warrenburg said that 29 schools were registered and summarized yesterday’s report.
ICTFL/ACTFL: President Mulberry called attention to Virginia Anderson’s report and the items from yesterday’s meeting.
CAMWS: Vicki Wine announced that the 105th annual meeting would occur in Minneapolis on Apr. 1-4, 2009. She also announced that Andrew Reinhard of Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers was the new State Vice President for Illinois. Vicki then commented on the grants that are available for programs and scholarships, and she encouraged interested members to check the CAMWS website.
ACL: James Chochola announced that the next institute would be held at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles on Jun. 26-28, 2009. He is also on the National Committee for Latin and Greek and is open to suggestions for this committee.
APA/AIA: Reporting for Thomas Sienkewicz, President Mulberry reiterated her report and remarks from yesterday.
2009 Conference: President Mulberry invited all to attend next year’s conference at Northwestern University in Evanston.
Harvard Commencement Speech: With about 60 copies still available, President Mulberry encouraged members, especially new members, to contact Elizabeth Skoryi.
ICC Banner: President Mulberry said that the banner is available for display and interested members should contact Jennifer Draper.
Database of Colleges and Universities offering Latin and Greek: Reporting for Jennifer Draper, President Mulberry said that this was a work in progress.
ListServe: James Chochola reiterated his remarks from yesterday’s meeting.
Diamond Anniversary: President Mulberry repeated her remarks from yesterday’s meeting and said that the formation of a committee should be brought up with the new leadership.
Upcoming Events: President Mulberry inquired if any members wished to announce any upcoming events. None was announced.
Teacher Vacancies: 1. Avery Springer spoke of a 1 year, full-time position for 2009-2010 at the John Burroughs School in the St. Louis area. Contact Avery for more information as it becomes available. 2. President Mulberry announced that she will retire at the end of this school year, and her part-time position will open in Fall, 2009 at the William Ray Elementary School in Chicago.
New Business: President Mulberry opened the floor to new business, but none was received.
Adjournment: There being no further business, President Mulberry called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Lisa Adams so moved, seconded by James Chochola. The motion passed by acclamation and the meeting adjourned at 3:10pm.
Respectfully submitted, Stephen Pilewski Secretary |