Minutes of the First General Business Meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference held on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2006, in the Assembly Room of the State House Inn, Springfield, Ill.

With a quorum present (12 required) President Vicki Wine called the meeting to order at 2:35pm, welcomed all for attending, and expressed gratitude to the number of members who chose to attend the First Business Meeting.

Secretary's Report: Stephen Pilewski listed the minutes of previous meetings that were published both on the ICC website and in the Augur as follows:

Date Meeting Issue Pages

10/07/05 Advisory Council January, 2006 5-8

10/08/05 General Business January, 2006 8-10

2/04/06 Advisory Council May, 2006 6-8

There being no corrections to the minutes from the membership, Victoria Henderson moved, seconded by Emil Kramer, to accept the minutes of the 3 previous meetings as published. The motion passed by acclamation.

Treasurer's Report: Elizabeth Skoryi reported that ICC finances were in good order, and she reminded the membership who had not already done so to renew their membership before the Nov. 1 penalty.

Newsletter Editor's Report: Marilyn Brusherd solicited articles for the Augur, such as reviews of books or articles, and school news such as rewards or special occasions. Marilyn preferred that material be submitted to her electronically and said that an accompanying hardcopy was not required.

Registered Agent: Lois Dion said that the Illinois Secretary of State's report was handed over to the Secretary for completion and submission to the State with the required fee.

ICC Website: Thomas Sienkewicz said that he will post whatever is sent to him. Thomas also reminded the membership that the ICC archives reside at Monmouth College, and he encouraged the membership to send him old conference programs and pictures, lest these historical records get discarded and be lost to posterity. Thomas also reminded attendees that Monmouth College grants CPDUs and to be sure to complete the required forms. Discussion then arose on the need to screen new material for the website, and one suggestion was that the President should approve submission of new material for the website.

Illinois Latin Tournament: Elizabeth Skoryi stated the need for a site to host the State Finals on Apr. 28, 2007.

Auditing Committee: No report was received.

Membership Committee: Elizabeth Skoryi reported that as of this meeting 120 members paid their dues. Elizabeth called for timely renewals of dues, and she encouraged members to reach out to colleagues and new teachers and to invite them to join the ICC.

Memorator Invocatorque: William Napiwocki regretted to report the deaths of 7 members: Rev. Ed Cincoski, S.J., Helen Chiles (for whom William read tributes submitted by Mary Lee Muniz and Dennis Czerny), Frances Dykes, Rev. Alan Kirk, Peter Kosiba, Shirley Robeson (an active ICC attendee for whom Alice Mulberry spoke in tribute), and Rev. Theodore Tracy, S.J.

Teacher Idea Exchange: President Wine referred the membership to the ICC website for the latest information.

Awards Committee: Thomas Sienkewicz encouraged all to attend the evening banquet where the awards would be presented.

Nominating Committee: Thomas Sienkewicz presented the slate of nominees for the 2006-2008 term of office: Alice Mulberry for President, Emil Kramer for Vice-President, Elizabeth Skoryi for Treasurer, and Stephen Pilewski for Secretary. President Wine then called for nominations from the floor. When none was received, President Wine called for a motion to close the nominations. Brian Tibbets so moved, seconded by William Napiwocki. The motion passed by acclamation. Brian Tibbets then moved, seconded by William Napiwocki, to accept the slate of nominees as elected. The motion passed by acclamation.

Pedagogy Workshop: James Chochola said that the Pedagogy Report would appear in the next issue of the Augur.

Liaison to Schools and Colleges: Thomas Sienkewicz had nothing new to report.

IJCLN: Victoria Henderson encouraged members to attend the IJCLN meeting later in the afternoon for the latest updates.

IJCLS: Thomas Sienkewicz called attention to Marcene Farley's report in the Augur (Sept., 2006, p. 26).

Illinois Certamen League: Elizabeth Skoryi presented an update on the progress of this effort and said that the certamina sites were ready.

ICTFL/ACTFL: Virginia Anderson reiterated the information that she presented at the previous day's Advisory Council Meeting. Thomas Sienkewicz then reported that the Carol Ryan Award was received by a classicist: Lisa Adams of Monmouth College.

CAMWS: Thomas Sienkewicz called attention to the Annual Meeting, which will be held Apr. 11-14, 2007 in Cincinnati, OH.

ACL: James Chochola announced the dates of the Annual Institute as Jun. 28-30, 2007 in Nashville, TN. He encouraged ICC members to attend and to send him news that he could share with ACL. Thomas Sienkewicz added that a reception will be held in the Parthenon in Nashville.

APA/AIA: Thomas Sienkewicz said that the group will hold its Annual Meeting on Jan. 4-7, 2007 in San Diego, CA.

Virtual Latin: Virginia Anderson reported that Lois Dion, Cornelia Bannister, and herself comprise the staff of this effort, but more teachers are needed. Interested members should contact any of the three for more information.

Harvard Commencement Speech: Elizabeth Skoryi said that the DVDs were ready and available at this conference at a special price of $12, which allows saving the cost of shipping. 100 DVDs were made and 10 were sold so far. Otherwise, the cost is $15 for members, and $20 for non-members.

2006 Conference: Alice Mulberry was happy to report that as of now 49 had registered. She also reported that long time members Ray DenAdel and Thomas Watkins sent their greetings to ICC attendees. Alice then thanked Gerald Day and his students for their valuable assistance at this conference.

2007 Conference: Alice Mulberry announced that Loyola University in Chicago will host the conference and that the Local Committee will be comprised of John Makowski, Edwin Menes, James Keenan and Brian Lavelle. Emil Kramer asked the membership to let him know of ideas for topics and speakers for the conference.

2008 Conference: President Wine outlined plans for meeting in the Quad Cities area with the Iowa classicists.

Initiatives: Elizabeth Skoryi reported that Jennifer Draper was still working on the banner. President Wine reported that efforts with college communication were still in progress. James Chochola spoke on the support for ListServe and asked that questions on getting started or on its operation be directed to him.

Teacher Vacancies: President Wine asked to be apprised of openings so that they can be published.

Announcements: Thomas Sienkewicz said that he will publish the upcoming lectures at Monmouth College. William Napiwocki reported that Archbishop Quigley Preparatory Seminary will close at the end of this school year after 101 years of operation. William pointed out that Latin was required for all first year students.

New Business: None was reported.

There being no further business, James Chochola moved, seconded by Virginia Anderson, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed by acclamation and the meeting adjourned at 3:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephen Pilewski
