Minutes of the First General Business Meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference held on Saturday, Oct. 19, 2002, in the Tartan Room of the Stockdale Center at Monmouth College, Monmouth, Ill.
Members present for the quorum count (14 required): 33.
The meeting was called to order by President Jane Borelli at 12:20pm.
Secretary’s Report: Stephen Pilewski listed the minutes of previous meetings that were published in the Augur as follows: Date Meeting Issue 10/19/01 General Business January, 2002 10/19/01 Advisory Council January, 2002 2/02/02 Advisory Council May, 2002 There being no corrections to the minutes from the membership, Kathryn Spencer moved, seconded by Jennifer Draper, to accept the minutes of the 3 previous meetings as published. The motion passed by acclamation.
Treasurer’s Report: President Borelli read the treasurer’s report provided by Raymond Heisler, which summarized the ICC accounts as of 10/17/02: Institution Form Amount American Metro Certificate $ 5,653.84 Edens Bank Certificate 5,390.40 New Trier Credit Union Checking 1,031.90 New Trier Credit Union Calder Endowment 3,867.21 Old Second National Bank Checking 14,849.57 TCF Bank Certificate 2,744.07 Total $33,536.99
Newsletter Editor’s Report: Marilyn Brusherd reported that 135 issues of the Augur were mailed in May, and 141 issues in September. She then reported the bad news that the discount rates (1 cent/page or about $50.00 per issue) at Stagg H.S. would not continue and that queries at commercial vendors ranged from $211.00 to $690.00 per issue. While the ICC would do its best to obtain favorable rates, Marilyn solicited help from the membership to see if another school would be interested in replacing Stagg H.S. as the ICC’s printer.
Illinois Latin Tournament: Jennifer Draper said the ILT still needs a writer for both (Qualifying and State) Latin IV exams. She pointed out that the Qualifying exams for next year replaces the District exams, and they will be given at the local schools instead of at regional centers. Qualifying exams have been reduced from the 2 1/2 hour format to 90 minutes. Details on the ILT would be forthcoming.
Awards Committee: Elisa Denja reported that the awards have been purchased and she solicited nominations for next year’s awards.
Nominating Committee: Thomas Sienkewicz presented the slate of new officers: a. for President: Laurie Jolicoeur of Lyons Twp. H.S. b. for Vice-President: Brian LaVelle of Loyola Univ. c. for Secretary: Stephen Pilewski d. for Treasurer: Elizabeth Skoryi. President Borelli then asked if there were other nominations from the floor. There being no other nominations and no discussion, Thomas Sienkewicz moved, seconded by Lanetta Warrenburg, that the slate of nominees be accepted. The motion passed by acclamation.
Memorator Invocatorque: Alice Mulberry was happy to report that no word was received of any deaths.
Membership Committee: Vicki Wine reported that membership was currently 153, of which 15 were institutional, 5 joint, 17 life, and 4 new. She requested that the names of prospective members be sent to her or that the candidates be directed to view the membership form on the ICC website. An added incentive is that the first year’s membership is free. She also recognized new members Mark Drevlow, Emil Kramer and new conference attendees Jennifer Draper and Mark Hines.
Teacher Exchange: Vicki Wine directed everyone to view the listing of items on the ICC’s webpage, which Thomas Sienkewicz identified as www.illinoisclassics.com. She also asked members to avail themselves to the donated items on display in the lobby of the Stockdale Center.
Liaison of Schools and Colleges: Thomas Sienkewicz requested that the membership give thought to fostering a dialogue between college professors and high school teachers. He welcomed suggestions sent to him by e-mail.
Revision of the Bylaws: President Borelli gave a chronology of the project, working with committee members Marilyn Brusherd, Donald Sprague and Stephen Pilewski. She solicited suggestions, comments and corrections from the membership, but received none. Stephen then called attention to the latest revision that was published in the Sept., 2002, issue of the Augur and the need to correct 2 proofreading errors: 1) Article IV, Sect. 3: the words “immediately after” should read “normally before” since the Advisory Council normally meets before, not after, the annual meeting of members, and, 2) Article VI, Sect. 1: “(e) Auditing” should be deleted since it duplicates “(a) Auditing”, and that items “(f)” and “(g)” should be resequenced to items “(e)” and “(f)”. Stephen apologized for the errors and asked the membership if any other errors or problems were noticed. There being no response, Thomas Sienkewicz then moved, seconded by Anna Dybis, that the Revised Bylaws be accepted. When no discussion ensued, Thomas thanked the committee for its hard work. President Borelli then called for a vote on the motion with an exact count to be recorded. The results of the vote were: Aye 33, Nay 0, Abstentions 0. The motion passed.
CAMWS: Vicki Wine called attention to the Illinois recipients of various CAMWS awards as reported in the May and September issues of the Augur, and reminded members that the next CAMWS convention would be held Apr. 3-5, 2003, in Lexington, KY. She expressed concern that CAMWS membership seems to be declining in Illinois and made an urgent pleas to join and support CAMWS for the benefits that it provides.
Illinois Junior Classical League: Mary Lee Muniz, Jennifer Draper and Virginia Anderson noted the latest activities. IJCLS is still tentatively planning its convention for 11/23/02, while IJCLN is scheduled for 2/27/03-3/1/03. Invitations are being sent to the 25-30 chapters in Illinois.
ICTFL: Virginia Anderson thought that ICC’s relationship with ICTFL is worth maintaining and she will keep the ICC posted with events in ICTFL.
Illinois Certamen League: Lanetta Warrenburg was pleased to announce that 23 schools are participating and invited interested teachers and students to visit and see the proceedings. Lanetta has the information on meeting sites and dates.
Classics Day: Lanetta Warrenburg solicited help with the event and an interest in learning about Classics Day.
ACL: Charles Speck reported that he has attended 25 ACL conventions and 26 ICC conventions, but probably will not attend subsequent meetings.
APA/AIA: No report was received, but Thomas Sienkewicz said that APA is working with ACL for National Latin Teacher Recruitment Week, Mar. 3-7, 2003.
Other Business: a. President Borelli was pleased to announce that the ICC is now an official provider of CPDUs and CEUs. b. President Borelli solicited venues for the 2003 and 2004 convention meetings. c. Janice Siegel reported that the APA is working with ACL and regional and overseas organizations to establish a Review Board for Latin Pedagogical Websites. Rather than an attempt to quash the creativity of websites, Janice said the purpose was to grant approval for qualified sites. She called for suggestions to be e-mailed to www.drjclassics.com and also requested that members participate in a survey on the website. d. Elisa Denja said that more people are needed to write Certamen questions at various levels and she requested interested writers to contact her. e. Jennifer Draper reported that 75 from Illinois attended the national JCL held at the Univ. of Kentucky, that Illinois had the 9th highest increase in membership of all states, that Michelle Wu from Barrington H.S. was elected President and would preside over the 2003 convention in San Antonio, TX (the 50th annual convention). Jennifer thanked all JCL teachers and participants. f. Janice Siegel suggested checking out Classical World’s website for information valuable to teachers. g. Vicki Wine offered an idea that arose from a discussion at her table: T-shirts left over from Latin school functions could be brought to ICC conventions and be made available for purchase as a costume for the banquet.
There being no further business, Miriam Pittenger moved, seconded by Mark Drevlow, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed by acclamation and the meeting adjourned at 1:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephen Pilewski Secretary