From the Spring 2002 Issue of the Augur
Jane Borelli, ICC President announced, on March 12, 2002, that Liz Skoryi is the new auditor for the ICC.
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers proudly announced that the cover of Cattus Petasatus was on the March 4, 2002 cover of Publishers Weekly. For those not familiar with this magazine, it is a bible to book sellers and buyers. This coverage should help with our goal of popularizing Latin. WAY TO GO, MARIE AND LOU.!!
Two Latin programs were in jeopardy but strong support saved both. Let’s let it encourage all of us to keep fighting the good fight!
Dear all,
I cannot thank all of you enough for your wonderful letters of support concerning the Latin programs at Barrington High and Middle School. The referendum passed by a narrow margin of only 8% more voting to pass the referendum than those against it. We have been momentarily saved although our classes may be more lightly enrolled next year since many students were scared away from continuing Latin by the threat of axing Latin. I am already working on convincing these students that such a threat will not be a frequent occurrence (I hope!) I am trying to enforce the lesson of Aeneas "forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit" since many of my students took special pains to help save Latin. Three of them made visuals and presented their case to the principal. One went on a local B96 radio program to tell of the benefits of Latin. Many convinced their parents to vote yes while others emailed school board members (as all of you did). Some even made a flyer about Latin and passed it out in the parking lot at Jewel GroceryStore last weekend. I think they have learned much about the value of studying Latin from these difficult times.
But what all of you did was spectacular because YOU educated the principal of Barrington High School. This is his first year as principal and he never taught at a school before that had Latin. You showed him that the community of classicists is a strong one and that there is real educational value (not expendable value) in studying Latin. For this I thank each and every one of you.
LeaAnn A. Osburn
And Tom Sienkewicz reported another small success. He received some encouraging news from a program in jeopardy for the last two years, the one at Talawanda High School in Oxford, Ohio. Thanks in large part to the efforts of a single determined parent, Kathy Ellison, who sparked strong community interest in the program and organized a Latin Task Force. The situation has since changed for the better. Tom is sure that supportive letters helped, too.
Here is a brief report from Ms. Ellison:
Latin, eliminated from the Talawanda curriculum during the 2000-2001 school year, was welcomed back in 2001-2002 with near record enrollments. Last spring, eighty-three students, including 43 freshmen, registered for Latin I. Latin I, II and III are taught by Natalie Harwood, long-time Talawanda Latin and English teacher and author of The Complete Idior's Guide to Learning Latin.
Minutes of the Winter Meeting of the ICC Advisory Council held on Saturday, February 2, 2002, at the coffee shop in DePaul University, 1 E. Jackson St., Chicago, IL.
Members present: Jane Borelli, Lanetta Warrenburg, Elizabeth Skoryi, Raymond Heisler, Elisa Denja, Laurie Jolicoeur, Marilyn Brusherd, Virginia Anderson, Stephen Pilewski, Vicki Wine, Alice Mulberry, and Donald Sprague.
The meeting was called to order by President Jane Borelli at 9:30AM.
Secretary’s Report: Since the Winter issue of the Augur, which contains the minutes of both the General Business and Advisory Council meetings that were held on 10/19/01, had not yet been received by the members, Stephen Pilewski requested earlier that copies of the minutes be e-mailed to the members so that they would have time to review them before this meeting. Since there were no corrections to the minutes, Lanetta Warrenburg moved, seconded by Elisa Denja, that the minutes of both meetings of 10/19/01 be approved as e-mailed. The motion passed by acclamation.
Treasurer’s Report: Raymond Heisler reported on the status of ICC's accounts as of 2/1/02:
Institution Amount
American Metro - Certificate $5,653.84
Edens Bank Certificate 5,259.15
New Trier Check Checking 1,026.13
New Trier Calder Endowment 3,817.03
Old Second National Bank 12,219.20
TCF Bank Certificate 2,650.98
Total $30,626.33
Raymond confirmed that all accounts have now been transferred to him from Donald Sprague, but that no audit has been done yet since the transfer. Discussion then ensued on the necessity for an auditor's report and for formulating a line item budget. Raymond, together with Laurie Jolicoeur and Jane Borelli, will confer on drawing up a budget.
Auditing Committee Report: No report was received from Edwin Ramos.
Newsletter Editor’s Report: Marilyn Brusherd reported that the Winter issue of the Augur would be mailed shortly, probably in the upcoming week.
Illinois Latin Tournament: Raymond Heisler reported that payments for taking the tests were coming in, that all tests were in from the writers, and that everything is on schedule.
Illinois Certamen League: Elisa Denja pointed out that the Loyola Certamen is scheduled for Tuesday, 3/5/02, at the University Campus. She reported that letters were sent to metropolitan area teachers informing them that the schedules and fees were the same as last year, and, in some cases, reminders were included that a teacher's membership in ICC was required. Lea Ann Osburn was preparing questions for each level.
Awards Committee: Elisa Denja listed the honorees at the joint ICTFL-ICC banquet on 10/19/01:
1.) ICC Latin Teacher of the Year: Rickie Crown
2.) Lt. Governor's Award: Sherrilyn Martin
3.) Retirement:* Elizabeth Skoryi
(* the gift was an engraved Paul Revere bowl)
Elisa also solicited names of upcoming retirees as well as nominees for the Latin Teacher of the Year and Lt. Governor’s awards.
2001 Conference: President Borelli reported on the success of the joint ICTFL-ICC conference held on Oct. 19-20 at the Wyndham Hotel in Itasca, IL. Especially noteworthy were the number of modern language teachers who attended ICC sessions, and the cooperation and support of ICTFL in making the conference a success.
2002 Conference: Although the Advisory Council voted on 10/19/01 to combine with ICTFL again on Oct. 18-20 at the Renaissance Hotel in Springfield, IL, subsequent issues caused the Advisory Council to reconsider the decision. ICTFL's new leadership felt that, while it welcomed ICC's presence, it could no longer allow ICC members to be treated differently from the modern language groups and would require ICC members to join ICTFL in order to get the ICTFL conference rates. In addition, the conference fees in Springfield would approximate the fees in Itasca ($170 plus hotel accommodations). Thomas Sienkewicz then graciously re-invited the ICC to reconsider Monmouth College. After conferring with some Advisory Council members, President Borelli decided to call on the Advisory Council for a vote on the issue via e-mail in order to settle the issue. On 11/29/01 the election results were announced: Monmouth 16, Springfield 4, no opinion 1. On 12/4/01 President Borelli, acting in accordance with the wishes of the Advisory Council, notified Thomas Sienkewicz that the ICC accepts Monmouth College's offer to host the 2002 Conference on Oct. 18-20, and notified Paul Griffith that the ICC would not meet with ICTFL in Springfield. Since the vote was taken by e-mail, Stephen Pilewski suggested that a motion would be in order to approve and affirm the vote and the redecision to accept Monmouth College’s offer. Alice Mulberry so moved, seconded by Virginia Anderson. The motion passed by acclamation. Marilyn Brusherd wished to thank Thomas Sienkewicz for re-inviting the ICC, and her expression was echoed by the other members present.
A lively discussion ensued when Vice President Laurie Jolicoeur passed out a sheet of ideas for the conference which elicited a lot of commentary from the members:
a. Lanetta Warrenburg commented that efforts were being made to honor ILT winners at this month‘s IJCLN convention because they were not honored at the ICTFL-ICC conference. The members suggested that the 2002 Conference should resume this important recognition of ILT winners.
b. Alice Mulberry requested items for storytelling about retirees, award winners, and anecdotes from past conventions be forwarded to her as the Memorator.
c. Virginia Anderson felt that having a toast to commemorate someone or some event during the social hour that precedes the annual banquet would be a nice touch.
d. Stephen Pilewski requested more time for committee meetings so that committee members would not feel pressured to skip the social hour in order to properly conclude the business of the meetings. Non-committee members could use the time for socializing, an informal exchange of ideas, or whatever they wished to do.
e. Alice Mulberry recommended maximizing the attractions on Saturday in order to encourage teachers to attend and participate in ICC.
f. Marilyn Brusherd offered some thoughts on waiving conference registration fees for new teachers, and Lanetta Warrenburg felt the same could be extended to undergraduate students.
g. Alice Mulberry thought that a dessert buffet after the banquet would promote socialization. She also felt that information on public transportation in getting to the conference would be a help. President Borelli then pointed out that her preliminary information indicated that a block of rooms had been reserved in Monmouth at the Hawthorne Inn & Suites for Oct. 18-20 and that the rate would be $69/night for a double room.
In addition, Monmouth College would be able to provide CPDU credits for attendees. She then saw a need for line items in the new budget for any perquisites that were decided on for the conference.
2003 Conference: No invitations to host the ICC convention in the Chicago area were received by President Borelli.
Membership Report: Vicki Wine reported a total of about 120 members, excluding institutions. She requested that names of potential members be forwarded to her. President Borelli added that Thomas Sienkewicz recommended that ICC’s institutional members be listed on ICC’s webpage with links to those
institutions. Discussion then followed on how to encourage members to renew their memberships in a timely manner in order to prevent unintentional lapses in membership and discontinuation of receiving the Augur.
ICTFL: Virginia Anderson wished to emphasize ICTFL’s appreciation for ICC’s presence at its convention. ICTFL is still anxious to maintain its ties with ICC.
Latin Pedagogy Workshop: Elisa Denja distributed the report from Mary Ann Beatty and Rickie Crown. Rickie reported through President Borelli that she is returning ICC's grant ($500) and proposed that it be used as funds for ICC scholarships to encourage young teachers to attend the Pedagogy Workshop. Planning for the 2002 Workshop on July 10-13 continues. Raymond Heisler reminded everyone that the ICC is the depository for the Pedagogy Workshop, and so about $4,500 of what he reported earlier actually belongs to that organization.
IJCLN: Lanetta Warrenburg reported that 257 students and 13 SCLers planned to participate at the Tinley Park Holiday Inn & Convention Center on Feb. 21-23. She summarized the planned events and pointed out that Laurie Jolicoeur, Thomas Sienkewicz, Mary Jane Crotty and Lea Ann Osburn would be doing presentations. Lanetta then announced that Virginia Anderson will replace her as co-chair of IJCLN at the end of this month. Donald Sprague inquired and President Borelli responded that no requests for payments were presented to the ICC from SCLers from last year's IJCLN convention. Donald then moved, seconded by Lanetta, that last year’s $25 rebate on IJCL registration fees and a year's membership in ICC afforded to SCL students who assist at IJCL conventions be changed to a complimentary ICC membership for the year following their service to IJCL at its conventions, and that the names of the SCL students be forwarded to the Membership Chair. The motion passed by acclamation.
Committee to Revise the Bylaws: President Borelli distributed her annotated copies to Marilyn Brusherd, Donald Sprague and Stephen Pilewski. Work is continuing on this project.
ICC Webpage: Lanetta Warrenburg reported an interest in submitting a link to IJCLN from Thomas Sienkewicz’s ICC website. Marilyn Brusherd said that ICC member’s e-mail addresses would be moved to the ICC webpage unless members informed Thomas that they objected to listing their e-mail addresses on ICC’s website. Marilyn then proposed that due to postage increases that members be afforded the choice of receiving the Augur via e-mail or U.S. Mail.
Other Business:
CPDU: President Borelli reported that Monmouth College will be the provider at the fall conference, but that she is seeking help to get the ICC authorized as a CPDU provider from the Illinois State Board of Education. The advantage would be that the ICC could grant CPDU credits no matter where the fall conference was held. Donald Sprague volunteered to help with this process.
Alice Mulberry moved, seconded by Laurie Jolicoeur, to proceed with seeking permission from the Illinois State Board of Education to allow the ICC to become a CPDU provider. The motion passed by acclamation.
Illinois Certamen League: Lanetta further reported on Certamen activities together with Elizabeth and Elisa. She also reported that Thomas Sienkewicz and Lea Ann Osburn were on the Awards Committee.
New scholarship: Donald Sprague proposed a scholarship to honor the three decade service of Henrietta Davis, Judith Streid and Kathleen Giamalva to the Illinois Latin Tournament. After some discussion, Virginia Anderson moved, seconded by Laurie Jolicoeur, that a scholarship fund be established to honor Henrietta Davis, Judith Streid and Kathleen Giamalva, from which an amount to be announced would be presented to a student completing certification to teach Latin who demonstrated scholarship, leadership and service, and that the recipient be determined by the ICC Awards Committee. The motion passed by acclamation.
There being no other business, Alice Mulberry moved, seconded by Donald Sprague, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 11:25AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephen Pilewski
Addendum to the Minutes of the Advisory Council meeting on 2/2/02.
A question was raised during the Advisory Council meeting about the availability of public transportation from the Chicago area to the ICC convention site in Monmouth. The following information may be of some help.
Amtrak provides 3 trains to Galesburg, which is 17 miles east of Monmouth. Current schedules are:
Going: #5 #3 #347
Lv. Chicago 2.45pm 3.15pm 5.55pm
Lv. La Grange Rd. - - 6.14pm
Lv. Naperville 3.44pm 4.16pm 6.30pm
Ar. Galesburg 5.44pm 6.19pm 8.34pm
Returning: #348 #6 #4
Lv. Galesburg 7.38am 12.23pm 12.31pm
Ar. Naperville 9.38am 2.26pm 2.34pm
Ar. La Grange Rd. 9.54am - -
Ar. Chicago 10.35am 3.55pm 4.36pm
Each train operates daily, and advance seat reservations are required.
Trains #5 & 6 (The California Zephyr) actually do skirt the south end of Monmouth but they no longer stop there as the station was razed a number of years ago. Burlington, IA is the next station stop. Trains #3 & 4 (The Southwest Chief) operate southwest of Galesburg with Fort Madison, IA being the next stop. Trains #347 & 348 (The Illinois Zephyr) operate south of Galesburg in order to serve Macomb and Quincy.
Nota Bene:
Eastbound trains #4, the Southwest Chief, and #6, the California Zephyr, tend to run late because they are coming from the West Coast. For timeliness, the best trains in both directions are #347 and #348, the Illinois Zephyr.Monmouth College is planning to provide van service between the train station in Galesburg and the campus. Registrants will need to let Tom Sienkewicz , local chair, know in advance if they plan to arrive or depart by train.
For current schedules, fares and reservations, call Amtrak at 1-800-USA-RAIL (1-800-872-7245) or access its website:
Greyhound Bus Lines may be a possibility, but as of this writing, no bus service is available between Chicago and Monmouth. For current schedules and fares, call Greyhound at 1-800-231-2222.
Stephen Pilewski
The Illinois Classical Conference was well represented at the 97th annual meeting of CAMWS in Austin, Texas, in April. ICC members appearing on the program included Marie Bolchazy of Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, LeaAnn Osburn of Barrington High School, Janice Siegel of Illinois State University, David M. Johnson of Southern Illinois University, Tom Sienkewicz, Marty Pickens and Jim Betts of Monmouth College, Vicki Wine of Black Hawk Community College, Miriam Pittenger of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Scott Van Horn and Kenneth Wiering of Loyola University, and James Dee and Joe O'Neill of the University of Illinois at Chicago.
At the meeting, Sherrilyn Martin of Keith Country Day School of Rockford, was recognized for the outstanding project funded by the Committee for the Promotion of Latin in 2001-2002. Her project was a survey of school counselors in a three-state region about Latin as a preparation for college.
Christine Ayers of Monmouth was one of the first recipients of CAMWS' new Service Award.
Tom Sienkewicz was the recipient of an Ovatio at the Presidential Banquet.
The following students were recognized for the performance on the 2002 CAMWS School Awards Examination:
Cash Award Winner:
Jing Chiang, University Laboratory High School, Urbana, IL (Frances Newman)
Book Prize Winners:
Patrick Ryan, Loyola Academy, Wilmette, IL (MIchael Schulte)
Jie Want, University Laboratory High School, Urbana, IL (Frances Newman)
John Zech, University Laboratory High School, Urbana, IL (Frances Newman)
Letters of Commendation:
Emily Bruce, University Laboratory High School, Urbana, IL (Frances Newman)
Qua cura, di immortales, ego nunc ad dicendum surgo, qua sollicitudine et quo timore, bene sciens me persequi vestigia duorum oratorum maximorum, unus quorum est Arturius Stocker, ille venerabilis Ciceronianus, et quorum alter est Herbertus Benario, historiae peritorum eloquentissimus, eloquentium peritissimus historiae! Hoc officium honoremque tamen accipio, et sapientiam eloquentiamque eorum conabor studiosissime aemulari.
Duo lustra abhinc invitata est Societas nostra Classica Medio-Occidentalis et Australis convenire hac in urbe amoena, capite magnae civitatis cui cognomen est "stella unica,"--civitatis quae omnia in se maxima esse gloriatur. Quam te libenter quamque laeti iterum invisimus, O nobilis urbs, mater magnificentissimae universitatis studiorum, quae semper et ubique maximam operam dat in fovendis nostris studiis classicis! Gaudeamus igitur nos redisse hos in agros pascuos:
Dom' domi ruri,
ubi ludunt cervae ac cervi,
ubi raro audis verbum tam infelix,
et in caelo non nubes sentis!
Hic sumus in venusto cenaculo congregati, mori maiorum obtemperantes, ut, exempta fame epulis mensisque remotis, binos aut ternos socios nostros summis laudibus ornemus. Quapropter vos oro atque obsecro, amici, ut auribus arrectis meam orationem audiatis. Utinam sint mihi mille linguae ut eloquentissima verba, illustrissima facta, et splendidissimas virtutes eorum quos nunc laudamus vobis possim praedicare.
Primum vobis praesento feminam lepidam atque venustam, corpore parvam, sed magnam ingenio industriaque. Cum in illa praeclara studiorum universitate, sita in "paeninsulae amoenae" finibus, doctor philosophiae facta esset, statim migravit in illam vicinam civitatem, notam latifundis, pabulis laetis, pecoribusque pi nguissimis. Hac in civitate, in eadem universitate lustra etiam quinque remansit et operam suam dedit discipulis docendis, poetis Romanis investigandis, studiis classicis fovendis.
Praetermitto non solum labores ingentes quos pro universitate sua haec nostra confecit, sed etiam officia domestica quibus se dedicavit, maritum suum in petitione publica pie adiuvans atque alens amanter complures alumnos. Quis nostrum est qui nesciat quanta officia, quanta munera, quanta onera pro nobis domina nostra susceperit, ut vicaria praesidis pro civitate sua, ut nostrae Societatis praeses ipsa? Quis est qui non legerit scripta eius de carminibus Flacci aut de bassiationibus Catulli? Quid plura? Satis est superque! Certe vos nunc omnes agnoscitis de qua loquor! Accedat, igitur, nostra collega ad haec rostra ut ovatione omnium merito ac iure honoretur. Plaudite, quaeso, HELENA R. DETTMER.
Deinde venio ad aliam feminam mirandam, mulierem, ut ait Cicero noster, "non solum nobilem verum etiam notam"! Quae vero primum amore studioque antiquarum linguarum incensa est ab fratre minore atque magistra in civitate fructibus floribusque florenti. Qua in civitate et baccalaurea et magistra artium facta, illa migravit ad civitatem—terram amantissimorum patriae--in qua illud libertatis nostrae causa bellum primum erupit. Nostram collegam, gradum doctoris adeptam, arcessivit illa universitas sita in urbe quae est notissima curribus nostris construendis.
O di boni, quas res mirabiles, quae facta incredibilia perfecit in universitate sua, in ista urbe, in civitate, in nostra regione! Onerata plurimis coronis docendi et insignibus Societatis nostrae cui vicaria praesidis servit, magnas it illa per urbes, ad litora ab litoribus (mirabile dictu!), disserens de paradoxis Stoicorum, de docenda lingua Latina, de rebus classicis in patria nostra traditis, de illustribus viris qui ab gentibus Africanorum orti in patria nostra studia nostra docuerunt. Quae cum ita sint, oro atque obsecro ut vos nunc nostram omnibus laudibus cumuletis. Plaudite, quaeso, MICHELE V. RONNICK.
Laudemus denique virum,--"virum" dixi?--immo vero heroa, qui solus tantos labores tantasque aerumnas in docendis discipulis suis et in lingua Latina fovenda molitus est ut nomen suum, quamquam longissimum difficillimumque, in nostris omnium domibus factum sit notissimum! Ille, ut adulescens, classicam semitam elegit de qua numquam declinavit. Factus philosophiae doctor in terra Mariae, se contulit ad caput rei publicae, ubi plurimos discipulos duo lustra docuit. Postea arcessitus est Hercules noster ad parvum collegium situm in civitate quae erat terra illius praesidis qui delevit servitiam servosque liberavit. Hic amor ei, haec patria est! Quid dicam de praestantissimis discipulis eius, de scriptis multis et variis, de itineribus diversas in partes orbis terrarum, de multis coronis docendi receptis, de laboribus plurimis susceptis pro Societate nostra? Hic heros praeclarus, suis manibus paene solis et paucis colleges adiuvantibus, in suo collegio omnes res classicas discipulis suis tradit; Societati nostrae multos annos vicarius praesidis civitatis suae et princeps laborantium ad linguam Latinam fovendam servivit. Ne multa: ubicumque noster accedit, classicorum studiorum amorem accendit, accensum conservat, conservatum propagat. Plaudite, quaeso, THOMAS J. SIENKIEWICZ.
Non. Apr. MMII in urbe Austin civitatis Texasiensis
St. Olaf College James M. May
Christine Ayers of Monmouth was among the first recipients of an Award for Outstanding Service in the Promotion of Latin from the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS). The award presentation was made at the organization's annual meeting in Austin, Texas, April 4-7, 2002.
Ayers was nominated for the award by Professor Thomas Sienkewicz, Minnie Billings Capron Professor of Classics, at Monmouth College, for the significant time, energy, and financial expense she has devoted towards the promotion of the study of Latin among the youth of Monmouth.
The purpose of the award, according to information provided by Professor Sienkewicz, is to formally acknowledge specific accomplishments that have been done "above and beyond the call of duty" for the profession and/or for the promotion of the classics in CAMWS territory, which includes 30 states and Canadian provinces.
Ayers has been involved in promoting and preserving Latin in the Monmouth schools for the past three years. Her involvement in Latin began in the summer of 1999 as the Monmouth District #38 School Board began discussion on phasing out the high school program due to decreasing enrollments, along with the small size of the incoming class for the fall course.
As Ayers' daughter was one of the incoming freshman who hoped to study Latin, gaining community support for the program became a prime concern for the mother who began her crusade by gathering and submitting a variety of promotional materials to school board members. In addition to attending school board meeting, Ayers also met with several school administrators.
Because of her diligence, the board agreed not to cancel the program, but instead lower the minimum number of students needed to offer the class, dropping it from 10 to six. A stipulation was that the program would be placed on probation with the understanding it would be eliminated if 10 students did not enroll in the class for the following school year.
In an effort to keep this from happening, Ayers organized monthly meetings for parents, teachers and students interested in saving the Latin program. It was through such meetings that the group engaged in a number of activities including writing letters to eighth graders encouraging them to take Latin, providing educational programs on the Classics for grade and high school students and to sponsor a Classics Bee, modeled after spelling and geography bees.
It was through efforts such as these that 22 students registered for Latin the following year, and because of this, the school board no longer considered elimination of the program.
Efforts to keep the program alive and in the school system have not stopped there, according to Professor Sienkewicz, as Ayers, organized additional programming, including Legion XIII in 2001 and again in 2002.
Professor Sienkewicz's narrative in nominating Ayers states, "Chris herself found a variety of funding sources (including a CPL grant) to bring a Latin persona performance to the high school and, more importantly, to the junior high, in the spring of 2000, just before the time for registration at the high school. She even made sure that the local parochial school was able to bring its students to one of the performances."
During the present academic year, 25 students are enrolled in Latin I and more than 20 in Latin II.
According to Professor Sienkewicz, "The Latin students at Monmouth High School are not the only ones who have benefited from Chris' energy and devotion. Thanks to Chris, even those hundreds of students who have not taken Latin have still had positive experiences with Classical culture by attending persona or Legion XIII performance or participating in the Classics Bee."
He added, "If anyone is a selfless friend of Latin and the Classics, it is Chris Ayers and she is most deserving of recognition by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South."
Click here for a photo of Ayers being recognized at the Illinois Latin Tournament.
Professional Development and Travel
Details at
Tuesday, June 25, 2002, either 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. or noon to 8:00 p.m. AND Wednesday, June 26 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Venite ad hanc officinam vivae Latinitatis! Per parvulos simplices gradus, gradatim discetis Latine loqui. Omittite verecundiam; audete Latine loqui. Nemo vos culpabit si errores in loquendo facietis. Mememtote: errare humanum est. Faciendo discimus. Omne initium est difficile, sed faciamus initium.
Come to this workshop in spoken Latin. Through small, simple steps, you will gradually learn to speak Latin. Forget about shyness; dare to speak Latin. No one will blame you if you make mistakes in speaking. Remember: to err is human. We learn by doing. Every beginning is tough, but let's make a beginning.
No prior experience or ability to speak Latin is required for this workshop. The workshop will begin with some exercise in the Classical pronunciation of Latin. Then, in easy steps, participants will be shown how they can use spoken Latin in the classroom. Topics such as greetings, daily life, family, home, leisure activities and sports, school, etc., will be discussed in Latin in short segments. At various times there will be group activities, in which participants will speak with one another on the model presented to the group as a whole. Some slides will be shown of Roman life and mythology, and participants will be asked, on a volunteer basis, to describe in simple Latin sentences what they see on the screen.
Participants should bring with them a copy of the 2nd edition of "Conversational Latin for Oral Proficiency, published by Bolchazy-Carducci, ISBN 0-86516-381-2. E-mail order: Participants should also notify Professor Traupman by e-mail that they will attend in order to receive pre-workshop instructions on their role in the workshop. At various times, there will be group activities, in which teachers will speak with one another on the model presented to the group as a whole. We will use over-head transparencies, color slides, and an audio-tape recorder.
Hotel arrangements are being made by the Illinois State Board of Education, probably at the Best Inn, 500 North First Street in Springfield. Individuals should not request reservations directly from the hotel. The State Board will make all reservations and participants will be given their room assignments as they check in for the workshop.
John Traupman will be the director of the workshop. He is an Emeritus Professor of Classics at St. Joseph's University and Editor-in-Chief at Wimbledon Publishing Co., London. His home address is 201 Tower Lane, Narberth, PA 19072. For further information, he can be reached at (610) 664-5487 or
He has given a pre-Institute workshop on oral Latin at the ACL annual meeting, as well as several 90-minute sessions. His most recent all-day workshop was at Dickinson College near Harrisburg, PA, on November 10, 2001.
Student News and Scholarship Opportunities
"Save the Date and Place"
February 27-28-March 1, 2003
William Tell Holiday Inn in Countryside/LaGrange, Illinois
On Joliet Road west of LaGrange Road (Routes 12/20/45)
For more information in advance or to be sure you are on the mailing list, contact Virginia Anderson at 630-739-3228 or at
The IJCL North held its 38th convention February 21-23, 2002 at the Holiday Inn in Tinley Park. There were 264 students from 15 schools. The theme, from Cornelius Nepos, was "Magnos homines virtute metimur non fortuna" which translates to "We measure great men by their virtue, not their fortune." A lot of activities and contests were scheduled, and the first place winners are as follows:
Laocoon: Eric Yates, Northside College Prep
Penelope: Jacqueline Lewandowski, Northside CP
Baucis & Philemon: Molly Shetter & Adam Stogdel, Springfield High School
Category 1-Drawing and Illustration: Paula Banser,Lyons, and Victoria Liu, Naperville North
Category 2-Painting and Illustration: Blythe Lancaster, Barrington H.S.
Category 3-3 dimensional pottery, sculpture, etc.:Michelle Wu, Barrington H.S.
Category 4-Mosaic: Regan Mansfield, Springfield, and Kari Seifeld, Springfield
Category 5-3dimensional models: Mick Sellergren, Barrington H.S.
Category 6-Handicrafts: Justin Polacek, Lyons, and Jessa Wright, Elgin
Category 7-Posters, Maps, Charts: Patricia Tan, Naperville North
Category 8-Cartoons and Greeting Cards: Peter Larson, Naperville North
Category 9-T-shirt design: Vicki Ger, Naperville North
Category 10-Photography: Narin Tangprasertchai, Barrington MS Prairie, and Sarah Bradley, Barrington H. S.
Category 11-Computer altered Photography: Marjorie Hohman, Springfield High School, and Matt Jung - Barrington H.S.
Elgin High School
Novice: Mark Spreitzer, Mike Pomeranz, Joe Kaiser, Jacqueline Lewandowski-Northside CP
Lower: Alec Whitney, Carolyn Auchter, Matt Hochstein, Madson Thompson, Barrington HS
Upper: Matt Kainer, Selene Valencia, Mike Cassil, Katie Derrig, St. Ignatius College Prep
Jr. High & Latin 1: David Yang, Naperville North
Latin 2: Matt Hochstein, Barrington H. S.
Latin 3: John Morse, Springfield H.S.
Latin 4/5: Katie Derrig, St. Ignatius College Prep
Jr. High & Latin 1: Joe Kaiser, Northside CP
Latin 2: Gathi Abraham, Northside CP
Latin 3: Matt Jung, Barrington H. S.
Latin 4/5: Katie Derrig, St. Ignatius
Jr. High & Latin 1: Mark Spreitzer, Northside
Latin 2: Patricia Tan, Naperville North
Latin 3: John Morse, Springfield H.S.
Latin 4/5" Amanda Prinke, Elgin H.S.
Roman History
Jr. High & Latin 1: Chris Cornillie, BMS Station
Latin 2: Eteri Chatara, Springfield H.S.
Latin 3: Lauren Griffin, Lyons Township H.S.
Latin 4/5: Katie Derrig, St. Ignatius College Prep
Reading Comprehension
Jr. High / Latin 1: David Yang, Naperville North, Corena Espino, Northside College Prep, Elliott Wu, BMS Prairie, and Joe Kaiser, Northside CP
Latin 2: Patricia Tan, Naperville North
Latin 3: Jasper Phillips, St. Ignatius, Matt Bayer, Barrington H. S., and Sean Sweany, St. Ignatius
Latin 4/5: Katie Derrig, St. Ignatius
Junior High: Elliott Wu, Eric Whitney, and Logan Fry, BMS Prairie
Latin 1: Mark Spreitzer, Northside CP, and Jon Allen, Springfield H.S.
Latin 2: Alec Whitney, Barrington H.S., Beth Carsley, Springfield H.S., Aidan Martin, Northside CP, and Dominika Kozera, Northside CP
Latin 3: John Morse, Springfield H.S.
Latin 4/5: Katie Derrig, St. Ignatius College Prep
Roman Life
Junior High: Logan Fry, BMS Prairie
Latin 1: Mark Spreitzer, Northside College Prep
Latin 2: Keefe Murtaugh, Loyola Academy, and Dominika Kozera, Northside College Prep
Latin 3: Mick Sellergren, Barrington H.S., Matt Over, Barrington H.S., and Liz Wagner, Springfield
Latin 4/5: Michelle Wu, Barrington H.S.
Junior High: Eric Whitney, BMS Prairie, Elliott Wu, BMS Prairie, and Ryan Julian, BMS Station
Latin 1: David Yang, Naperville North
Latin 2; Beth Carsley, Springfield H.S., and Patricia Tan, Naperville North
Latin 3: Dan Miller, Lyons Township H.S.
Latin 4/5: Katie Derrig, St. Ignatius College Prep, and Lauren Gioe, Elgin
Sight Latin
Novice & Lower: Jon Olowski and Mark Flatley, Northside College Prep
Upper: Amanda Prinke and Melissa Fish, Elgin H.S.
Dramatic Latin Interpretation
Jr. High & Latin 1: Kristin Idaszak, Lyons T. H. S.
Latin 2: Matt Grant, Springfield H.S.
Upper: Lauren Gioe, Elgin High School
English Oratory
Novice & Lower: Michael Pomeranz, Northside
Upper: Dan Hoang, Barrington H. S.
Jan Olowski, Northside College Prep
Modern (Creative) Myth
Lower: Beth Segriff, BMS Station
Upper: Katie Derrig, St. Ignatius College Prep
Small Schools: Barrington Middle School Prairie
Large Schools: Lyons Township High School
Springfield High School
School Sweepstakes
Total points
5th - St. Ignatius
4th - Naperville North
3rd - Springfield
2nd - Northside College Prep
1st - Barrington H.S.
School Sweepstakes - Per Capita
5th - Naperville North
4th - Barrington Middle School Prairie
3rd - Barrington H.S.
2nd - Elgin
1st - St. Ignatius
Individual Sweepstakes
10th - Logan Fry - BMS Prairie
Mick Sellergren - Barrington H.S.9th - Eric Whitney - BMS Prairie
8th - Larisa Sergent - Springfield H.S.
Amanda Prinke - Elgin H.S.
7th - Matt Hochstein - Barrington H.S.
6th - Mike Pomeranz - Northside College Prep
Mark Spreitzer - Northside College Prep
5th - Patricia Tan - Naperville North
4th - Elliott Wu - BMS Prairie
3rd - Joe Kaiser - Northside College Prep
2nd - Michelle Wu - Barrington H.S.
1st - Katie Derrig - St. Ignatius College Prep
The Illinois Latin Tournament Finals were held,Saturday, April 27, 2002, and were hosted by Monmouth College.. Although Legion XIIII cancelled its performance due to illness, Monmouth College was able to have Bernie Barcio to perform Tibutinus Friday night in the Monmouth College Auditorium.
Monmouth College also sponsored the Saturday lunch where the guest speaker was Mr. Duncan McPherson. Mr. McPherson is a 1997 graduate of Monmouth College, where he majored in
Classics. Mr. McPherson was the Mission Designer for "Descent: Free Space" and Designer for "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Covert Ops Essentials" and
"Combat." The title of his presentation was "Comuter Games and the Classics".
At the Illinois Latin Tournament Finals , the following scholarships were awarded:
The WILLIAM M. CALDER III Scholarship was awarded to James P. Suehr of Loyola Academy in Wilmette. He is a student of Michael Schulte for Latin and Donald Sprague for Greek.
The MATRES Scholarship was awarded to Jing Chiang a student at University Laboratory High School in Urbana. Her teacher is Dr. Frances Newman.
The awards were presented by Mrs. Borelli, President of the Illinois Classical Conference and Dr. Newman, Past President.
PICTURES OF WINNERS At, you will find some photos from the Illinois Latin Tournament at Monmouth College.
At the Board meeting at Rockford it was decided that State Latin Tournament would have a new format. Details will be announced later.
Results of the 2002 State Finals of the Latin Tournament
The top ranking students
in each category will receive, in addition to the ribbon, a book appropriate to classical studies. Those who wrote the top papers are:Junior High: Elliott Wu, Barrington MS Prairie
Latin I: Emilie Pradera, Loyola Academy
Latin II: Tim Loftus, Marmion Academy
Latin III Cicero: Katherine Peisker, University High
Latin III Vergil: Susie Skoda, Hinsdale Central
Latin IV: Katie Derrig, St. Ignatius
Latin V: John Zech, University High
The superior and excellent papers were written by:
Perfect score 200
Highest superior 174
Highest excellent 162
Frendreis, Scott-Loyola Academy-Mr. Mathers
Ginocchio, Tony-Loyola Academy-Mr. Mathers
Prodera, Emilie-Loyola Academy-Mr. Mathers
Soni, Jimmy-Hinsdale Central-Ms. Crowe
Wu, Stephanie-Hinsdale Central-Ms. Crowe
DeVience, Stephan-Notre Dame Boys-Ms. Jennifer Schuler
Hamm, Anna-Hinsdale Central-Ms. Crowe
Krafft, Nick-Loyola Academy-Mr. Mathers
Laws, Alex-Hinsdale Central-Ms. Crowe
Maginot, Patrick-Loyola Academy-Mr. Mathers
Runger, David-Benet Academy-Mrs. Golf
Perfect score 327
Highest superior 298
Highest excellent 276
Boylan, Christine-Rosary-Ms. Kathy Spencer
Graf, Noah-St. Ignatius-Dr. Heisler
Greviskes, Brian-Marmion Academy-Fr. Wahrnhoff, OSB
Hartranft, Megan-Rosary-Ms. Kathy Spencer
Loftus, Tim-Marmion Academy-Fr. Wahmhoff, OSB
McGinty, Brian-Benet Academy-Mrs. Golf
Pollock, Henry-University High-Dr. Newman
Bunnell, Jacquee-Hinsdale Central-Ms. Donna Watkins
Hatter, Brad-Marrnion Academy-Fr. Wahmhoff, OSB
Kearns, Sarah Rose-University High-Dr. Newman
Lynch, Steve-Marrnion Academy-Fr. Wahmhoff
Ramirez, Juan-Jones College Prep-Mrs. Maureen Toner
Starshak, Sarah-St. Ignatius-Mr. Raispis
Sidney, Alex-Hinsdale Central-Ms. Donna Watkins
Perfect score 150
Highest superior 126
Highest excellent 117
Chary, Anita-University High-Dr. Newrnan
Hameman, Tim-Marrnion Academy-Fr. Wahmhoff, OSB
Peisker, Katherine-University High-Dr. Newrnan
Pameranz, Yani-New Trier-Dr. Kirkpatrick
Schiff, Anne-New Trier-Dr.Kirkpatrick
Fox, Thomas-Marmion Academy-Fr. Wahmhoff, OSB
Healy, Catherine-St. Ignatius-Dr. Heisler
Hixson, Megan-Loyola Academy-Ms. Wick
Vivar, Karina-St. Ignatius-Dr. Heisler
Wessel, Brian-St. Ignatius-Dr. Heisler
Perfect score 264
Highest superior 248
Highest excellent 242
Sethi, Utsav-Hinsdale Central-Mr. Paris
Skoda, Susie-Hinsdale Central-Mr. Paris
Hill, Jane-Rosary-Ms. Kathy Spencer
Wu, Katherine-Hinsdale Central-Mr. Paris
Perfect score 135
Highest superior 129
Highest excellent 16
Chiko, Jennifer-Hinsdale South-Mr. Tripp
Derrig, Katie-St. Ignatius-Mr. Denning
Macnamara, Pat-St. Ignatius-Mr. Denning
Ryan, Patrick-Loyola Academy-Mr.Schulte
Wang, Jie-University High-Dr. Newman
Willey, Andrew-Marmion Academy-Fr. Wahrnhoff, OSB
Wu, Michelle-Barrington High School-Ms. LeeAnn Osburn
Bruce, Emilie-University High-Dr. Newman
Dorman-Jones, Zachary-University High-Dr. Newman
Goodwin-Kucinsky, Molly-St. Ignatius-Mr. Denning
Havey, Jillian-Loyola Academy-Mr.Schulte
Ignich, Clara-Loyola Academy-Mr. Schulte
Richardson, Carrie-Mother McAuley-Sr. Humbel
Suehr, Jim-Loyola Academy-Mr. Schulte
Willey, David-Marmion Academy-Fr. Wahmhoff
Chiang, Crystal-University High-Dr. Newman
Zech, John-University High-Dr. Newman
Cain, Carolyn-Carmel High School-Mrs. Bertaud
Cochrane, Marisa-Carmel High School-Mrs. Bertaud
Highest superior 8
Highest excellent 6
Whitney, Eric-Barrington Middle School Prairie-Mrs. Anderson
Wu, Elliott-Barrington Middle School Prairie-Mrs. Anderson
Barnowski, Ross-University High-Dr. Newman
DeJong, Colette-Barrington Middle School Station-Mrs. Anderson
This material
was posted on the web by Professor Thomas J. Sienkewicz of Monmouth College.
If you have any questions, you can contact him at