The Awards Banquet in the Gallery Room at the Wyndham Hotel, Itasca, Ill. Friday, Oct. 19, 2001, 6:15PM
Invocator Alice Mulberry gave the invocation in Latin at the start of the banquet.
Due to a surprise announcement from ICTFL host Virginia Gramer, Virginia Anderson received a round of applause for her work with ICTFL and that she was attending the banquet on the occasion of her birthday.
LeaAnn Osburn presented the Lt. Governor
’s Award for Exemplary Teaching in Region 2 to Dr. Sherrilyn Martin, who received a standing ovation.The mystery of the recipient of the 2001 ICC Latin Teacher of the Year Award was finally revealed by LeaAnn Osburn. The winner was Dr. Rebecca Crown. During the standing ovation, a door was opened and Dr. Crown
’s family was ushered in to join in honoring her. Needless to say, the honoree was quite surprised and overwhelmed, both by the award and the surprise attendance of her family.It was fortunate that the Augur had one of its gossip reporters (itself best left as a mystery) in attendance to cover the event.
Rickie Crown communicated the following to ICC President Borelli:
"Know, too, how grateful I am to you all for receiving this year’s Latin teaching award. . . . I would like to turn the check back to ICC and ask that it be used as funds for ICC scholarships to get young teachers to the Pedagogy Workshop. This should help add to the funds ICC discussed putting aside for that purpose at the October board meeting."This material was posted
on the web by Professor Thomas
J. Sienkewicz of Monmouth College.
If you have any questions, you can contact him at toms@monm.edu.