This list is maintained by Vicki Wine for the Illinois Classical Conference.
Would you like to share your expertise in certain areas with other educational groups within the ICC membership? If you'd like to offer your services through the ICC Speakers' Bureau, please notify the Augur Editor for inclusion in the next issue.
The current list of persons who have volunteered for the ICC Speakers List is as follows. Please contact them directly to arrange a presentation.
Ladislas J. Bolchazy, Ph.D., 1000 Brown Street,
Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-4344.
Topics: Gilgamesh, History of the Evolution of Ethical and Theological
Tom Sienkewicz, Dept. of Classics, Monmouth College,
Monmouth, IL 61462
e-mail: toms@monm.edu
Topics: Classical Art in Florence, Private Lives of Gladiators, Aeneid in
Art, Metamorphosis in Art
Tom Watkins, Dept. of History, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL
61455 309-298-1387 (campus), 833-4073 (home), e-mail: Tom_Watkins@ccmail.wiu.bgu.edu
Suggested setting: teachers' classes, student groups, etc.
Dr. B.F. Barcio, L.H.D.,6026 Indianola Ave.,
Indianapolis, IN 46220-2014; 317-255-0589; fax 317-254-1380
Presentations: "Fabius the Tribune, 1st Century A.D. Recruiting
Officer"; "Marcus Loreius Tiburtinus, Citizen of Pompeii". Basic
fee in Illinois, rates available for extra presentations.
Lois Dion, 11253 Bradley Court, Orland Park, IL 60467,
708-479-0079, ledion@aol.com
The Roman wedding (including costumes and props for the wedding, the
engagement, and the parade to the groom’s house) outlined in Pompeiiana"s
most recent brochure is available to ICC members at a reduced rate. Only
transportation costs from Orland Park and an honorarium are requested.
If you would like to have your name added to this list,
please use this form or contact Vicki
3376 30th Ave.
Rio, IL 61472
This webpage is maintained by Professor Thomas J. Sienkewicz of Monmouth College.
If you have any questions, you can contact him at toms@monm.edu.
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