Minutes of the Advisory Council Meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference held on Friday, Oct. 9, 2009, at the Prairie Moon Restaurant, 1502 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Ill.


Members present:  Emil Kramer*, Marilyn Brusherd*, Elisa Denja*, Judith Hayes*, James Chochola*, Vicki Wine*, William Lowe*, Becki Wick*, Alice Mulberry*, Daniel Garrison*, Anna Reiff*, Chester Tylinski, and Stephen Pilewski*.


Members present by proxy:  Virginia Anderson*, William Napiwocki*, Lois Dion*, Mary Lee Muniz*, Thomas Sienkewicz*, Jennifer Jordt*, and Erin Flynn*.


Call to order:  With a quorum present (8 required) President Emil Kramer  called the meeting to order at 5:15pm.  President Kramer welcomed all present and thanked them for attending the meeting.


Secretary’s Report:  Stephen Pilewski reported that the minutes of the Winter Meeting of the Advisory Council held on 2/21/09 were published in the Augur (May, 2009, pp. 6-7) and on the ICC website.  Since there were no corrections to the minutes, Becki Wick moved, seconded by Elisa Denja, to accept the minutes of 2/21/09 as published.  The motion passed by acclamation.


Treasurer’s Report:  Elizabeth Skoryi provided 3 reports.  The first was the Annual Treasurer’s Report (green sheet).  Discussion commenced on the line items, with Elisa Denja pointing out that Loyola Certamen is defunct and the $340 can be moved elsewhere.  Consensus on where to move the money was that the decision should be made when discussing the new budget.  With no further discussion on the Annual Treasurer’s Report, Marilyn Brusherd moved, seconded by James Chochola, to approve the Annual Treasurer’s Report.  The motion passed by acclamation.  Second, the 2009-2010 Budget (yellow sheet) was reviewed.  After some discussion of the line items and the placement of the $340 from the Loyola Certamen, Anna Reiff moved, seconded by Becki Wick, to move the $340 from the Loyola Certamen to the Contingency Fund and to adopt the 2009-2010 Budget.  The motion passed by acclamation.  Third, the Membership Update and Illinois Certamen League  Report  (white sheet) were reviewed.  The ICC had 110 members, with 4 new members joining this year.  As of 10/5/09, 66 members still had not renewed.  180 Sept., 2009, copies of the Augur were mailed with a postage cost of $221.30.  Finally, the divisions and their compositions of the Illinois Certamen League were reviewed and discussed.


Vice-Presidents’ Report:

     a.  2010 Conference:  Becki Wick and William Lowe cited their efforts in securing a location.  Several possibilities are currently being explored.

     b.  2009 Conference:  They pointed out that the Call for Papers was not that successful (only 3 responses), so other means were used to garner a sufficient number of presenters.

     President Kramer expressed his thanks for their efforts with this and next years’ conferences, and called for a round of applause for Vice-Presidents Becki Wick and William Lowe, and for Local Committee co-chairs Daniel Garrison and Francesca Tataranni, who was later succeeded by Judith Hayes, and member Jeanne Revid for everyone’s hard work in bringing the 2009 Conference to fruition.


Newsletter Editor’s Report:  Marilyn Brusherd reiterated the changes planned for the Augur that were mentioned in the May (pp. 5-6) and Sept. (pp. 4-6), 2009, issues of the Augur.  The next Augur may be issued in December, and thereafter perhaps in March or April.


ICC Website:  President Kramer read a report from Thomas Sienkewicz which said that Thomas does not have the time to monitor the increased traffic that is proposed for the ICC website, and that either a student at Monmouth would have to be hired or the ICC website would have to be moved to a public website.  Thomas favors continuing with an institutional server, such as Monmouth.  Discussion ensued on Thomas’ report.  Alice Mulberry proposed going to a public server with Jay Mulberry as webmaster.  Possibilities arose for moving the increased traffic (e.g., IJCL scores) to ListServe instead of to the ICC website, thereby reducing or eliminating the additional material that would go to the ICC website.  It was decided to continue the discussion at tomorrow’s First General Business Meeting when Thomas would be present.


Pedagogy Workshop:  Reporting for Rickie Crown, Mary Ann Beatty and Nava Cohen, Elisa Denja enumerated issues and variables, the outcome of which were unknown at this point (e.g., what will happen with Chicago Public Schools, scheduling certain days, presenting topics at ICC, and requirements of National Lewis University).  After some discussion and allowing for the unknowns, the consensus of the Advisory Council was that ICC would continue to consider supporting the Pedagogy Workshop.


ACL:  James Chochola was not able to attend this year’s Annual Institute, held in June at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, CA.  James inquired if Christopher Condrad attended in his place, but no one at the meeting knew.


Host Institutions:  Alice Mulberry compiled a list of responsibilities of local hosts when hosting an ICC convention.  The handout was distributed for review and discussion.  President Kramer acknowledged Alice’s important contribution to guide host institutions, and he encouraged the Advisory Council to read the document and send any comments to Alice.


Outreach to New Members:  James Chochola discussed the issue of membership in ICC and ways to increase it.  William Lowe suggested connecting with other resources in Illinois, such as classical organizations.  Because of increasing noise levels at the restaurant, President Kramer suggested that the discussion be continued at tomorrow’s First General Business Meeting.


Awards Committee:  Thomas Sienkewicz submitted a proposal for establishing a subcommittee which would allot the Latin Teacher of the Year Award.  Discussion ensued, but with the noise level in the restaurant increasing, the consensus was to take up the proposal at tomorrow’s First General Business Meeting.


CAMWS:  President Kramer thanked Vicki Wine for her report.


ICTFL/ACTFL:  President Kramer thanked Virginia Anderson for her report, which also appeared in the Augur (Sept., 2009, pp. 15-16).


Adjournment:  With there being no further business, President Kramer called for a motion to adjourn.  James Chochola so moved, seconded by Elisa Denja.  The motion passed by acclamation, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm.


                                             Respectfully submitted,




                                             Stephen Pilewski
