Minutes of the Winter Meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference Advisory Council held on Saturday, February 21, 2009, at Walter Payton’s Roundhouse Restaurant, 205 N. Broadway, Aurora, Ill.


Members present:  Emil Kramer*, Alice Mulberry*, Lanetta Warrenburg*, Elizabeth Skoryi*, Christopher Condrad*, Anna Reiff*, Becki Wick*, Marilyn Brusherd*, Vicki Wine*, James Chochola*, Erin Flynn*, and Stephen Pilewski*.


Members present by proxy:  Virginia Anderson*, Elisa Denja*, Lois Dion*, Mary Lee Muniz*, William Napiwocki*, Jennifer Draper*, Thomas Sienkewicz*, Rickie Crown*, John Makowski*, and Jennifer Jordt*.


Call to order:  With a quorum present (8 required) President Emil Kramer called the meeting to order at 12:15pm.


Secretary’s Report: Stephen Pilewski reported that the minutes of the 3 previous meetings (Advisory Council on 10/10/08 in the Moose Harbor Room 314 of the Stoney Creek Inn, Moline, Ill; First General Business on 10/11/08 in Room 122 of Old Main at Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill; Second General Business on 10/12/08 at Johnny’s Italian Steakhouse in Moline, Ill.) were published both on the ICC website and in the Augur (Jan., 2009, pp. 7-12).  Since there were no corrections to the minutes, Anna Reiff moved, seconded by Lanetta Warrenburg, to approve the minutes of the 3 previous meetings as published.  The motion passed by acclamation.


Treasurer’s Report:  Elizabeth  Skoryi presented the Annual Treasurer’s Report as of 2/20/09.  The ICC realized a profit of $1,136.86 from the Fall 2008 ICC Conference.  It cost $166.09 to mail 136 copies of the January, 2009 Augur to the membership.  Alice Mulberry then proposed making an appropriate donation to Augustana College for its effort and support in hosting the Fall 2008 ICC Conference, much as was done the previous year for Loyola University.  After some discussion, Alice Mulberry moved, seconded by Becki Wick, that a donation of $1,000 be drawn from the profit of the Fall 2008 ICC Conference and be presented to the Classics Department of Augustana College as the ICC’s expression of appreciation.  The motion passed.  When discussion of the rest of the report was concluded, Marilyn Brusherd moved, seconded by James Chochola, to accept the Annual Treasurer’s Report as of 2/20/09.  The motion passed by acclamation.


2009 Conference:  With details still in the formative stages, Becki Wick presented an update on the progress so far, which prompted a lively discussion.  Topics discussed were ideas for panel discussions, coordination with the Chicago Classical Club and AIA, presentations that would appeal to high school and college teachers, setting conference fees, checking on accommodations, AIA and CCC speakers, honoraria, and consideration for a lighter, briefer topic for the post-banquet speaker.


Pedagogy Workshop:  The Advisory Council carefully considered the ICC Latin Pedagogy Workshop Report and ILPW Questionnaire submitted by Mary Ann Beatty, Nava Cohen, and Rickie Crown.  The proposals made in the report generated questions that needed answers before any action could be taken.  Since no one was present from the Pedagogy Workshop who could provide answers, the consensus was that further discussion should be tabled until the next Advisory Council meeting (Friday evening at the Fall 2009 ICC Conference), pending attendance of Pedagogy Workshop representatives who can address the concerns of the Advisory Council.  James Chochola so moved, seconded by Anna Reiff.  The motion passed.


Newsletter Editor’s Report:  Marilyn Brusherd reported that 136 copies of the Augur (Jan., 2009) were mailed to the membership.  Because of problems with timeliness of articles and announcements, deadlines, mailing problems, and rising costs of postage and supplies, Marilyn proposed posting the bulk of the Augur’s content to the ICC website and ListServe for faster dissemination to the membership, and to limit the content of the Augur to the Directory and minutes of the meetings.  In addition, Marilyn proposed reducing the yearly mailing from thrice to twice, as required by the ICC Bylaws (Art. VII).  The twice yearly mailings could then occur after the Fall ICC Conference and after the Winter Meeting of the Advisory Council.  Discussion was animated.  One suggestion was to e-mail the Augur to each member, but Marilyn countered with problems associated with e-mailing to each member.  Another suggestion was to eliminate mailing the Augur altogether and instead post each issue to the ICC website, but Stephen Pilewski objected to posting personal information (e.g., the home addresses and telephone numbers in the Directory) on either the ICC website or ListServe, as well as any information that should not appear on those sites (e.g., financial reports).  James Chochola said that he controlled access to ListServe, but admitted that there were a few subscribers who were not ICC members and about whom he knew little.  There was also discussion about revising Article VII of the Bylaws, but the consensus felt that the current description allowed for the most flexibility.  Finally, it was decided to publish the May (2009) and September (2009) issues of the Augur in the current format and then move to publish the Augur twice yearly in a more timely manner with the core content being the Directory and minutes of the meetings.


Guidelines for Committee Reports:  In order to increase the efficiency of ICC meetings, President Kramer proposed that committee reports be sent to him at least 2 weeks in advance of any meeting date.  He also proposed that a sufficient number of reports in handout form be brought to the meetings.  Discussion agreed that this method would help to make a more efficient use of time at the meetings.


Other Business:

Illinois Latin Tournament:  Reporting for Jennifer Draper, President Kramer said that 18 schools have registered 325 students for the Qualifying round of the 2009 Tournament.  Finals will take place at Knox College in Galesburg on 4/25/09.  Elizabeth Skoryi has the new ICC banner.


Joint Resolution with AMICI:  Alice Mulberry regretted to report that the joint resolution with AMICI, represented by John Gruber-Miller, that was adopted at the Second General Business Meeting on 10/12/08 and which was to be presented to the College Board, has not moved forward due to a lack of signatures from AMICI’s Co-Council representatives.  Alice has repeatedly tried to contact the representatives, but has not received any response.  Alice then proposed that the ICC should send the resolution to the College Board as its own, rather than as a joint resolution with AMICI.  Erin Flynn so moved, seconded by Lanetta Warrenburg.  The motion passed.  Alice agreed to send the resolution to the College Board.


ACL:  James Chochola reminded everyone that the next Annual Institute would be held at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles on Jun. 26-28, 2009.  James reported that he cannot attend and is looking for a replacement.


Illinois Certamen League:  Lanetta Warrenburg presented an update on the latest endeavors with this project.  Elizabeth Skoryi also commented on the efforts.


Adjournment:  Reminding everyone that there would be a meeting of IJCLN following this meeting, President Kramer then asked if there was any other business.  When none replied, President Kramer called for a motion to adjourn.  Becki Wick so moved, seconded by James Chochola.  The motion passed by acclamation, and the meeting was adjourned at 1:15pm.

                                            Respectfully submitted,


Stephen Pilewski