Minutes of the Advisory Council Meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference held on Friday, Oct. 5, 2007, in Room 530 of the Crown Center for the Humanities, Loyola University, Lake Shore Campus, Chicago, Ill. 60626.

Members present: Alice Mulberry*, James Chochola*, Jennifer Draper*, William N. L. Draper, Elizabeth Skoryi*, Marilyn Brusherd*, Virginia Anderson*, Jay Mulberry, Elisa Denja*, William Napiwocki*, Edwin Menes*, Laurie Jolicoeur*, Emil Kramer*, Vicki Wine*, Lanetta Warrenburg*, Lois Dion*, Victoria Henderson*, and Stephen Pilewski*.

Members present by proxy: Thomas Sienkewicz*, Rickie Crown*, Mary Ann Beatty*, and Christopher Condrad*.

Call to order: With a quorum present (7 required) President Alice Mulberry called the meeting to order at 5:20pm. President Mulberry welcomed everyone on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Illinois Classical Conference to Loyola University’s beautiful Lake Shore Campus.

Secretary’s Report: Stephen Pilewski reported that the minutes of the Winter Meeting of the Advisory Council held on 2/3/07 were published in the Augur (May, 2007, pp. 7-9) and on the ICC website. Since there were no corrections to the minutes, Jennifer Draper moved, seconded by William Napiwocki, to accept the minutes of 2/3/07 as published. The motion passed by acclamation.

Treasurer’s Report: Elizabeth Skoryi presented the Annual Treasurer’s Report and summarized the line items. She also presented the 2007-2008 Budget Report, commented on some of the line items, and solicited input for any revision to the line items. When none was received, Emil Kramer moved, seconded by Virginia Anderson, to accept the Annual Treasurer’s Report and to approve the 2007-2008 Budget Report. The motion passed by acclamation.

Local Committee: Edwin Menes reported that 60 registered to date for the conference and a printed list of the registrants was included in the registration folders.

Newsletter Editor’s Report: Marilyn Brusherd said that 165 September Augurs were mailed at a postage cost of $186.96, and she thanked Elizabeth Skoryi and Lincoln-Way Central H.S. for their help with the printing and mailing. Marilyn asked to keep articles coming to her, and she solicited book reviews of any length which would benefit the readership. Discussion then arose on e-mailing the Augur, but, according to both Marilyn and Elizabeth, this method was not feasible at this point.

Registered Agent: Lois Dion reported that she gave the Annual Report document from the Illinois Secretary of State along with a check for the annual filing fee ($5.00) from Elizabeth Skoryi to Stephen Pilewski, so that he might complete the document and mail it by the Nov. 1 deadline.

ICC Website: Reporting for Thomas Sienkewicz, President Mulberry said that the website is open to improvement and that suggestions can be sent directly to Webmaster Thomas.

Illinois Latin Tournament: Jennifer Draper called attention to her detailed report in the Augur (May, 2007, pp. 23-26). She reported that 365 students from 21 schools took the Qualifying Exam and of these 104 participated in the Final Exam. Jennifer also reported on the renaissance of the Advisory Board and its action to reorganize the 7 sections into 6 sections. The 2008 registrations will be mailed 11/15/07 and the Qualifying Exam will be given Mar. 3-8, 2008. The Final Exam will be given on 4/26/08 at a location to be determined.

Auditing Committee: No report was received, although Elizabeth Skoryi reported that the audit was completed.

Membership Committee: Elizabeth Skoryi reported that as of 10/5/07, membership totaled 106 including 4 new members and 51 not yet renewed. Vicki Wine outlined her efforts on resolving lapsed institutional memberships, soliciting articles from colleges on their graduating Classics majors, and asking schools to submit descriptions of their Classic department and programs. Discussion then ensued on enhancing the Augur by publishing the material that Vicki requested from the schools.

Nominating Committee: Laurie Jolicoeur reported no activity because this was not an election year.

Awards Committee: Virginia Anderson said that the awards would be announced at the Saturday evening banquet. She then solicited the names of people who are retiring. President Mulberry added that Thomas Sienkewicz requested nominees for the Matres and Calder Awards. When Virginia mentioned that no nominees were received for the Illinois Teacher of the Year Award, Jennifer Draper suggested that a form for making these nominations should appear in the Augur or on the ICC website, or in both places. Discussion then ensued on the format of this nomination form. Virginia said that she will pass this suggestion on to the other Award Committee members.

Memorator Invocatorque: William Napiwocki recalled the passing of quite a number of classicists, which he published in the Augur (Jan., 2007, p. 13; May, 2007, p. 11; Sept., 2007, p. 12). He also published his Invocationes in the Augur (Jan., 2007, p. 14). William was saddened to report the passing of Naidyne Brown Bridwell in Denver on 9/24/07. Details will appear in the Augur. Finally, with the closing of Archbishop Quigley Preparatory Seminary in June, William reported that he is now teaching Latin 101 part-time at Loyola University’s St. Joseph College Seminary.

Teacher Idea Exchange: Reporting for Anna Dybis, Marilyn Brusherd said that the materials would be available at the Book Exchange for a nominal charge. After some discussion on what to do with the monies received from the sale of these items, Marilyn moved, seconded by Lois Dion, to combine the receipts of the Teachers’ Idea Exchange with those of the Book Exchange into the Graces Award for the Pedagogy Workshop Scholarship. The motion passed.

Pedagogy Workshop: President Mulberry called attention to the report submitted by the Committee. Because of low enrollment and other factors, the 2007 Workshop was canceled and rescheduled for Jul. 7-10, 2008. Discussion then followed on the ICC’s allocation of money with the rescheduling of the Workshop. Would the Workshop after 2008 take place in 2009 (adhering to the original schedule) or in 2010 (allowing for the move to 2008)? Before funding could be discussed, more information was needed from the Pedagogy Workshop sponsors.

Resolutions Committee: James Chochola said that he was working on the resolutions, and he solicited a replacement for himself.

Liaison to Schools and Colleges: Despite the previous representative feeling that the position had become obsolete, President Mulberry stated that she saw value in the position and wanted the new representative along with Advisory Council to spearhead a dialogue with colleges and universities with the goal of making the ICC attractive to college and university teachers. A vigorous discussion followed with ideas that might appeal to college and university teachers, such as:
1) inviting teachers to share their research with ICC,
2) asking Illinois presenters at CAMWS and APA if they would also like to present their papers at ICC, or perhaps form a panel at ICC (William Napiwocki),
3) suggesting that college students become members of ICC and thereby attracting their professors (Victoria Henderson),
4) suggesting that institutional members of ICC have a student presenter at ICC (Marilyn Brusherd),
5) suggesting having “hot topics” on ICC programs to attract current teachers who need CPDUs (Laurie Jolicoeur),
6) having a current “hot topic” like “special needs” (Lanetta Warrenburg), and,
7) suggesting that graduate students turn their research papers into presentations at ICC (Marilyn Brusherd).

Banner: Jennifer Draper recounted the problems she was having with the banner maker, including the maker not responding to phone calls. The net result was the need to locate another banner maker, but, unfortunately, the cost would increase. After some discussion, Jennifer Draper called for a motion to amend the original cost estimate from $100 to a maximum of $175 for the banner because of increased costs, and that the funds would come from the Contingency Fund. Elizabeth Skoryi so moved, seconded by Lanetta Warrenburg. The motion passed.

IJCLN: Victoria Henderson announced that she would distribute the packets tomorrow at the JCL Meeting. She also outlined some changes to events and criteria, the offering of new awards, and trying an ice cream social. At the February, 2008 convention, Christopher Condrad will assume Victoria’s position, and Erin Flynn from Lincoln-Way Central H.S. will move into Christopher’s slot.

IJCLS: Mary Lee Muniz’s report on the 11/18/06 convention appeared in the Augur (Jan., 2007, pp. 20-21). President Mulberry added that she spoke with Mary Lee Muniz and that the convention would be held on 11/17/07 at Springfield H.S.

Illinois Certamen League: Elizabeth Skoryi distributed a report showing the 4 divisions and the teams of each who have registered so far or intend to do so. She and Lanetta Warrenburg commented on the recent events.

ICTFL/ACTFL: Virginia Anderson called attention to her reports in the Augur (Jan., 2007, p. 16; May, 2007, p. 12) on upcoming ICTFL activities and other information. She pointed out that this year’s ICTFL convention in Springfield will be the organization’s 20th anniversary. Reiterating Laurie Jolicoeur’s call earlier for addressing “hot topics,” Virginia said that ICTFL is a great place for addressing such topics and that she will report the convention results in the next Augur.

CAMWS: Vicki Wine summarized her reports in the Augur (May, 2007, pp. 11-12), which she would comment further on at tomorrow’s First General Business Meeting. She encouraged teachers to apply for existing CAMWS grants and said that some of the applications forms are available online.

ACL: James Chochola will publish his report in the Augur. He said that the 2008 Annual Institute would be held in New Hampshire.

APA/AIA: President Mulberry called attention to 2 notices in the registration folders: 1) the APA/AIA Joint Annual Meeting in Chicago on Jan. 3-6, 2008, which offers reduced conference fees if registrants agree to volunteer to help at the conference, and 2) the APA Comic Contest, which is open to both students and adults.

2008 Conference: Reporting on their efforts, Vicki Wine and Emil Kramer said that tentative plans called for the conference to be held at Augustana College with accommodations provided by the Stoney Creek Inn in Moline at a conference rate of about $85/night. Because Augustana will be celebrating its annual Homecoming on Columbus Day weekend, some options must be looked at, such as keeping with Columbus Day weekend but holding the convention at the Inn instead of on campus, or moving the conference to another weekend when the campus would be available. The options were discussed, but President Mulberry felt that Vicki and Emil needed some flexibility in arriving at the best solution.

2009 Conference: President Mulberry was still exploring possible sites in the Chicago area with a possible return to the Margarita Inn.

Harvard Commencement Speech: Elizabeth Skoryi reported that 72 DVDs were still available. Conference attendees who wished to purchase them would save shipping costs.

Database of Colleges and Universities offering Latin and Greek: Jennifer Draper was still waiting on updates.

ListServe: James Chochola reported on the various activities and benefits offered to participants online.

Upcoming Events: None besides those already mentioned was reported.

Teacher Vacancies: Lanetta Warrenburg announced that she is retiring this year and is looking for someone to fill her position so that it does not disappear. James Chochola said that Lane Tech may need another Latin teacher. De LaSalle Academy is also searching for a Latin teacher. Marilyn Brusherd suggested listing these positions both on the ICC website and in the Augur.

Trip to Indianapolis Art Museum: President Mulberry announced a bus trip to this museum to see “Roman Treasures of the Louvre” on 11/17/07. The cost for the 1 day trip is $50, which includes the bus fare and admission to the museum. Bruce Williams from the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago will lead the tour.

ICC Legal Status: President Mulberry expressed concern that the ICC is not a 501.c.3 organization and contributors cannot deduct their donations to the ICC. In addition, the ICC cannot get a sales tax exemption at conferences and banquets. Elizabeth Skoryi said that the ICC does not fit the criteria for a 501.c.3 organization.

New Business: President Mulberry said that this conference marked the 70th anniversary of the ICC and that pastries donated by Ray DenAdel from Pella, IA would be enjoyed at this evening’s reception. Since the 75th anniversary would be the Diamond anniversary, President Mulberry thought that the Advisory Council should be thinking of what it wants to do for that celebration. Elizabeth Skoryi thanked everyone for her CAMWS award nomination and displayed her plaque.

Adjournment: After thanking everyone for his or her help and commending members whom she has worked with on various projects, President Mulberry asked if there was any other business. When none replied, President Mulberry called for a motion to adjourn. James Chochola so moved, seconded by Victoria Henderson. The motion passed by acclamation, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephen Pilewski