Minutes of the Advisory Council Meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference held on Friday, Oct. 6, 2006, in the Assembly Room of the State House Inn, Springfield, Ill.

Members present: Alice Mulberry*, Elizabeth Skoryi*, Lois Dion*, Laurie Jolicoeur*, Vicki Wine*, John Makowski, Chester Tylinski, James Chochola*, Emil Kramer, Virginia Anderson*, William Napiwocki*, Jay Mulberry, Marilyn Brusherd*, Victoria Henderson*, and Stephen Pilewski*.

Members present by proxy: Rickie Crown*, Thomas Sienkewicz*, Anna Dybis*, Jennifer Draper*, Mary Ann Beatty*, and Lanetta Warrenburg*.

With a quorum present (7 required) President Vicki Wine called the meeting to order at 6:10pm. President Wine welcomed all those present and was pleased at the good turnout (47 attendees) for this downstate conference.

Secretary's Report: Stephen Pilewski reported that the minutes of the Winter Meeting of the Advisory Council held on 2/4/06 were published in the Augur (May, 2006, pp. 6-8) and on the ICC website. Since there were no corrections to the minutes, Elizabeth Skoryi moved, seconded by James Chochola, to approve the minutes of 2/4/06. The motion passed by acclamation. Stephen then called attention to a recent problem of confusion that arose from his longstanding method of listing committee members under the chairs in the Augur's Directory and on the ICC website. Only the chairs of committees may vote at Advisory Council meetings, but committee members may do so if they are performing other functions on the Advisory Council that have voting privileges. (Example: When Stephen was a committee member on the Constitution Committee, he would normally not be entitled to vote at Advisory Council meetings. His other function as Secretary, however, entitled him to vote.) After Stephen read Art. IV, Sect. 2 of the Bylaws (revised 10/19/02), discussion arose as how best to clarify who can vote at Advisory Council meetings. Several options were proposed including listing Standing Committees separately, but issues of space limitations and possible confusion by listing committees elsewhere than in the Directory were debated. Finally, a decision was made to keep Stephen's longstanding format, except that an asterisk be placed next to the members' names who are entitled to vote at Advisory Council meetings. The asterisk is to be used in the Directory and in the minutes. The Council then emphasized that all ICC members are encouraged to attend Advisory Council meetings, even though they may not vote. All ICC members, of course, are entitled to vote at the General Business meetings.

Treasurer's Report: Elizabeth Skoryi presented the 2006-2007 Budget Report, and pointed out that the Newsletter exceeded its allocation by $62.92 due to the rising costs of postage and supplies. Elizabeth suggested that use of a smaller font size and a reduction of white space would save both postage and supplies. William Napiwocki questioned the practice of listing tour information in the Augur without receiving remuneration from the tour companies. He felt that the ICC should be compensated at the published advertising rate. After some discussion, Elizabeth said that she would discuss these issues with Marilyn Brusherd. William then moved, seconded by Laurie Jolicoeur, to approve the 2006-2007 Budget Report. The motion passed by acclamation. Elizabeth then reviewed the Annual Treasurer's Report, after which Virginia Anderson moved, seconded by Laurie, to approve the Annual Treasurer's Report. The motion passed by acclamation.

Newsletter Editor's Report: Elizabeth Skoryi stated that 174 copies of the Sept. Augur were mailed at a cost of $193.14 for postage and $111.24 for supplies. Discussion then arose on formatting issues of materials sent to the Augur. President Wine suggested adopting a common software, such as Rich Text, in order to minimize transposition of characters and formatting changes when transmitting material to the Newsletter. Others felt that due to the plethora of different computers, operating systems and Internet service providers, that the problem would never be resolved.

Registered Agent: Lois Dion reported that she gave the Annual Report document from the Illinois Secretary of State along with a check for the annual filing fee ($5.00) from Elizabeth Skoryi to Stephen Pilewski, so that he might complete the document and mail it by the Nov. 1 deadline.

ICC Website: President Wine requested that she be notified if anyone encounters problems with submitting materials to the website. She also asked that materials in categories new to the website be forwarded first to the current president for approval before being sent to Webmaster Thomas Sienkewicz.

Illinois Latin Tournament: Reporting for Jennifer Draper, Elizabeth Skoryi said that the search continues for a host school for the April, 2007 State Finals. Hosting the State Finals presents a good opportunity for showcasing the school and its campus, as well as advertising its programs and faculty. Chester Tylinski expressed concern about the State Finals conflicting with the State Mathematics Finals. One solution that was discussed was the possibility of a joint site for both events

Auditing Committee: No report was received.

Membership Committee: Elizabeth Skoryi reported that as of 10/6/06, membership totaled 117 including 5 new members, 23 life members, and 1 joint lifetime. Four institutions have renewed their dues. Elizabeth expressed concern about the 46 members and institutions who do not renew their memberships on a consistent basis. William Napiwocki suggested that listing current institutional members in ICC conference programs might be an incentive. Emil Kramer proposed that the ICC present a certificate to an outstanding student, and Chester Tylinski suggested that a book be presented as a prize. Other ideas for encouraging membership at the individual and institutional levels were discussed.

Nominating Committee: Laurie Jolicoeur presented the slate of officers for the 2006-2008 term: Alice Mulberry for President, Emil Kramer for Vice-President, Elizabeth Skoryi for Treasurer, and Stephen Pilewski for Secretary.

Awards Committee: Virginia Anderson said that the announcements would be made at the General Business meeting. She solicited the names of upcoming retirees so that no one would be overlooked. President Wine suggested getting the word out earlier so that family, friends and colleagues could attend retiree presentations.

Memorator Invocatorque: William Napiwocki regretted to report the passing of 7 members, which he would address more fully at the General Business meeting and post in the Augur. William was still in the process of gathering more information about the deaths.

Teacher Idea Exchange: No report was received.

Pedagogy Workshop: President Wine passed out the report from Rickie Crown and Mary Ann Beatty, and James Chochola pointed out the highlights in the report. Discussion then addressed the 2 monetary requests in the report:

1. $300 for snacks for Workshop participants and presenters during breaks, and,

2. $300 per scholarship for 1 or 2 graduate students to cover Workshop registration fees.

With the established ICC contribution of $500 to the Workshop, the minimum allocation would be increased to $1,100. Elizabeth Skoryi and President Wine wondered why the registration fee could not be raised to cover snacks, in the same manner that the ICC factors these costs in its conference registration fees. After more discussion, James Chochola and President Wine felt that they needed to discuss the issues raised with the Pedagogy Workshop sponsors who were not present. Also, President Wine wanted to explore other sources for funding.

Resolutions Committee: James Chochola announced that he would present the resolutions at Sunday's General Business meeting. He asked that he be kept informed of those individuals and entities that needed to be recognized so that no one would be overlooked.

Liaison to Schools and Colleges: President Wine asked to be apprised of official changes in staffing at schools and colleges, as well as to be informed of school closings.

IJCLN: Victoria Henderson announced that the packets were ready and presented an update on the latest changes and additions to the annual convention to be held at the Tinley Park Holiday Inn Conference Center on Feb. 22-24, 2007.

IJCLS: The report from Marcene Farley appeared in the Augur (Sept., 2006, p. 26). The annual convention will be held Nov. 18, 2006 at Pekin Community High School.

Illinois Certamen League: Elizabeth Skoryi called attention to participating schools in 3 divisions in her handout. She announced that the certamina will take place on Nov. 14 and Dec. 12, 2006, and on Feb. 6, 2007.

ICTFL/ACTFL: Virginia Anderson announced that the ICTFL convention will take place Oct. 19-21, 2006 at the Marriott Hickory Ridge Hotel in Lisle. She called attention to ICTFL's establishment of a Professional Standards Committee that may impact the Classics, and she felt that Classics should be represented on that committee. Virginia also announced that ACTFL's convention would be held in Alexandria, VA, the week before Thanksgiving. William Napiwocki commented on the high registration fees at ACTFL conventions.

CAMWS: President Wine was pleased to announce the CAMWS materials in the book display area.

ACL: James Chochola reported that 14 members from Illinois attended the ACL convention last June in Philadelphia, and that photos appeared on the ICC website. Next year's Annual Institute will be held on Jun. 28-30, 2007 in Nashville, TN. President Wine thanked James for representing the ICC, and James solicited news items that he can report to ACL.

APA/AIA: No report was received.

Virtual Latin: Lois Dion reported an enrollment of 15 in Latin I (12 in semester 1 and 3 in semester 2) and 8 in Latin II (7 in semester 1 and 1 in semester 2). These numbers were about the same as last year. Lois said that new teachers were always needed for this project. Although Virtual Latin was created for schools that do not offer Latin, Lois was disheartened to report that she has heard instances of schools dropping their own Latin programs and directing their students to Virtual Latin. Virtual Latin was never intended to replace existing Latin programs.

Harvard Commencement Speech: Elizabeth Skoryi proudly held up the DVD that was produced at a cost of $11.85 each and is now ready for sale. The current price, which includes shipping, is $15 for members and $20 for non-members.

2006 Conference: Alice Mulberry reported that 47 registered for the conference, 41 for the Saturday luncheon, 41 for the evening banquet, and 25 for the Sunday luncheon. She remarked on the wonderful cooperation that she received from the hotel and the Springfield Convention Bureau. Alice also thanked Marilyn Brusherd for bringing in AV equipment and Gerald Day and his students for their assistance, especially with handling registration. Even though its participation was decided late in August, MOCA (Missouri Classical Association) was represented by 3 attendees.

2007 Conference: John Makowski was pleased to announce that the conference would be held at Loyola University, most likely at the Lake Shore campus. The traditional Saturday joint luncheon with the Chicago Classical Club was being retained, and there was a possibility for a Latin Mass on Sunday. Alice Mulberry expressed thanks to Loyola from the ICC, and she will help Emil Kramer with planning for this conference.

2008 Conference: Acting on an interest from Iowa classicists for a joint meeting, President Wine proposed meeting in the Quad Cities area, either at a hotel or in conjunction with one or more area schools.

Initiatives: James Chochola said that he will field questions about ListServe. Elizabeth Skoryi distributed a handout on Yahoo Groups, a method by which a group can share a calendar, files, photos, databases, emails, polls, and shared links. The service is free. The banner for the ICC is still in the works, according to reports from Jennifer Draper.

Teacher Vacancies: Attention was called to the vacancy listings both on the ICC website and in the Augur. Priority should always be given to the website and to ListServe. It was pointed out that the ACL also has a teacher vacancy website.

Upcoming Events: None was reported.

There being no other business, President Wine called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. James Chochola so moved, seconded by Laurie Jolicoeur. The motion passed by acclamation, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephen Pilewski
