Minutes of the Winter Meeting of the Illinois Classical
Conference Advisory Council held on Saturday, February 4, 2006, at
the Corner Bakery, 224 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL. Members present: Victoria Henderson, Elizabeth Skoryi, Virginia Anderson, James Chochola, Jennifer Draper, William Draper, Vicki Wine, William Napiwocki, Lanetta Warrenburg, Alice Mulberry, Marilyn Brusherd and Stephen Pilewski. Members present by proxy: Mary Lee Muniz, Jane Borelli, Rickie Crown, Anna Dybis, Thomas Sienkewicz, Mary Ann Beatty, Elisa Denja, and Lois Dion. With a quorum present (7 required) President Vicki Wine called the meeting to order at 8:50am. President Wine welcomed everyone and thanked them for their presence at this meeting. Secretary's Report: Stephen Pilewski reported that the minutes of the 2 previous meetings (Advisory Council on 10/7/05 and General Business on 10/8/05) held at the Loyola Academy in Wilmette were published both on the ICC website and in the January, 2006 issue of the Augur, pp. 5-10. Since there were no corrections to the minutes, Elizabeth Skoryi moved, seconded by Lanetta Warrenburg, to approve the minutes of the 2 previous meetings as published. The motion passed by acclamation. Treasurer's Report: Elizabeth Skoryi presented the ICC's financial report and listed the status of each account. Despite the success of the 2005 conference at Loyola Academy, the event did result in a loss of $497.09. Partially due to a postage rate increase on 1/8/06, the cost of mailing 131 copies of the January, 2006 Augur was $176.85, or $35.06 more than the September mailing. Discussion then ensued on line items in the report. Finally, Virginia Anderson moved, seconded by President Wine, to approve the Treasurer's report. The motion passed by acclamation. Membership Committee: Elizabeth Skoryi reported that the ICC had 140 members, of which 11 were institutions. A membership mailing was made in the fall at a cost of $74 with the hope of attracting new members to the ICC. Newsletter Editor's Report: President Wine thanked everyone for their timely submissions to the Augur. Marilyn Brusherd said that photos from the fall conference that were originally scheduled for the January issue may be published in the May issue. She then solicited the help of a reporter, who could assist the editor by gathering news items for the Augur. Interested members with a knack for news and a desire to help the editor should contact Marilyn or President Wine. President Wine stressed the importance of the Augur as a historical record, and the help of a reporter would be a nice addition to the Augur's staff. ICC Website: Marilyn Brusherd asked everyone to remember the ICC website and to direct critical information that cannot wait for the next issue of the Augur to the website. She will prominently display this reminder in the Augur. Illinois Latin Tournament: Jennifer Draper reported that 22 schools with 383 students registered for the 2006 competition. The State Finals will be held at Monmouth College on 4/29/06. Jennifer then remarked on the results of surveys taken for Latin II and III, which will result in a revision of the syllabi. Discussion ensued on the results of the surveys. Jennifer expressed her thoughts on forming an ILT board comprised of members from different geographical areas. Work will soon begin on revising the vocabulary portion of the Latin I syllabus. The idea would be for a planning committee to revise the syllabi every 5 years. Jennifer then said that she needed a test writer for the Latin I exams. March 6-11, 2006 will be the week for administration of the Qualifying exams. IJCLN: Jennifer Draper said that Feb. 23-25, 2006 are the dates for the IJCLN convention at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Tinley Park. Of the 440 registrants, 402 are students. At this convention Jennifer will turn over the reigns to Victoria Henderson, and Christopher Condrad will come on board as Victoria's co-chair. A new constitution was recently ratified, but some issues are still being discussed. IJCLS: Mary Lee Muniz's report was published in the Augur (Jan., 2006, pp. 23-25). The IJCLS convention was held on 11/19/05 at Collinsville High School and was hosted by Mary Lee Muniz. Illinois Certamen League: Elizabeth Skoryi and Lanetta Warrenburg reported on the upcoming regional competition to be held on 2/7/06. Lanetta added that Naperville Central will be joining Oak Park-River Forest and Stagg as schools new to the Certamen. Latin Teaching in Illinois: President Wine, reporting for Rickie Crown, said that the next Pedagogy Workshop would be held in July, 2007. ICTFL: Virginia Anderson reported that ICC's relationship with ICTFL was good and that the ICC's efforts with Latin certification has commanded ICTFL's respect because ICTFL marveled at the ICC, a small organization, challenging the State of Illinois. Virginia thought that ICC members should continue participating with ICTFL, and she was satisfied with ICC's relationship with ICTFL. President Wine concurred and called for more involvement with ICTFL. Virginia announced a call for papers for ICTFL's fall convention, which will be held at the Hickory Ridge Marriott in Lisle on Oct. 19-21, 2006. ICC information will appear in ICTFL's publication. Discussion ensued about the last joint meeting with ICTFL in 2001 in Itasca, with the main drawback being the high cost of attending ICTFL conventions. ACL: James Chochola announced that the annual ACL Institute would be held in Philadelphia, PA on Jun. 23-25, 2006. APA/AIA: No report was received. CAMWS: Adding to her report in the Augur (Jan., 2006, p.13), President Wine reminded everyone about the Caristia Grant, which makes funds available for end of term parties and prizes. Inquiries should be directed to President Wine. Teacher Exchange/Speakers' Bureau: President Wine called everyone's attention to this function, which Anna Dybis maintains on the ICC website. Awards Committee: After a discussion on a written proposal by Thomas Sienkewicz, President Wine, acting as proxy for Thomas Sienkewicz, moved 1) that anyone who has been an ICC member for at least 5 years prior to formal retirement from teaching, be recognized with a handsome certificate of gratitude at an appropriate ICC meeting; and 2) that the ICC establish a "Lifetime Achievement Award" to recognize those individuals who have made outstanding contribution to the ICC and to the promotion of the Classics in the State of Illinois over at least a 10 year period, and that these honorees receive engraved bowls. The motion was seconded by Alice Mulberry. Discussion ensued and noted that Thomas felt that for Lifetime Achievement honorees the details of qualification and eligibility would be determined by the Awards Committee and Thomas thought of using the ACL Meritus/Merita Award as a model. Thomas emphasized that Lifetime Achievement honorees would not have to be Latin teachers. The motion passed by acclamation. Immediately after the vote, another discussion arose on the need for establishing deadlines for meeting the award criteria. Finally, Lanetta Warrenburg moved, seconded by President Wine, that the Awards Committee establish a deadline for the Lifetime Achievement Award. The motion passed with 2 "nays" and 4 abstentions.. Harvard Commencement Speech in Latin: Discussion centered on the impressive speech of Caitlin Gillespie that was shown at the fall conference at Loyola Academy. Since the DVD can be produced for about $10 a copy, the consensus seemed that the ICC should not worry about fundraising possibilities at this point, but rather concentrate on the benefits of publicity. Making the DVD available at ACL and CAMWS would be a good start. Jennifer Draper thought that 25-30 schools would purchase the DVD. President Wine asked that interested members keep in touch with her. Initiatives: ListServe: James Chochola reported that the website has peaked at 48 participants. Jennifer Draper pointed out that the website was blocked by her school's filtering software, so she could only access it at home. She felt that such restrictions might limit participants. Others felt that members might not be familiar with ListServe and needed some introductory help. James agreed to give some thought on explaining how to use ListServe either on the ICC website or at a future conference. ICC Banner: Jennifer Draper said that the project was still in the works but that she needed help with it, especially the services of someone who was familiar with the necessary software and the experience of getting the ICC logo on the banner. A Vector file was needed for the printer (art shop). Anyone with expertise in this area should contact her. High School and Colleges: Jennifer Draper was still compiling the list of Illinois colleges and universities that offer Latin and Greek, and hoped that the project would be completed by the 2006 ICC conference. Teaching Vacancies: President Wine requested that known openings be forwarded to Thomas Sienkewicz or to her for publication on the ICC website and in the Augur. Marilyn Brusherd asked that someone should compile a list of tutors as well. NLTRW: The 2006 dates are Mar. 6-10. President Wine solicited write ups for favorite Latin teachers and that they be sent to her so that she could forward them to Marilyn Brusherd for the Augur. There was some discussion about a special edition of the Augur for National Latin Teacher Recruitment Week. William Napiwocki thought that the focus of recruitment should be at the college rather than at the high school level, whereas Jennifer Draper felt that recruitment at the high school level was also very appropriate. 2006 Conference: President Wine said that efforts were underway to secure a site. Alice Mulberry reported that initial attempts to meet with our Missouri brethren did not seem to progress very far. Attempts were made to investigate the possibility of meeting in the Bloomington-Normal area, but these were not successful. The latest effort was the Springfield area, and the response seems positive. The target is Columbus Day weekend. Discussion then ensued on the conference schedule. Stephen Pilewski recommended a restoration of the Second Business Meeting on Sunday for passing of the gavel, resolutions, and tying up loose ends from the First Business Meeting. There were comments on restoring the tradition of inviting the ILT winners and their parents to the Sunday brunch. The question arose if sufficient members would remain for the Second Business Meeting, but it was felt that proxies could be given to cover this event. 2007 Conference: The plan is to meet in the Chicago area, possibly at Loyola University. 2008 Conference: Iowa is being looked at, particularly the Quad Cities area. 2009 Conference: Victoria Henderson thought a possibility might be Lincoln Way H.S. in the New Lenox-Frankfort area. Memorator Invocatorque: William Napiwocki was pleased to report no news of illnesses or deaths. Other Business: Transitions: Recognizing the need to keep the ICC viable, the Council members discussed finding and securing suitable candidates for the different offices and committees. As she pointed out in the Augur (Jan., 2006, p. 1), President Wine welcomed inquiries and suggestions from the general membership. Virtual Latin: Virginia Anderson expressed her enjoyment in working with Lois Dion and Cornelia Bannister, but reported that the state has cut back funds for this project. The levels offered are Latin I and II, but there is still hope for Latin III to start up. Virginia said that she felt very positive about Virtual Latin, especially since it makes Latin available to students whose high schools do not offer it. There being no other business and having the necessity to conclude in time for the Chicago Classical Club luncheon at the Berghoff Restaurant, Jennifer Draper moved, seconded by Victoria Henderson, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed by acclamation, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:05am. Respectfully submitted, Stephen Pilewski Secretary |