Minutes of the Winter Meeting of the Illinois Classical
Conference Advisory Council held on Saturday, February 12, 2005, in the
Auditorium of Archbishop Quigley Preparatory Seminary, 103 E. Chestnut
St., Chicago, IL 60611. Members present: Virginia Anderson, Alice Mulberry, Elizabeth Skoryi, Marilyn Brusherd, Vicki Wine, William Napiwocki, James Chochola, Jennifer Draper, Lanetta Warrenburg, Lois Dion, Thomas Sienkewicz, and Stephen Pilewski. Members present by proxy: Mary Lee Muniz, Jane Borelli, Rickie Crown, and Anna Dybis. With a quorum present (8 required) President Vicki Wine called the meeting to order at 8:50am. President Wine thanked William Napiwocki for hosting the Advisory Council meeting and she thanked everyone for attending. Secretary's Report: Stephen Pilewski reported that the minutes of the 2 previous meetings (Advisory Council on 10/8/04 and General Business on 10/9/04) held at the University of Illinois in Urbana were published both on the ICC website and in the January, 2005 issue of the Augur, pp. 9-13. Since there were no corrections to the minutes, Elizabeth Skoryi moved, seconded by Virginia Anderson, to approve the minutes of the 2 previous meetings as published. The motion passed by acclamation. In order to ensure accuracy, Stephen then asked for a quick review of the ICC officer and Advisory Council listing as it appears on the ICC website and in the Augur. Corrections were noted and the revised list will be published accordingly. Treasurer's Report: Elizabeth Skoryi reviewed the Annual Treasurer's Report and the 2004-2005 Budget, which were mailed with the January, 2005 issue of the Augur to the membership. In addition, Elizabeth reviewed the revenue and expenses from the 2004 Fall Conference, and was happy to report a profit of $486.73. The issue of what to do with the $234.30 left over from the disbanded Societas Honoris Classica was discussed. Finally, Marilyn Brusherd moved, seconded by Lanetta Warrenburg, to move these funds ($234.30) to the Latin Enrichment Fund. The motion passed by acclamation. Elizabeth then raised the issue of declining membership and inquired if better incentives should be considered to attract new members. After some discussion, Lanetta Warrenburg moved, seconded by Elizabeth Skoryi, to allow first time, new members 50% off the regular membership fee, and then 50% off the conference registration fee, provided that the member attends the conference within 12 months of joining the ICC. These discounts would not be allowed to members who join the ICC, allow their memberships to lapse, and then rejoin with the expectation of receiving the discounts. The motion passed by acclamation. The amount to allocate to ICC's restored representative to APA/AIA was discussed next, and the consensus was $100.00. President Wine then called for a motion to approve the 2004-2005 Budget. James Chochola so moved, seconded by Lanetta Warrenburg, and the motion was passed by acclamation. Auditing Committee Report: None was received. Membership Committee: Elizabeth Skoryi was disappointed to report that about 35 members and 3 institutions failed to renew their memberships. Elizabeth will attempt to contact these former members as well as schools with Latin programs to let these schools know that the ICC exists. Elizabeth then asked that she be kept informed of any prospective members and institutions so that she might contact them. Newsletter Editor's Report: Marilyn Brusherd reported, as was noted in the Annual Treasurer's Report, that 137 copies of the January, 2005 Augur were mailed out with a paper/postage cost of $222.15. Marilyn solicited contributions to the Augur and asked that contributors keep mindful of the deadlines. ICC Website: President Wine called attention to the improvements that have been made, which should make the site more useful. She encouraged members to check the website periodically for the latest information on ICC events and activities. Responding to a suggestion about the website address, President Wine said that she will put the address in the Augur. Illinois Latin Tournament: Jennifer Draper detailed the results of a survey of the First Year Latin examinations with a view to start revising the ILT Syllabus. The results prompt updating the vocabulary to what is used in the current textbooks, changing references from “District” to “Qualifying,” resolving issues of grammar and syntax, and moving certain items from Qualifying to State tests. Jennifer will continue to address and revise issues, such as keeping the III Cicero and changing III Vergil to III Poetry. 23 schools are participating in the 2005 Tournament. The Qualifying exams run from 2/28/05 to 3/5/05. Rockford College will host the State exam on 4/29/05 Jennifer then said that the issue of IHSA rules and Tournament rules needed to be addressed. One thought was to change IHSA references to ICC. Lanetta Warrenburg, however, pointed out that the IHSA rules allow schools to fund registration and transportation expenses, and removal of IHSA rules could put school participation in jeopardy. Jennifer responded that she would like to re-establish the oversight committee for more guidance, rather than just relying on the surveys. IJCLN: Jennifer Draper was pleased to report that 15 schools and 2 at-large students are scheduled to attend the annual convention on Feb. 24-26, 2005 at the William Tell Holiday Inn in Countryside, IL. The fact that 385 students and 20 adults will attend is pressing the capacity of the hotel. A larger venue is needed but is difficult to find. Jennifer thought that more evenly dividing the number of schools between North and South might be an answer, but Thomas Sienkewicz added that ACL would like to see a statewide JCL rather than a divided one. Jennifer countered that a statewide JCL presents logistical problems, such as traveling long distances and the attitudes toward traveling those distances. One idea was to use highway US-136 as a dividing line between North and South, but Jennifer thought that more discussion was needed on different ideas as well as addressing the increasing costs of transportation. IJCLS: Mary Lee Muniz's report was published in the January, 2005 issue of the Augur, pp. 31-33. Illinois Certamen League: Lanetta Warrenburg reported that teachers are still being contacted and then a date will be decided. William Napiwocki pointed out that the readings are too difficult and lengthy, and he proposed eliminating them. Lanetta replied that the readings should have been shortened but they are still consonant with the national norms. Discussion ensued on readers using proper and consistent pronunciation, and the difficulty in controlling that aspect of the test. Thomas Sienkewicz proposed that this issue should be addressed at future ICC meetings. Latin Teaching in Illinois: Rickie Crown and Mary Ann Beatty's report appears in the January, 2005 issue of the Augur, pp. 25-26. Upcoming Events: James Chochola extended an invitation to teachers and their students to attend World Languages Day at Oak Park - River Forest H.S. on March 11, 2005, from 4:30pm to 7:00pm, and described the various activities that were planned. President Wine and Marilyn Brusherd both suggested that this annual event be announced in the Augur. ICTFL: Virginia Anderson's report was published in the January, 2005 issue of the Augur, p. 20. Virginia emphasized that ICTFL does want ICC's participation in its conferences and she asked that the ICC membership to take note of the upcoming meetings. Virginia will keep the membership apprised of upcoming meetings by announcing them in the Augur. ACTFL: Elisa Denja's report appeared in the January, 2005 issue of the Augur, p. 19. In connection with ACTFL's call for 2005 to be The Year of the Languages, President Wine handed out a draft for a proclamation by the ICC in support of ACTFL's declaration. After some discussion and revision, Jennifer Draper moved, seconded by Thomas Sienkewicz, to approve the proclamation as amended. The motion passed by acclamation. Having the proclamation embossed with the ICC seal was suggested, and, after some discussion, Thomas Sienkewicz moved, seconded by Lanetta Warrenburg, to have made and purchase an embosser with the seal of the ICC. The motion passed. Thomas will attend to this task and remit the bill to treasurer Elizabeth Skoryi. Initiatives: President Wine thanked James Chochola for setting up ListServe, however, several members commented that they had problems when applying to use it. James said that he would look into it. Jennifer Draper reported that she is still working on a banner, and she listed her efforts in surveying Illinois colleges and universities with Classics programs, the results of which she will eventually place on the ICC website and in the Augur. ACL: James Chochola reminded everyone that the dates for the annual ACL Institute appear in the January, 2005 issue of the Augur (p. 28), and that money is available from the ACL for first timers wishing to attend. APA/AIA: Thomas Sienkewicz had no news at the meeting, but said that a report will appear in the Augur. CAMWS: As she mentioned in the January, 2005 issue of the Augur, President Wine called attention to the annual convention dates of March 31 - April 2, 2005 in Madison, WI. She said that CAMWS would like Illinois members to renew their memberships because it noticed a drop in renewals in Illinois. Discussion brought a probable cause: graduate students signing up for CAMWS might renew from another state once they have relocated for a job, resulting in some Illinois memberships being distributed to other states. Liaison to Schools and Colleges: Thomas Sienkewicz reported that this activity appears on the ICC website and he solicited news and ideas from the membership. Awards Committee: The committee is soliciting nominations for the following awards: Calder, Matres, and Teacher of the Year. NLTRW: Thomas Sienkewicz reported that funds are available to host events at schools that promote National Latin Teacher Recruitment Week. Memorator Invocatorque: In addition to the deaths of Katherine Trezevant, Alice Stanton and John O'Keefe that were reported in the January, 2005 issue of the Augur (pp. 18-19), William Napiwocki added the name of Bob Edgeworth, formerly of Loyola University. Mr. Edgeworth passed away in the fall of 2004. Virtual Latin: With her enrollment now up to 27 students and growing, Lois Dion said that there is still a need for Latin teachers, who must become certified to teach online. Virginia Anderson and Elizabeth Skoryi will help with this endeavor, but Lois emphasized the need for more teachers. 2005 Conference: Alice Mulberry passed out a handout with the tentative program for the fall conference, Oct. 7-9, and she discussed the latest developments. Overnight accommodations are tentatively planned for the Doubletree Suites at a conference rate of $107/night, which was thought to be reasonable for the area. Jennifer Draper felt that perhaps lower rates might be obtainable elsewhere, and she would discuss this with Becky Wick. Latin Teacher Certification Committee: Thomas Sienkewicz reported on the issues that plague the test and the difficulty in passing it before student teaching begins. An animated discussion ensued on what stance the ICC should take, if a task force should be developed, should universities be involved, and should ICTFL be involved? Finally Alice Mulberry moved, seconded by Jennifer Draper, that the ICC express serious concern of the format of the current test and that the ICC lend its full support to the efforts of an ad hoc committee to getting the state test revised. The motion passed by acclamation. There being no other business and having the necessity to yield the area to the Chicago Classical Club for its luncheon, Jennifer Draper moved, seconded by James Chochola, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed by acclamation, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:30am. Respectfully submitted, Stephen Pilewski |