Minutes of the Advisory Council Meeting of the
Illinois Classical Conference held on Friday, Oct. 10, 2003, in Room 10 of
the Classics Building at the University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
Members present: Laurie Jolicoeur, Elizabeth Skoryi, Thomas Sienkewicz, Marilyn Brusherd, Alice Mulberry, Lois Dion, James Chochola, Lanetta Warrenburg, Elisa Denja, Virginia Anderson, Jennifer Draper, Stephen Pilewski, and Janie Zuber. The meeting was called to order by President Laurie Jolicoeur at 5:05pm. President Jolicoeur welcomed the members present and thanked them for their presence at this meeting. Secretary’s Report: Stephen Pilewski reported that the minutes of the Winter Meeting of the Advisory Council held on 2/1/03 were published in the May, 2003 issue of the Augur, pp. 7-9. Since there were no corrections to the minutes, Lois Dion moved, seconded by Elizabeth Skoryi, that the minutes of 2/1/03 be approved. The motion passed by acclamation. Local Committee Report: Alice Mulberry reported on the latest statistics of the 2003 conference: 37 registered with planned attendances of 60 at the Saturday luncheon, 23 at the banquet, and 18 at the Sunday brunch. President Jolicoeur thanked Alice, Janie Zuber, and all the members of the Local Committee for their hard work in making the 2003 conference a reality. Website/Augur: Discussion centered around a handout clarifying the most efficient use of the ICC website and the Augur. It was decided that the website be used for quick and time sensitive information, concentrating on Illinois activities, whereas the Augur would be used for state and national information. Privacy issues on the website were addressed, with the result that only titles, names and e-mail addresses would appear on the website, but full information would be given in the Augur. The website could prove valuable for special bulletins and announcements, and help promulgate the ICC conferences. Finally, it was decided that a webmaster was needed to manage the website. Lois Dion moved, seconded by James Chochola, to add the new position of Webmaster to the Advisory Council as part of the Special Committees. The motion passed by acclamation. President Jolicoeur then appointed Thomas Sienkewicz as the ICC’s first webmaster, and praised Thomas for all his work in setting up and maintaining ICC’s website at Monmouth College. Nominating Committee: Thomas Sienkewicz reported that Brian Lavelle has resigned as Vice President as of this meeting. To replace his unexpired term (2003-2004), Thomas nominated Vicki Wine who had agreed to accept the position. Auditing Committee: No report was received. Elizabeth Skoryi then pointed out that the CDs and New Trier accounts still needed to be transferred to her as Treasurer so that she could meet with the auditor. Treasurer’s Report: Elizabeth Skoryi reported on the ICC’s accounts as of 10/1/03:
Institution Amount American Metro - CD $5,993.84 (Calder Award) Edens Bank - CD 5,474.19 (Matres Award) New Trier Checking 1,037.70 New Trier Share 3,918.07 (Endowment) TCF Bank - CD 2,798.95 (Matres and Endowment) Old Second Bank of Aurora 16,796.70 (Includes IL Latin Tournament $2,746.13 Graces Award 100.00 Pedagogy Workshop Scholarship 100.00 Pedagogy 2003 income $3,533.00) Overall total $33,220.50 Elizabeth then presented the proposed 2003-2004 operating budget: Newsletter (Augur) $ 550 Editor 50 Membership 100 Secretary 50 ACL Representative 200 ICTFL Representative 100 CAMWS Representative 100 Nominating Committee 10 Retirement Awards 200 Local Chair 100 Conference Speakers 500 Teacher Award 100 Latin Status Committee 50 Presidential Expenses 50 Materials Exchange 50 Pedagogy Workshop 500 State Registration 5 Total $2,715 Because more time was needed than was allowed at this meeting for budget discussion, it was decided to postpone the approval process until the following day’s First General Business Meeting. Elizabeth then reported on the drop in ICC receipts ($1157.00 this year as opposed to $2,309.45 last year), and her concerns due to rising costs and the need to say within the budget. She then proposed raising the membership fees within reason as a means to cover this problem. President Jolicoeur suggested coupling an increase in membership fees with a reduced rate in registration fees for members attending the annual conference, similar to the method that the ACL uses. This idea garnered favorable comments. Elizabeth said that she wanted to see the more precise figures of the 2003 conference, but felt that a basic doubling of rates was needed. Discussion ensued on this proposal. Elizabeth then moved, seconded by Lanetta Warrenburg, to raise the dues effective for the 2004-2005 year (beginning 7/1/04) as follows: Class Old New Student/Retirees $ 3 $ 5 Regular 10 20 Subclasses of Regular Joint 15 30 Individual Life 150 300 Joint Life New: 450 Institutional 15 30 The motion passed. CAMWS: Thomas Sienkewicz was pleased to report that CAMWS will hold its centennial convention in St. Louis on Apr. 15-17, 2004, and that CAMWS and MOCA (Missouri Classical Association) are interested in a joint, co-sponsored meeting in St. Louis with the ICC. After some discussion, Thomas moved, seconded by Elizabeth Skoryi, that the ICC co-sponsor a reception with MOCA at CAMWS at a cost not to exceed $200, and that a time slot be reserved for an informal ICC meeting. The motion passed by acclamation. Pedagogy Workshop: The report from Rickie Crown and Mary Ann Beatty cited the 10th ICC/NLU Latin Pedagogy Workshop as being held at NLU’s Evanston campus on Jul. 7-10, 2003 with 6 presenters and 15 participants. Some of the items focused on were the many personalities of a teacher, innovative implementation of reading theory, and teaching Latin to students with special learning needs. The report also recommended that the Pedagogy Workshop be offered every other year rather than yearly, with the next workshop being held in July, 2005. ICC Conferences: President Jolicoeur then announced the future sites for the annual conference with the exact October dates not being known at this point: 2004: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2005: Loyola Academy in Wilmette (tentative). 2004 Conference Format: Using a handout to foment thought, President Jolicoeur solicited ideas and comments revolving around the perennial conference issues: 1) satisfying members who come to the conferences, and, 2) attracting those who do not. One idea that elicited discussion was a retreat format (having a keynote speaker, then breakout sessions, followed by re-convening with goals and directions). Marilyn Brusherd stressed that the conference should meet the needs of the people who do attend rather than try to please those who do not. Jennifer Draper responded that the ICC should consider the burden of the classroom obligations that weigh on the often lone Latin teacher, both novice and veteran, and the difficulties of attending the conference. President Jolicoeur said that she receives comments that the conference doesn’t meet the needs of those who would like to attend. When the discussion turned to problems that teachers faced, Alice Mulberry thought that teacher unions and the PTA should be the groups that deal with standardized tests and recertification issues, and not the ICC. Lanetta Warrenburg felt, however, that the ICC should address recertification issues and the No Child Left Behind Act. On a scheduling note, President Jolicoeur said that the Sunday portion of the conference could be omitted, but the activities for Friday and Saturday be retained. Illinois Latin Tournament: Jennifer Draper reported that 475 students from 28 schools participated in 2003: Latin I/Junior High 16 Latin I 165 Latin II 120 Latin III Cicero 70 Latin III Vergil 27 Latin IV 75 Latin V 3 Jennifer also reported a shortage of test writers and graders to such a degree that the burden on her will cause some tests to be eliminated. Thomas Sienkewicz suggested that graduate students, under direction of their professors and possibly for some credit, could write the exams. Jennifer said that there were no offers yet to host the state Latin Tournament held at the end of April. Thomas said that Monmouth College would be willing to host the state Tournament periodically, but not every year. Frequent complaints, Jennifer reported, were “too much military” at lower levels and that 3rd year exams do not fit the curricula, particularly III-Vergil, in which only 27 from 6 schools participated. In the discussion stage is III-Poetry to replace III-Vergil. Finally, Jennifer said that it is easier to get graders than writers, but she needs both. CPDU: President Jolicoeur announced that Monmouth College will grant CPDUs for the conference and Thomas Sienkewicz demonstrated the procedure. Appointments: President Jolicoeur announced that Thomas Sienkewicz will replace Charles Speck as Representative to ACL, and that James Chochola will replace Virginia Hellenga as Chair of the Resolutions Committee. Other Business: Thomas Sienkewicz spoke on the omission of ancient Greek in the Illinois State Board’s categories of certification and felt that the ICC should formally ask the State Board to include ancient Greek. He offered to help draft this request. After some discussion, Thomas moved, seconded by James Chochola, that the Advisory Council ask President Jolicoeur to write to the State Board asking that certification for ancient Greek be added. The motion passed by acclamation. There being no other business, Thomas Sienkewicz moved, seconded by Lois Dion, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed by acclamation, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:55pm. Respectfully submitted, Stephen Pilewski Secretary |