Minutes of the Winter Meeting of the ICC Advisory Council held on Saturday, February 1, 2003, in the loft of Griller’s Coffee House & Restaurant, 40 E. Pearson St., Chicago, IL 60611.


Members present:  Laurie Jolicoeur, Vicki Wine, Brian Lavelle, Elisa Denja, Elizabeth Skoryi, Marilyn Brusherd, Alice Mulberry, and Stephen Pilewski.


The meeting was called to order by President Laurie Jolicoeur at 9:30AM.


President Jolicoeur thanked the Council members for making the effort to attend this meeting and for all their efforts and service to the Illinois Classical Conference.


Secretary’s Report:  Acting on a suggestion made by Lois Dion, Stephen Pilewski had earlier e-mailed the minutes of the 3 previous meetings (Advisory Council on 10/18/02, First General Business on 10/19/02, and Second General Business on 10/20/02) held at Monmouth College to Advisory Council members, just in case the Winter issue of the Augur had not arrived by the time of this meeting.  Two corrections were received, both pertaining to the Advisory Council meeting of 10/18/02:

     a.  from Lanetta Warrenburg

         re:  Illinois Certamen League:  The number of schools participating should read as 30 and not 11 as stated, and,

     b.  from Marilyn Brusherd

         re:  2003 and 2004 Conferences:  The geographical breakdown of membership for Springfield and Central Illinois should read as 30 instead of 10.  Elizabeth Skoryi then moved, seconded by Laurie Jolicoeur, to accept the minutes of the 3 previous meetings with the corrections duly noted.  The motion passed by acclamation.


Treasurer’s Report:  Elizabeth Skoryi reported that the transition of accounts to her control was still in progress, but that bills could be sent to her for future payment.  Elizabeth addressed the need to consolidate the existing accounts so that administration of finances would be easier.  She then gave the status of ICC accounts as of 1/23/03:

                 Institution                           Amount

           American Metro  - Certificate             $ 5,653.84

           Edens Bank      - Certificate               5,390.40

           New Trier Check - Checking                  1,033.85

           New Trier       - Calder Endowment          3,881.83

           Old Second National Bank                   14,858.09

           TCF Bank        - Certificate               2,744.07

                                             Total   $33,562.08

Elizabeth reported that she received word from Thomas Sienkewicz that the Fall Conference came out $446 ahead of expenses.  Marilyn Brusherd added that the Book Exchange at the Fall Conference made $236 with the best sellers being books and the least popular being very old books, separate articles and handouts.  President Jolicoeur then repeated the call for a budget to be drawn up and be approved on an annual basis.  She noted that this omission caused the allotment for the Pedagogy Workshop to be overlooked.  Elisa Denja then moved, seconded by Elizabeth Skoryi, to authorize payments of $500 for the 2002 and $500 for the 2003 Pedagogy Workshops and to forward these payments to Rickie Crown.  The motion passed by acclamation.


Newsletter Editor’s Report:  Marilyn Brusherd reported that the Winter issue of the Augur was in process and that Jennifer Draper’s school agreed to do the duplicating.  The mailing, based on the labels, would amount to 141 individuals and 15 institutions.  Elizabeth Skoryi said that she would check to see if her former school would agree to do the duplicating again.  Discussion then ensued on the option of transmitting the Augur to interested members via e-mail.  Brian Lavelle felt that many members would prefer this option.  Stephen Pilewski thought that a check-off option should be provided on the annual membership dues form to allow members the choice.  Marilyn reminded the group of previous discussions on this very topic had resulted in keeping the paper format.  Brian Lavelle then moved, seconded by Alice Mulberry, to send the Augur to members electronically, except for institutions, unless the members indicate on their annual membership dues form that they wish the Augur to be sent to them via U.S. Mail.  The motion passed.


Auditing Committee Report:  President Jolicoeur announced that she recently appointed Anna Dybis as auditor with Elizabeth Skoryi as her mentor, and so no report was received yet.


Nominating Committee:  No report was received, but President Jolicoeur announced that she appointed James Chochola to the Resolutions Committee.


Illinois Latin Tournament:  Jennifer Draper’s report showed that as of 1/30/03, 25 schools with 461 students have registered for the Qualifying Examination, to be held the first week of March.  Students scoring 80% or higher will be invited to participate in the State Finals to be held on 4/26/03 at UIUC.  President Jolicoeur added that ILT finances will be administered by the ICC.


Awards Committee:  Elisa Denja reported on the honorees at the Fall Conference:  Lanetta Warrenburg as Teacher of the Year and retirees Frances Newman, Thomas Watkins and Rose Mary Zemaitis.  She solicited nominations for these awards and for the Lt. Governor’s Award for this year’s Fall Conference.  Elisa then asked for guidance on criteria and award amounts for the Three Graces Award, which honors long-time ILT administrators Henrietta Davis, Judith Streid and Kathleen Giamalva.  Elisa felt that the award should go to students seeking Latin certification, whereas Marilyn thought that an amount toward student teaching expenses should be considered.  After further discussion, it was decided that a good time to decide the issue would be during the committee meetings at the Fall Conference.  Finally, Elisa reported that she welcomes certamen questions for next year’s (2004) Spring Certamen (the 2003 Spring Certamen was canceled due to other commitments).


2002 Conference:  President Jolicoeur said that coverage will appear in the Winter issue of the Augur.


2003 Conference:  Alice Mulberry reported that the University of Chicago will host the Fall Conference from Friday, Oct. 10 to Sunday, Oct. 12.  Buildings have been chosen, but meals, costs and registration fees are still in the planning stages.  Traditions, such as the Friday evening joint meeting with the AIA, the Saturday luncheon with CCC, and the Sunday Latin Mass, will be kept, if possible.  Accommodations are being planned at the Quadrangle Club with prices ranging from $105 to $125 a night.  Nearby, lower cost, dormitory style housing is being looked into for $50 a night.  Further discussion ensued on meal planning and prices, building arrangements, book displays, amenities and housing options.  Brian Lavelle reported on the line-up for the program events and the progress of planning so far.  Discussion followed on the meeting times for the sessions.  Stephen Pilewski cautioned that care needs to be taken about the General Business Meeting.  Although only one (usually on Saturday) is required, a second General Business Meeting must be declared if business (e.g., motions made and voted on) is to be conducted on Sunday.  President Jolicoeur then thanked Alice and Brian for their hard work.


Membership Report:  Vicki Wine reported that Raymond Heisler has the latest figures but Marilyn’s count of the mailing labels earlier represented a fairly accurate picture of total membership.  Membership forms for prospective members are available on the ICC’s website.


Teacher Exchange:  Vicki Wine reported that as of last October, Anna Dybis has taken over this function and that Anna is collecting materials from the idea exchange at the Fall Conference.


Liaison of Schools and Colleges:  President Jolicoeur said that she and Thomas Sienkewicz are exploring the idea of finding a new person with fresh ideas for this position.


CAMWS:  Vicki Wine encouraged everyone to take note that CAMWS has substantial funds available for CPL requests by CAMWS members, and that teachers should consider applying for the CPL High School Promotional Activity Award.  CPL has proclaimed March 3-7 as National Latin Teacher Recruitment Week, and pedagogy panels are being planned at the April conference in Lexington, KY.  Further information is available from http://www.promotelatin.org/nltrw.htm.


IJCLN:  Virginia Anderson’s report showed that IJCLN now has 15 chapters, from which 319 student delegates, 31 teachers, and SCL students expect to attend the convention Feb. 27-Mar. 1 at the William Tell Holiday Inn in La Grange (Countryside), IL.  Featured speakers will be Joe O’Neill of UIC on the topic of Roman religion, Lois Dion on Roman cosmetics, and Wallace Ragan teaming with Tamara Bauer on tips for the National Latin Exam and Forum Romanum.  New this year will be AC/Rock, performing a few of their songs in Latin during the Roman banquet.  Next summer Michelle Wu of Barrington H.S. will chair the national convention in San Antonio, TX.


IJCLS:  No report was received.


ICTFL:  No report was received.


Latin Teaching in Illinois:  No report was received.


Illinois Certamen League:  President Jolicoeur pointed out that the Loyola University Spring Certamen is canceled for this year.


Classics Day:  No report was received.


Societas Honoris Classica:  No report was received.

ACL:  President Jolicoeur opened discussion on a possible replacement for long-time representative Charles Speck.  Stephen Pilewski suggested that no person be appointed permanently, but rather that the President could designate a member who was planning to attend the ACL meeting to be ICC’s representative.  Stephen, however, was not sure if ACL’s rules would allow for a variable representative.


APA/AIA:  President Jolicoeur said that she will look into appointing a representative.


ICC Website:  President Jolicoeur called attention to checking the website for the latest news and updates.


Visioning:  President Jolicoeur spearheaded discussion on this new topic.  She specifically sought help from Council members on what the ICC should value most, and asked for thoughts and ideas.  She delineated some needed functions:

     a.  Council members should record what they do so that they can pass on these instructions to successors,

     b.  past Council members should be mentors to their successors,

     c.  ICC should take advantage of the CAMWS initiative for National Latin Teacher Recruitment Week,

     d.  ICC and its activities should get noticed by the media more than it currently does.  Should the ICC have a Publicity Representative and would any ICC member be interested in performing this role?  Discussion then centered on the responses from participants in the Visioning session at the Fall Conference.  Marilyn Brusherd then moved, seconded by Alice Mulberry, to authorize President Jolicoeur to write a letter of support to Janice Siegel for her effort to restore certification for Latin teachers at Illinois State University.  The motion passed by acclamation.  Alice Mulberry concluded the discussion by pointing out the media’s interest in Certamen Day in the Hyde Park area.


Other Business:

Featured Speaker:  Brian Lavelle inquired if the ICC was willing to spend funds to help defray costs of having a featured speaker at the Fall Conference.  Stephen Pilewski recalled that this was done in the past from time to time, depending on what speaker was available at the time of the conference.  After some discussion, Alice Mulberry moved, seconded by Elisa Denja, to authorize Brian to spend up to $500 for a featured speaker at the Fall Conference.  The motion passed.


There being no other business, Alice Mulberry moved, seconded by Marilyn Brusherd, to adjourn the meeting.  The motion passed by acclamation, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:15AM.


                                               Respectfully submitted,



                                               Stephen Pilewski
