Minutes of the Advisory Council Meeting of the Illinois Classical
Conference held on Friday, Oct. 19, 2001, in the Prescott Room of the Wyndham Hotel, Itasca, Ill.
Members present: Jane Borelli, Virginia Anderson, Thomas Sienkewicz, Marilyn Brusherd, Stephen Pilewski, Lanetta Warrenburg, Alice Mulberry, Vicki Wine, Elisa Denja, Rickie Crown, Judith Hayes, LeaAnn Osburn, Mary Ann Beatty.
The meeting was called to order by President Jane Borelli at 4:30PM.
Secretarys Report: Stephen Pilewski reported that the minutes of the 4 previous meetings were approved earlier in the day at the General Business Meeting.
Treasurers Report: President Borelli read the treasurerΖs report from Raymond Heisler, the details of which appear in the minutes of the General Business Meeting held earlier in the day. Stephen Pilewski then apprised the members of the latest legal and financial paperwork:
a. The Annual Report for the Illinois Secretary of State was received from Registered Agent Lois Dion and was properly completed and signed. A check for the required fee ($5.00) was received from Raymond and this form and fee together with the list of directors (Advisory Council) would be forwarded to the Secretary of States office in time for the Nov. 1 deadline.
b. As part of the transition from former treasurer Donald Sprague to Raymond, a Corporate Authorization Resolution form from Old Second National Bank was signed by the secretary on July 3, 2001. This form together with the signature and ownership form authorized President Borelli, Raymond Heisler and Donald Sprague to sign checks for the ICC. The secretary assumed that the appearance of Donalds name as signer and the corporate address as Loyola Academy indicated that the transition process was continuing at that time. Thomas Sienkewicz recommended the need for the auditors report because of the transition.
Auditing Committee Report: No report was received from Edwin Ramos.
Newsletter Editors Report: Marilyn Brusherd said that about $836.00 is owed to Stagg H.S. JCL for payment for sending out the Augur. She then questioned the space limitations due to too many articles being sent to her for the Augur, and wondered if listing the source of the articles and websites would be sufficient. This led to a discussion of the ICCs website:
a. Thomas Sienkewicz suggested that the ICC website at Monmouth College link to ILT or IJCL, and to job openings. Thomas solicited ideas and suggestions for the website in order to better serve the Latin teachers of Illinois.
b. Rickie Crown suggested a conversation mode of the website for rapid exchange of information.
c. The option of receiving the Augur in electronic or paper form was discussed. Thomas felt that the electronic format was not as impressive to administrators as the printed form, especially when announcing the winners of the ILT or Teacher of the Year awards.
d. The issue of privacy was brought up, such as home addresses and telephone numbers appearing on the website (e.g., the list of the Advisory Council). Thomas said, however, that members could inform him if they desired that personal information be deleted. Finally, Thomas suggested that the ICC have its own website address instead of using Monmouth Colleges address. He estimated the cost to be around $150.00. Thomas moved, seconded by Marilyn, that the ICC create its own website address and that not more than $150.00 be appropriated for this venture. Lanetta Warrenburg said that such a site would be useful for high school students and Rickie thought the same for new members. Thomas felt that if the cost was more than $150.00, then he would bring this information to the Advisory Council before proceeding. The motion passed by acclamation.
Illinois Latin Tournament: No report had been received, however the members present thought that the District exam would be held on 3/9/02 and the State exam at Monmouth College on the last Saturday of April, 2002.
2002 Conference: Although the Advisory Council at its meeting on 2/3/01 accepted the offer from Monmouth College to host the 2002 convention on the traditional Columbus Day weekend, Thomas Sienkewicz reported that a problem arose with the meeting dates because they coincided with the colleges homecoming weekend. He suggested that the meeting dates be changed to the following weekend (Oct. 18-20, 2002). A discussion ensued:
a. Some members felt that not having the traditional Monday off would act as a deterrent to attending because of pressures at work and conflicts at home.
b. Other members felt that a Friday-Saturday conference would
1. induce attendees to leave for home after the Saturday luncheon, or
2. cause members not to attend if their only option was to attend Friday evening and part of Saturday.
c. Elisa Denja inquired about the weekend before Columbus Day weekend, and Thomas said he could look into it.
d. Lanetta Warrenburg asked about combining with ICTFL next year again. Rickie Crown said that obtaining CPDUs at ICTFL would be a benefit. Thomas thought that getting approval for the ICC to grant CPDUs at its own conventions should not be a problem.
Lanetta moved, seconded by LeaAnn Osburn, that the ICC combine with ICTFL next year instead of accepting Monmouth Colleges offer to host the convention. In the discussion on the motion:
a. Thomas felt that college professors would not be interested in attending ICTFL meetings. Some members however pointed out that they saw college professors in attendance at this years convention.
b. Other members questioned the higher conference fees and hotel rates that are typical at ICTFL conventions as contrasted with the lower fees and rates of the more economical ICC conventions. LeaAnn said that she would approach ICTFL about obtaining a reduction in rates if at all possible.
The motion passed with 10 aye and 2 nay votes. The latest information is that ICTFL will meet at the Renaissance Hotel, Springfield, Ill. on Oct. 18-20, 2002.
Membership Report/Teacher Exchange: Vicki Wine reported that the ICC has 142 members, down 1 from last year. Of the 142, there are 7 institutional members, 6 joint members and 16 life members. She also was happy to report that 7 new members joined this year (first time members can join at no cost). Vicki would appreciate learning about any prospective members. Thomas Sienkewicz suggested that only institutional members be allowed to list job openings on the ICC website. Although Vicki was not aware of any activity generated by the Speakers List, she did report receiving a few requests for the Teachers Exchange.
Representative to CAMWS Report: Vicki Wine wished to remind everyone about the scholarships for travel and study as well as the grants for special programs or promotional activities that are available from CAMWS. This years grants were awarded for hosting Legion XIV, the Chicago Olympics and for defraying the costs of Sherrilyn Martins research on counselors advising of Latin students. Questions should be directed to Vicki or Thomas Sienkewicz. Next years April conference will be in Austin, TX.
Pedagogy Workshop: Rickie Crown acknowledged receipt of a $500.00 grant from the ICC and was pleased to report that because a profit was made that $527.00 would be returned to the ICC. She then highlighted the upcoming program for the 2002 Latin Pedagogy Workshop (10th Anniversary) to be held July 10-13. Mary Ann Beatty reported that the turnout from Illinois has been less than expected and that she would like to see an increase in that number. She also solicited ideas from educators new to the profession and from educators in Illinois. Thomas Sienkewicz thought that the number of out-of-state attendees in the Workshop should be regarded as a success story, as well as the fact that the Workshop is operating at a profit. Thomas moved, seconded by Lanetta Warrenburg, that since $527.00 will be returned to the ICC, that 2 scholarships at $50.00 each be established for the Workshop with Rickie and Mary Ann deciding to whom the scholarships be given, provided that the recipients have been teaching not more than 5 years; and, in addition, that a $500.00 grant plus the 2 scholarships for $50.00 be granted to the Workshop for next year. The motion passed by acclamation.
IJCL: Lanetta Warrenburg was pleased to report an increase in the number of members.
AIA/APA: Thomas Sienkewicz saw a need for a representative to the APA/AIA.
Other Business: Marilyn Brusherd commented on the Bylaws that were published in the May and Sept., 2001 issues of the Augur. Members having ideas for revision should E-mail their comments to her.
There being no other business, Marilyn Brusherd moved, seconded by Vicki Wine, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 6:05PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephen Pilewski
This material was posted
on the web by Professor Thomas
J. Sienkewicz of Monmouth College.
If you have any questions, you can contact him at toms@monm.edu.