Selected Articles and Talks by Bernice L. Fox


Table of Contents




Literary Themes:


     The Comic Spirit in Latin Literature

     The Classics and Humor

     Greek Mythology and the Creative Arts

     Classical Mythology in Renaissance Painting and Sculpture

     Classical Mythology and European‑American Culture

     De Duobus Libellis

     Dear Ovid, My Problem Is...

     The Light Touch in the Aeneid

     The Aeneid and Roman Culture

     The Similes of the Iliad, the Odyssey and the Aeneid

     Latin and the Epigram

     Aetatis Nostrae Poeta Latinus

     Research at its Best

     Report of the SPQR Convention in 1978

     Donum Iovis

     Living Latin - 1985 Fox Classics Lecture

      The Spider Who Learned Latin / Handout

     The Spider Who Learned to Speak Latin




       A Word Is Born


Classics in the Curriculum:


     The Modern Connotation of "Latin Teacher"
     Basic Latin Vocabulary

     Keeping Latin in the College Curriculum

     Haud Morituri Te Salutamus

     In Defense of Preserving the Foreign Language Requirement

     The NEH Challenge Grant for a Chair of Classics

     A Message from the Dead ‑‑ Languages, That Is




     Two short talks on Women

     Three short Farewells