Department of Classics
Monmouth College
Some Commencement Photos:
Class of 2013
Photos of Commencement 2003:
Brown /
Photos of Commencement 2002: Larson
/ O'Neil ('01), Larson ('02)
('03) /
Professor Sienkewicz
Emily MacArthur MC'99
writes: It’s been ten years since I graduated from Monmouth.
I was an economics major, but I minored in Classics and I went on
the Classics trip to Turkey and Greece in May of
1999. While much of what I learned in my classes on ancient Greece has remained
vivid in my mind, my lessons in economics have long since faded from memory.
From time to time, I still sing Sappho’s poem about watching the path of the
Pleiades while waiting for her lover. And last week, I sat in my car long after
my lunch break was over to finish listening to a conversation on NPR with the
author of Black Athena. I could not care less about
Reaganomics! Back in my Monmouth days, I was hell-bent on majoring in something
my parents deemed practical, and that led me to 10 years of soul-crushing office
jobs. In my Classics classes, I learned to make
connections between different cultures and ideas. Psychology is a Greek word
after all, is it not? The themes we discussed in the Iliad and the
Odyssey are as meaningful today as they were in Homer’s time.
Duncan McPherson '98
Buzz Monkey Software (so many game companies have ridiculous names),
where he has been a lead game designer there, although the plan is to
elevate him to the role of producer for my next
project. He is working on a little in-house original
property at the moment as the ersatz sound designer and
composer... providing value where he can and all that..
He finished work as lead designer on Army of Two: The 40th Day
(PSP) this past November. Prior to that, he was the
lead designer on the Wii & PS2 versions of Tomb Raider: Underworld.
This webpage was prepared by Professor Thomas J.
Sienkewicz. If you have any questions, you can contact him at
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