Department of Classics
Monmouth College

Kasha Appleton '20
Logan Duvall '20
Katie Helme '20
Lauren Horner '20
Angelica Sartelle '20
Maddie Baker '19
John Cotter '19
Myles Olson '19
Mackenzie Davis '18
Daniel Hintzke '18
Quillie Jackson '18
Isaac Jacobs '18
Daniel T. Jones '18
Kayla Beadles '17
Amanda Bowman '17
Kathleen Brown '17
Gabrielle General '17
Nicholas Mainz '17
Rachel Masch '17
Ian Salveson '17
Emma Vanderpool '17
Tiffany Shaw '16
Donavon Brown-Staton '16
Rebecca M. Daleiden '16
Kyle Dickson '15
Rachel Laing '15
Timothy Morris '15
Carina Moschello '15
Ryan Suevel '15
Ariel Fornino '14
Sam Mackey '14
Melissa O'Shea '14
Kyle Warwick '14
Robert M. Cook, '13
Maria Gilbraith '13
Clark Hilliard '13
Patrick LeBlanc '13
Kimberly Newlan '13
David Nieman '13
James Rosse '13
Kimberly Short '13
Jahlel Watkins '13
Christopher Baldwin '12
Samantha Bundy '12
Anne Cave '12
Jacqueline A. Deskovich '12
Ian Smith '12
Ashley Streeter '12
Claire Winter '12
Patrick Blackwell '11
Derek Huff '11
Emerson Mueller '11
Phillip Pierce '11
Kristen Wyse '11
Dominic Siadak '11
Stephanie Steele '11
Jayme Ayers '10
Robert Grafsgaard '10
Joshua Gundlach '10
Sally Hayes '10
Melissa Krage '10
Annie Lane '10
Sean MacWilliams '10
Rachel Strezlecki '10  
Alexander Hannah '09
Lawrence Thomas '09
Micah Mahan '09
Matthew Montgomery '09
Ashley Tocha '09
Seth Leitner '08
Sarah Sherry '08
Edward Jensen '08
Donald Trinite '08
Andrew Viscariello '08
Lisa Adams '07
Ryan Bay '07
Savannah Dorsett '07
Richard Harrod '07
Brian Wilcoxon '07
Jason Rittenhouse '06
Alexis Oddson '06
Michael Fanucce '04
Mathew Underwood '04
Matt Katsenes '04
Sheena Glass '04
Erin Brown, '03
Heidi Carlson '03
Dawn McRoberts '03 (website)
Marty Pickens '03

John Larson '02  Shannon Odgen '02
Jennifer Mitten '02
Beth Liggett '02
Zina B. Lewis '01
Joseph R. O'Neill '01
Mark Angelcyk '00
Anna Dybis '99
Emily MacArthur '99
Elizabeth McGrew '98
Neil Dahlstrom '98
Duncan McPherson '97
yan D. Keilman '97
Allison Ritscher '94
Arthur Bernstein '93
Stacy Stoyanoff '91
Kimberly Haley '91
Sylvia Zethmayr Shults '90
Karen Swank '88
Kathy I. Willsea  1987
John R. Churchill             
Kimberley A. Haley
Marcene P. Farley 1984
Luella A Emmons 1982
Kathryn I. Berg  1981
Mark A. Nelson  1978
Ann Polillo   1977
Susan J. Gearhart 1976
Elizabeth L Ell 1973
Marsha K Jones 1972
Lea Ann (Smoley) Osburn 1972
Mary Ruth Ryder 1972
Deborah Calhoun1971
Kathryn L. Jenkins1971
Leeta L. Moline 1971
Catherine Trent 1970
Lynne M. Wait 1970
Jill L. Whiteside 1970
Barbara J. Allen 1969
Mary Lu Bretsch 1968
Marjorie A. Long 1968
udith C. Lilly 1967
Andrew J. Adams 1966
Judith A. Tucker 1965
Betty R. Whittaker 1964
Sandra Wolf  1964
Patricia A. Hook 1963
Elizabeth A. Patterson 1963
Barbara J. Bartlett  1961
Lynn A. Knox 1961
Joan Smith  1961
Phyllis A. Kettering  1958
Martha M. Porter 1957
Marlyn W. Rinehart 1957
Sarah Wraight Black 1956
Patricia J Friese  1955
James A Hands 1955
Roy Lindahl
Walter C. Scott   1950
Emily C. Johnston 1938
Louise C. Ruble 1937
Luella L. Kessener 1937
Nathalie Lytle Van Gundy 1934
M. Ellen Hanna 1932
Mildred L. Birdsell 1930
Elaine Bradford               
Susan Burke     
T. Faye Hamman            
Luella Kessener              
Jean M. Landeen           
Donna Marie Monteiro 

Some Commencement Photos:
Class of 2013
Photos of Commencement 2003: Brown / Pickens
Photos of Commencement 2002: Larson / O'Neil ('01), Larson ('02) Brown ('03) / Professor Sienkewicz

Emily MacArthur MC'99 writes: It’s been ten years since I graduated from Monmouth. I was an economics major, but I minored in Classics and I went on the Classics trip to Turkey and Greece in May of 1999.  While much of what I learned in my classes on ancient Greece has remained vivid in my mind, my lessons in economics have long since faded from memory.  From time to time, I still sing Sappho’s poem about watching the path of the Pleiades while waiting for her lover.  And last week, I sat in my car long after my lunch break was over to finish listening to a conversation on NPR with the author of Black Athena.  I could not care less about Reaganomics!  Back in my Monmouth days, I was hell-bent on majoring in something my parents deemed practical, and that led me to 10 years of soul-crushing office jobs.  In my Classics classes, I learned to make connections between different cultures and ideas.  Psychology is a Greek word after all, is it not?  The themes we discussed in the Iliad and the Odyssey are as meaningful today as they were in Homer’s time. 

Duncan McPherson '98 works at Buzz Monkey Software (so many game companies have ridiculous names), where he has been a lead game designer there, although the plan is to elevate him to the role of producer for my next project. He is working on a little in-house original property at the moment as the ersatz sound designer and composer... providing value where he can and all that.. He finished work as lead designer on Army of Two: The 40th Day (PSP) this past November. Prior to that, he was the lead designer on the Wii & PS2 versions of Tomb Raider: Underworld.

This webpage was prepared by Professor Thomas J. Sienkewicz. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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