The Monmouth College

Department of Classics


the Nineteenth Annual
Bernice L. Fox Classics Lecture

Education in Fourth-century Alexandria: 
Didymus the Blind’s Commentaries on the


Anne Browning Nelson

Visiting Assistant Professor
Assumption College

Monday, March 1, 2004|
7:30 P.M.
Highlander Room
The Stockdale Center
Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois

What was the system of higher education in the fourth century C.E.?  The documentary papyri that survived in Egypt’s arid climate have given us many examples of the works of literature studied in antiquity or even how students learned to read and write.  One trove of patristic writings provides a first-hand example of the way a Christian teacher interacted with his students.

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About the Fox Lecture Series


This material was placed on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz of Monmouth College, If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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