Forum Romanum #10
Panem et Circenses
- What is the quaestio hodierna about?
- What is the news of the day?
- Who is the emperor?
- Where is Julia Pauli? Why?
- What sort of spectacles does Julia mention?
- What feature of the amphitheatre especially illustrates the skill of
Roman architects?
- Who is the spectator whom Julia intereviews? What is his profession?
- Was he happy about being a spectator to this event?
- What does this person think about the building?
- What does he say the Roman people love more than liberty?
- What is the weather in Italy today?
- Did Serenus attend the games?
- What is the weather in Egypt?
- What Egyptian wonders does Serenus mention?
- Which wonder of the ancient world most reminds Serenus of the building
in Rome?
- What name do all the speakers give the Colosseum?
- What was the answer to the quaestio hodierna?
- What is the dictum hodierum?
- What does it mean in English?
- Find the following places on the map: Ephesus, Halicarnassus.
These questions for the National Latin Exam Forum
Romanum Series were prepared by Tom
Sienkewicz of Monmouth College. |