Forum Romanum #5
Caesar Caesus
- Who is the quaestio hodierna about?
- What is the big news of the day?
- Did Caesar try to fight his attackers?
- At the feet of whose statue does he die?
- To whom does Caesar speak as he dies?
- Whom does Favonius call Caesar’s best friend?
- Did Marcus Brutus consider Caesar a tyrant?
- Name one of the great deeds of Caesar mentioned by
Marcus Antonius.
- What did Marcus Antonius try to do to Caesar during the
- Serenus mentions today’s date? What is it in Latin?
- Describe the weather in Rome.
- What is the weather prediction for tomorrow?
- What is the weather in Gallia?
- What is the weather in Asia?
- What is the weather in Egypt?
- What is the answer to the quaestio hodierna?
- What is one of the two dicta hodierna?
- Map work: Gallia, Asia, Graecia, Aegyptus
These questions for the National Latin Exam Forum
Romanum Series were prepared by Tom
Sienkewicz of Monmouth College. |