Forum Romanum #4
Vesuvius Erupit!
- About whom is the quaestio hodierna?
- What news does Favonius say has just been received in
- Who is on the scene?
- What does she say is happening?
- What are the people doing?
- Is Julia Pauli in Pompeii?
- Whom does Julia Pauli interview?
- Where is his uncle?
- Did his uncle ask him to go with him?
- Why didn’t he go?
- Who does Julia think was afraid?
- About what time of day did Vesuvius start to erupt?
- How does the uncle travel closer?
- What is the weather in Rome today?
- Which god does Serenus say is angry with the Pompeians?
- What is the weather in Britain today?
- What is the weather in Spain?
- What is the Latin answer for the quaestio hodierna?
What does this mean in English?
- What is the dictum hodiernum? What does it mean
in English?
- Map work: Find the following places. Pompeii, Campania,
Mons Vesuvium.
These questions for the National Latin Exam Forum
Romanum Series were prepared by Tom
Sienkewicz of Monmouth College. |