Forum Romanum #3 Aedes Apollinis
- About what god does the quaestio hodierna ask?
- What is the main news story?
- What does Julia say about Apollo’s laurel?
- Whom does Favonius call a femina miserabilis?
- Whom does Julia interview?
- What does this person say when Julia asks
her if she loves Apollo?
- What does this person say when Julia asks her if she can predict the
- Who sits in a cave and chews laurel leaves?
- What happens when these leaves are chewed?
- In what language are the predictions made?
- What is the weather in Rome today?
- What is the weather in the rest of Italy?
- Where does the Sibyl live?
- What is the weather in the Aegean?
- Who were born on the island of Delos?
- What is the weather in Troy?
- Who does Serenus say lived in Troy?
- What is the Latin answer to the quaestio hodierna? What does it
mean in English?
- What is the dicta hodierna? What does it mean in English?
- Map work: Find the following places. Cumae, Troia, Delos, Delphi.
These questions for the National Latin Exam Forum
Romanum Series were prepared by Tom
Sienkewicz of Monmouth College. |