Forum Romanum #3 Aedes Apollinis

  1. About what god does the quaestio hodierna ask?
  2. What is the main news story?
  3. What does Julia say about Apollo’s laurel?
  4. Whom does Favonius call a femina miserabilis?
  5. Whom does Julia interview?
  6. What does this person say when Julia asks her if she loves Apollo?
  7. What does this person say when Julia asks her if she can predict the future?
  8. Who sits in a cave and chews laurel leaves?
  9. What happens when these leaves are chewed?
  10. In what language are the predictions made?
  11. What is the weather in Rome today?
  12. What is the weather in the rest of Italy?
  13. Where does the Sibyl live?
  14. What is the weather in the Aegean?
  15. Who were born on the island of Delos?
  16. What is the weather in Troy?
  17. Who does Serenus say lived in Troy?
  18. What is the Latin answer to the quaestio hodierna? What does it mean in English?
  19. What is the dicta hodierna? What does it mean in English?
  20. Map work: Find the following places. Cumae, Troia, Delos, Delphi.

These questions for the National Latin Exam Forum Romanum Series were prepared by Tom Sienkewicz of Monmouth College.