Homeric Hymn to Apollo
An Analysis
I. Apollo and Delos 1-178
A. Praise of Apollo and Leto 1-14
B. The Labor of Leto 15-96
C. The Coming of Eileithyia 97-114
D. The Birth of Apollo and Artemis 115-129
E. Praise of Apollo and of Delos 130-165
F. The Singer's Entreaty 166-178
II. Apollo and Delphi 179-546
A. The Journies of Apollo 179-243
B. Apollo and Telephousa 244-276
C. Apollo goes to Delphi and slays Typhaon 277-304
D. The Story of Typhon 305-374
E. Apollo and Telephousa again 375-387
F. Apollo chooses Cretan sailors as his priests at Delphi 388-543
G. Conclusion 545-546
This material has been placed on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz of Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois for the benefit of his students in ISSI402 Classical Mythology and Religion. If you have any questions, you can contact him at toms@monm.edu.