The following material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at


ISSI402 Classical Mythology and Religion

Part I Introduction to Myth and Religion

Jan. 20 Course Introductions; Cleanthes' "Hymn to Zeus" (hand-out), Homeric Hymn 23 (Zeus)

Assignment: Compare Cleanthes' hymn to one of the Psalms

22 Discussion of Issues and Ideas Rubric; Cleanthes' hymn

Assignment: Write a personal reflection on religion

27 Discussion of personal reflections; prefaces and introductions to Seltzer, Burkert, and Athanassakis

Part II Greek and Roman Religion

29 Seltzer 10; Burkert, 119-125

Feb. 3 Seltzer 11; Homeric Hymns 3, 21 (Apollo); Burkert 143-149

5 Seltzer 12; introduction to Ovid's Fasti; Homeric Hymns to Artemis 9, 27; Burkert 149-152

10 Fasti: January; Homeric Hymn 5, 6, 10 (Aphrodite); Burkert 152-156

12 Fasti: February; Homeric Hymn 4, 18 (Hermes); Burkert 156-159

17 Fasti: March; Homeric Hymn 2, 13 (Demeter); Burkert 159-161

19 Fasti: April; Homeric Hymn 1, 7, 26 (Dionysus); Burkert 161-167

24 Fasti: May; remaining Homeric Hymns to gods (8, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 31, 33); Burkert 136-139; 167-170 Book Review Due

26 Fasti: June remaining Homeric Hymns to goddesses (11, 12, 24, 28, 29, 30, 32); Burkert 139-143; 170-189

Mar. 3 Afterlife Mythology in Greece: Burkert: 190-215 Book Review Evaluation Due

5 Civic Religion: Burkert V

10 Religion and Philosophy: Burkert VII Mid-Course Evaluation Due


Part III Aegean Religions

Mar. 24 Seltzer 9

26 Burkert I

31 Burkert II

Part IV Greek Mystery Religions and Later Cults

Apr. 2 Mystery Religions: Burkert VI; Seltzer 15

4 Seltzer 13 and 14

7 Seltzer 16 and 17

Part V Religions of the Ancient Near East

9 Seltzer 1 Mesopotamia

14 Seltzer 2 Egypt

16 Seltzer 3 Goddess Worship

21 Seltzer 4 Hittites

23 Seltzer 5 Canaanites

28 Seltzer 6 Israelites

30 Seltzer 7 Iranians Individualized Project Due

May 5 Seltzer 8 Zoroastrians


11 Class Meeting 1:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M.

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