Reading Through the Millennia

Goals and Requirements:

Your final grade will be determined in the following way:

Oral Reports 30%
Written Statements 30%
Personal Webpage 10%
Web-Project 30%

Oral Reports
A brief (c.fifteen-minute) oral report will be given in every class by at least one student. The purpose of this report is to provide a wider context in which to discuss the class readings. Each oral report must be accompanied by a one-page handout which includes bibliographical references, important quotes, illustrations, etc. Topics for these oral reports will be generated by the class in an on-going fashion. Each students is expected to give at least THREE (3) oral reports to the class.

Written Statements 30%
Students will submit a 1000-word theme on each  major text in the course. In this precis the millennial issues raised in the text will be discussed and analyzed.

Personal Webpage 10%
Each student is expected to develop a personal website which will contain at least the following information: a.) a professional resume; b.) some personal information about family, interests, etc.; c.) links to all materials written for this course (in HTML format, not Word); d.) at least five different images; e.) at least ten different functional hyperlinks (including hyperlinks in all your coursework to the ISSI402 course syllabus page, i.e., http://www.tomsienkewicz.com/Courses/HONR210/Syllabus03.htm); f.) identifying descriptive tags and page names (not "new_page_1.htm") on every page as well as your name on all your own coursework. All of these personal websites will be linked to the website for this course. A sample website can be accessed here. Here are instructions for webpage design on the MC Computer Network.

Grading of the website:
1 point for a resume
1 point for providing some personal information
1 points for having at least five different images
1 point for the ten different hyperlinks 
2 points for links to all materials written for this course 
1 point for descriptive tags and appropriate page names
1 point for good spelling and grammar
2 points for general, outstanding webwork

This totals 10 points = 10% of final grade.

Web-based Project 30%
This semester-long web-based project is both an individual and group project. The goal is to create a web-site on millennial issues raised in this course. All students will be involved in the design of the overall website as well as individual pages on the site. All written statements on course texts will be posted on this website.  At the end of the semester the class will give a public presentation of this website to the college community. 

Website Design Teams:
Main Page: Jimmy Thomas, Tiff Dismuke and Christine Del Re
Vergil Page: Brittany Hasselberg, Wendy Thomas and Mike Fanucce
Dante Page: Mathew Underwood, Zach Muhrer
2001 Page: Sherri-Gae Scott, Mike Fanucce, Alexis Oddson and Ryan Shrodt

This webpage was prepared by Professor Thomas J. Sienkewicz. If you have any questions, you can contact him at toms@monm.edu.

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