CLAS230 Classical Mythology
Department of Classics
Monmouth College
Goals and Requirements:

Your final grade will be determined in the following way:

I. Quizzes and Papers 50%
II. Website Summary and Evaluation 10%
III. Individualized Project 25%
IV. Poster Presentation 15%

Quizzes and Papers
There will be no major exams in this course. Instead SIX (6)  quizzes, including Map/Geography Quizzes (You have to pass the map portion to pass the course) and three unit quizzes based upon material covered in class and in course readings. Types of questions may include multiple choice, true/false, fill-in the blank, and short essays. The map quiz can be retaken until passed, but the highest possible grade on a retake is 60.

Other quizzes, both announced and unannounced, may be given at the discretion of the instructor. No make-ups for quizzes will be given (except the map quiz), but at least one of these quiz grades will be dropped.

In addition to these quizzes there will be a number of short written assignments, the average of which will be equivalent to one quiz grade. One of these written assignments will be a mid-course evaluation.

All of this work will count 50% of the final grade.

II. Website Summary and Evaluation
Each student is required to find, describe, and evaluate a website which deals in a significant way with the use of classical mythology in ancient tragedy. Since no two students can evaluate the same websites, it is in everyone's best interest to do this assignment as early in the semester as possible. As soon as you have identified a site you want to evaluate, you should reserve it by sending an e-mail message to the instructor with the URL. The information on each website should include a title, author, and URL along with a 600-word description/evaluation which contains the following: 1.) a description of the overall website; 2.) an explanation of the specific mythological features of the site; 3.) some observation about the way(s) that the myth is used in the context of ancient tragedy; 4.) reference to any significant mythological pictures on the site; 5.) information on the author/designer of this website and this person's qualifications; 6.) your overall evaluation of the website and the reasons why you evaluated it in this manner. These evaluations will be posted on the course website for the benefit of the entire class and can be used for work on individualized projects. These evaluations count 10% of the final course grade. The evaluations of these websites must be received before spring break.
Note: Generally you should choose a website rather than a single webpage for review. For example, you would review as part of, not on its own.

III. Individualized Project

IV. Poster Presentation

This webpage was prepared by Professor Thomas J. Sienkewicz. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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