The following project is a requirement in CLAS230 Classical Mythology, taught at Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois, by Dr. Thomas J. Sienkewicz (

I. Weekly Statements

Every Monday morning each student will submit a personal statement on a class discussion, reading, film, convocation, or assigned reading. These statements are informal, short, non-research essays on discussion topics. They are not just summaries of activities. They should go beyond mere recording of events to include personal analysis and commentary. Emphasis will be on (1) integration of the student's own ideas and thoughts with the subject matter of the course and on (2) coherent and logical expression of these ideas. c.500 words in length. In these statements you will briefly summarize the main points, offer your own opinion and thoughts about the topics raised, and support your statement with specific data. At least TEN (10) of these weekly statements will be assigned during the semester. These statements will be graded on a three-point scale. Submission of the work on time earns the student one point. Additional points will be earned for following content and stylistic requirements and for personal analysis and commentary. The average of these weekly statements will be 15% of your final grade.