CLAS/HIST240 Ancient Societies: The Family Some Readings on the Modern Family in the Popular Press Beathard, Ron. "Over 40 and unmarried." Newsweek June, 3, 1996. Bennett, William. "Leave Marriage Alone." Newsweek
June 3, 1996. Pg. 27 Coontz, Stephanie. "'The Family' has many definitions." Christian Science Monitor February 27, 1989. Pg. 18. Gardner, Marilyn. "Japanese give new meaning to the term 'supermom.'" Christian Science Monitor February 9, 1987. Johnson, Steve. "What's love got to do with it?" The Chicago Tribune. December 4, 1990. Features. Pp. 1 and 8. Krauthammer, Charles. "When John and Jim Say, 'I Do.'" Time July 22, 1996. Pg. 102. Lobsenz, Norman. "Should a Wife Keep Her Name?" Parade Magazine December 7. 1986. Pg. 8. Ritter, Bruce. "Christmas and Today's Family." Woman's Day December 23, 1986. Pg. 33. Samuelson, Robert J. "Why Men Need Family Values." Newsweek April 8, 1996. Pg. 43. Sly, Liz. "Once wealthy farmer battles poverty." The Chicago Tribune. January 30, 1996. Pp. 1 and 8. Sullivan, Andrew. "Let Gays Marry." Newsweek June, 3, 1996. Pg. 26. Troxler, G. William. "The Search for Marianne." Newsweek
May 27, 1996. Pg. 16. |