Chapter 4
Coinage and Commerce


1.       What formed the basis of the earliest Roman coinage? What problems surround this type of coinage?

2.       How was the Greek coinage found in southern Italy different from this early Roman coinage?

3.       How did the Romans adapt their coinage to that of the Greeks in southern Italy?

4.       What are the names of the different values of Roman coins? Which one of these was used to indicate prices, income and wealth?

5.       What two types of transactions were keys to the development and use of coined money? WhWy?

6.       Describe the Hoxne coin hoard. Why do you think it is important?

7.       What was the relationship between Roman forts and the development of commerce in conquered territories?

8.       What are amphora and why are they important?

9.       Why was marble one of the major commodities imported to Rome and other major cities? What do sacrophagoi tell us about this trade?

10.   What was the importance of government contracts to Roman commerce?

11.   Describe the port of Ostia.

12.   Describe the Markets of Trajan’s Forum in Rome.

13.   Describe some of the tools used by Roman farmers.

14.   What do the reliefs on pp. 78-79 tell us about rural commerce in the Roman empire?

15.   What types of tools did Romans use for commercial measurements?

16.   To what extent is the evidence of Roman commerce outside the boundaries of the Roman empire?