Aryan model:
Greek culture as essentially European or Aryan
Greek culture as result of invasion from the north which had overwhelmed the local 'Aegean' or 'Pre-hellenic' culture
Greek culture as the result of a mixture of the IE-speaking Hellenes and their indigenous subjects
Greeks as source of European philosophy and culture
Ancient model:
Greek culture as essentially Levantine
Greek culture as result of colonization, c. 1500 BC by Egyptians and Phoenicians who had civilized the native inhabitants
Revised Ancient Model:
reality of Egyptian and Phoenician colonization of Greece
but beginning not c. 1500 BC but earlier in first half of 2nd millenium
Greek civilization as result of cultural mixtures resulting from these colonizations and from later borrowings from across the Eastern Mediterranean
but also accepts invasions from the north by IE-speakers in 4th or 3rd millenium
and dates wave of colonization not at 1500 BC but c. 1720 BC