This material was placed on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students in CLAS224 Word Elements at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois. If you have any questions about this material, you may contact him at



-ity (-ety, -ty) quality of, state of
-(i)tude quality of, state of
-acy quality or state of being or having
-ate possessing, being, office of, holder of the office of
-(i)mony quality of, state of
-acity quality of being inclined to
-y quality of, a state of, act of, result of
-ion act of, state of, result of
-ment result of, means of, act of, state of
-men result of, means of, act of, state of
-cule (-cle) little
-el little
-ole, -ule, (-le) little
-ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency quality of -ing; state of -ing
-or (-our) result of, state of
-ary (-arium) place for
-ory (-orium) place for, serving for
-ure act of, result of
-(u)lence, -(o)lence state of or quality of being full of
-or one who does, that which does
-rix she who does

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