CLAS224 Word Elements
Department of Classics
Monmouth College


Dictionary Survey and Comparison

The goal of this project is to review and compare three specialized dictionaries in the Hewes Library collection. This assignment is a step in the development of a final etymology project for this course.  Note: Maximum points for each part of analysis appear in parentheses.




a.)    all bibliographic information about each dictionary provided (.5)

b.)    standard bibliographic format used (.5)

c.)    100-word description of the main features of each dictionary (3)

d.)    a description of one sample entry from each dictionary (1)

e.) a comparison and contast of these three entries (.5)

e.)    100-word overall comparison of the three dictionaries (1)

f.)     50-100 word statement about how you could use these dictionaries in your etymology project (1)

g.)    photocopies of the title page, copyright page, table of contents, and sample entry for each dictionary (1)

h.)    spelling and grammar (1)

i.)      overall appearance (.5)



TOTAL (out of 10)