Aeschylus' Eumenides
Prologue (1-139)
Monologue by Pythia (1-63)
Dialogue between Apollo and Orestes (64-93)
Dialogue between Clytemnestra's ghost and chorus (94-139)
Parodos (140-178)
1st Episode (179-305)
Dialogue between Apollo and chorus (179-234)
Prayer by Orestes (235-244) Note change of scene from Delphi to Athens.
Monologue by chorus (245-275)
Prayer by Orestes (276-293)
Chorus' reply (294-306)
1st Choral Ode (306-396)
2nd Episode (397-489)
Dialogue between Athena and chorus (397-435)
Dialogue between Athena and Orestes (436-489)
2nd Choral Ode (490-565)
3rd Episode "Trial Scene" (566-777)
Speech by Athena (566-573)
Dialogue between chorus Apollo and Athena (574-584)
Dialogue between Chorus and Orestes (585-613)
Dialogue between Apollo, chorus and Athena (614-680)
Speech by Athena (681-710)
Dialogue between Apollo and chorus (711-733)
Dialogue between Athena, Orestes, Apollo and chorus (734-753)
Speech by Orestes (754-777)
3rd Choral Ode (778-793; 808-823; 837-847; 870-880)
Athena speaks to chorus between each stanza (794-807; 824-836; 848-869)
4th Episode (881-915)
Dialogue between Athena and chorus
4th Choral Ode (916-926; 938-948; 956-967; 976-987; 996-1002; 1014-1022)
Athena speaks to chorus between each stanza (927-937; 949-955; 968-975; 988-995;1003-1013)
Exodos (1021-1047)
Speech by Athena (1021-1031)
Exit song by chorus of Athenian women (1032-1047)