This material has been used for many years by Professor Tom Sienkewicz in his courses at Howard University and
at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois. If you have any questions, you may contact him at
This analysis is based upon A Study of the "Iliad" in Translation by Frank Lowry Clark. (Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press, 1927).
Part I. The Aristeia of Diomedes, 1-453
I. Diomedes is given strength and courage by Athena, 1-8
II. Fortunes of various heroes in the battle, 9-83
a) Phegeus slain by Diomedes, while his brother Idaeus is rescued by Hephaestus, 9-26
b)Athena leads Ares off the field, 27-36
c)Agamemnon slays Hodius, 37-42
d) Idomeneus slays Phaestus, 43-48
e) Menelaus slays Scamandrius, who had been trained by Artemis, 49-58
f) Meriones slays Phereclus, 59-68
g) Meges slays Pedaeus, 69-75
h) Eurphlus slays Hypsenor, 76-83
III. The aristeia of Diomedes cont., 84-453
a) Diomedrd wounded by Pandarus, 84-132
b) Diomedrd slays various Trojan heroes, among them the sons of the aged Phaenops, 133-65
c) the Aeneas episode, 166-453, including:
1) Conversation between Aeneas and Pandarus, 166-238
2) Combat of Aeneas with Diomedes, 239-310
3) Rescue of Aeneas by Aphrodite, 311-430
4) The advance of Diomedes checked by Apollo, 431-53
Part II. The Rally of the Trojans and the Aristeia of Sarpedon 454-710
I. Ares and Apollo rally the Trojans, 454-70
II. Sarpedon rouses Hector, 471-518
III. The Greeks rally to the attack, 519-89
IV. The Greeks give back before Hector, who is accompanied by Ares, 590-626
V. Tlepolemus of Rhodes is slain by Sarpedon, 627-98
VI. The Greeks retire slowly before Hector and Ares, 699-710
Part III. Hera and Athena come to the rescue of the Greeks, Diomedes wounds Ares by the help of Athena, 711-909 (end)
I. Hera and Athena go to the help of the Greeks, 711-79
II. With the aid of Athena Diomedes wounds Ares, 780-909 (end)
Note scene on Mt. Olympus where Zeus rebukes Ares.