This material has been used for many years by Professor Tom Sienkewicz in his courses at Howard University and
at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois. If you have any questions, you may contact him at
This analysis is based upon A Study of the "Iliad" in Translation by Frank Lowry Clark. (Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press, 1927).
Part I. The Funeral of Patroclus, 1-257a
I. Achilles and Myrmidons mourn for Patroclus, 1-23
II. The funeral feast, 24-56
III. The spirit of Patroclus appears to Achilles, 57-107
IV. The Greeks gather wood for the funeral pyre, 108-28a
V. The funeral procession, 128b-37
VI. Lamentations for Patroclus, 138-53
VII. Agamemnon dismisses the host; the chiefs remain, 154-60
VIII. The funeral pyre and the slain victims, 161-83
IX. Aphrodite and Apollo miraculously preserve the body of Patroclus, 184-91
X. Achilles prays to the winds, who are summoned by Iris, and the pyre is consumed, 192-225
XI. The Greeks gather up the ashes of Patroclus and raise a mound, 226-57a
Part II. The funeral games in honor of Patroclus, 257b-897
I. The chariot race, 257b-650
a) The prizes offered, and Achilles' opening speech, 257b-86
b) The contestants, 287-304a
c) Advice of Nestor to his son Antilochus, 304b-48
d) The casting of lots; Phoenix as umpire, 349-61
e) The start, 362-72
f) The home stretch, 373-416
g) Antilochus by a trick passes Menelaus, 417-47
h) The spectators watch the race; a quarrel between Idomeneus and Ajax is stopped by Achilles, 448-98
i) The finish, 499-533
j) Achilles proposes to give the unfortunate Eumelus second prize; Antilochus objects, and an additional prize is provided, 534-66
k) Menelaus upbraids Antilochus, who surrenders his prize and then receives it back again, 566-614
l) Meriones receives fourth prize, and Achilles gives the fifth (uncontested) to Nestor, 614-50
II. The boxing match, 651-99
III. The wrestling bout, 700-739
IV. The foot race, 740-97
V. The mock duel, 798-825
VI. Throwing a mass of iron, 826-49
VII. The contest in archery, 850-83
VIII. Throwing the javelin, 884-97 (end)