This material has been used for many years by Professor Tom Sienkewicz in his courses at Howard University and
at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois. If you have any questions, you may contact him at
This analysis is based upon A Study of the "Iliad" in Translation by Frank Lowry Clark. (Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press, 1927).
THE HEKTOROS ANAIRESIS Cont. (Book xxi.526-xxii)
I. Hector left alone without the walls, 1-89
a) As the Trojans enter the gates, Apollo undeceives Achilles, who reproves him and turns toward Troy, xxii. 1-24
b) Priam appeals to Hector to come within the walls, 25-76
c) Hecuba makes a passionate appeal to Hector, but in vain, 77-89
II. Meeting between Hector and Achilles ending in the death of Hector, 90-394
a) Hector awaits Achilles, 90-98
b) Reflections of Hector as he awaits Achilles, 99-130
c) Achilles pursues Hector about the walls of Troy, 131-66
d) Zeus weighs the fates of the two combatants, and Athena intervenes on the side of Achilles, 167-246
e) Hector, encouraged by Athena in the guise of Deiphobus halts and confronts Achilles, 247-72
f) The conflict begins, 273-96
g) Hector, tricked by Athena, continues the conflict with desperation till he is mortally wounded by Achilles, 297-330
h) The parley between Hector and Achilles, 331-54
i) Hector's prophecy and his death, 355-66
j) The Greeks exult over the death of Hector and sing a paean, but Achilles cannot forget the unburied Patroclus, 367-94
III. Sequel to the death of Hector, 395-515 (end)
a) Achilles drags the body of Hector about the walls
b) Lamentations of Hecuba and Priam, 405-36
c) Andromache, hearing their cries, rushes distractedly to the battlements, 437-76
d) Lament of Andromache, 477-515 (end)