This material has been used for many years by Professor Tom Sienkewicz in his courses at Howard University and
at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois. If you have any questions, you may contact him at
This analysis is based upon A Study of the "Iliad" in Translation by Frank Lowry Clark. (Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press, 1927).
I. The exploits (Aristeia) of Menelaus, 1-261
a) Menelaus, defending the body of Patroclus, combats with and slays Euphorbus, 1-69
b) Apollo rouses Hector; Menelaus calls Ajax to his help; Glaucus upbraids Hector, who puts on the armor of Achilles, 70-197
c) Zeus fortells the appraoching death of Hector, 198-208
d) Hector rouses the Trojan allies, 209-36
e) Menelaus exhorts the Greeks, 237-61
II. Combat over the body of Patroclus, 262-399
a) Ajax as champion on the Greek side, 262-87
b) The Trojan Hippothous tries to drag away the body but it is killed by Ajax, 288-303
c) Hector leads on the Trojans, but retires before Ajax, 304-18
d) Apollo rouses Aeneas to help the Trojans, while Ajax still rallies the Greeks, 319-65
e) The right grows fiercer, 366-99
III. Achilles is still in ignorance of the death of Patroclus, 400-11
IV. Continuation of the battle, 412-23
V. The exploits (Aristeia) of Automedon, 424-542
VI. The exploits of Menelaus (continued), 543-761
a) Athena, concealed in an iridescent cloud, rouses Menelaus, 543-81
b) Apollo rouses Hector, 582-92
c) Zeus shakes the aegis from Mount Ida, frightening the Greeks, 593-96
d) Hector drives Idomeneus form the field, 597-625
e) The prayer of Ajax for light, 626-50
f) Ajax moves Menelaus to send Antilochus with a message to Achilles, 625-711
g) Menelaus and Ajax bear the body of Patroclus, stripped of its armor, off the field, 712-61
Note: The Patrokleia continues through XVIII.34